Pennsylvania Supplement To

Pennsylvania Supplement To

Pennsylvania Supplement to

Conservation Enhancement Activity


Create patch openings to enhance wildlife food sources and availability

Additional Criteria for PA

A Forest Management Plan (FMP) must be developed or already in place and approved by a qualified forester in order for this enhancement to apply. This plan must outline the prescribed management activities to be implemented on the enrolled CSP area. Coordinate with a professional forester as needed to identify what additional actions must be taken for this enhancement to address the noted resource concern and meet the requirements of the enhancement.

Slash and debris will be left scattered onsite within the treatment areas for regeneration protection and soil enhancement when slash and debris are generated due to treatment activities. Windrowing and chipping will not be utilized as slash treatment methods. Chipping will only be acceptable within the quarantine area for the Spotted Lanternfly.

Slash and debris will include all tree-tops and branches smaller than 4 inches in diameter. Stemwood greater than 4 inches in diameter may be removed from the site for timber or firewood uses.

Forested project area acres for patch openings must contain adequate advanced regeneration of at least 3of the following tree species:

Acer saccharum / sugar maple
Acer negundo / boxelder
Acer nigrum / black maple
Acer rubrum / red maple
Acer saccharinum / silver maple
Carya alba / mockernut hickory
Caryacordiformis / bitternut hickory
Caryaglabra / pignut hickory
Caryalaciniosa / shellbark hickory
Carya ovate / shagbark hickory
Castanea dentata / American chestnut
Juglans cinerea / butternut
Juglans nigra / black walnut
Nyssa sylvatica / blackgum
Pinus rigida / pitch pine
Pinus strobus / white pine
Populusgrandidentata / bigtooth aspen
Populustremuloides / quaking aspen
Prunus pensylvanica / pin cherry
Prunus serotina / black cherry
Prunus virginiana / choke cherry
Quercus alba / white oak
Quercus imbricaria / shingle oak
Quercus bicolor / swamp white oak
Quercus stellata / post oak
Quercus meuhlenbergii / chinquapin oak
Quercus prinus / chestnut oak
Quercus shumardii / Shumard oak
Quercus macrocarpa / bur oak
Quercus rubra / Northern red oak
Quercus velutina / black oak

Additional Documentation Requirements for PA

Participant will:

Provide to NRCS a current or updated Forest Management Plan that includes activities required to implement the enhancement. An addeddum to a current Forest Management plan will suffice as an FMP update as long as the addendum includes activities required to implement the enhancement.

Understand that a new Forest Management Plan or update to a current Forest Management Plan must be approved by a NRCS prior to implementing the enhancement activities.

Provide NRCS with a Forest Stand Analysis for all planned forest management overstory manipulation activities necessary to implement the enhancement. The forest stand analysis will include quantitative plot-based data collected for the stands receiving the enhancement and must provide stocking/stand tables. Forest Stand Analyses completed through any of the following formats are acceptable forms of stand analysis: SILVAH, SILVOH, PSU Oak Regeneration Assessment, CruiseTALI, NED/SIPS, TWO DOG, or Forest Metrix.

NRCS will:

Coordinate with the local PA DCNR Service Forester to review and approve any current or updated Forest Management Plan that includes activities required to implement the enhancement.

PA - E666136Z3 Create patch openings to enhance wildlife food sources and availability. / February 2018 Page 1 of 3