Liberty High School

Health Education

Instructor: Mrs. Nicole Bell


Health Web Page: Located on LHS website

Course Objectives:

·  The student will demonstrate their comprehension of health through the completion of in-class assignments, written journals, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests.

·  The student will be able to identify the importance of being health literate, demonstrating higher thinking and problem solving skills when confronted with health problems and issues.

·  The student will be able to present examples that support a healthy lifestyle, displaying that competence to use basic health information in health enhancing ways now and in the future.

Course Content:

1.  Mental and Emotional Well-Being

2.  Nutrition and Physical Fitness

3.  Substance Use and Abuse

4.  Family Life & Reproductive Health

5.  Diseases and Disorders


Glencoe/McGraw-Hill (2009) Glencoe Health. (MUST check a copy out from the textbook room & bring it to every class everyday-random book checks worth 5 points!)

Evaluation & Grading Policy:

I evaluate all class work, homework, projects-both in/out of class, quizzes/tests, note checks & others (class participation, presentations, etc.) to determine student’s final grade.

Each student should put forth their best effort and be concerned about their grade from the first day of class. GRADES ARE EARNED, NOT GIVEN! Late work is accepted but it is only worth half of the points that you have earned on that assignment.

Grades are determined by the following percentage: 90%- A, 80%- B, 70%- C, 60%- D, below 60%- F. Grades round to nearest ½ percent. MAKE SURE YOUR GRADE IS WHERE YOU WANT IT BEFORE THE QUARTER/SEMESTER IS COMPLETE!!! Keep all work until the conclusion of the semester. Grades are weighted as follows: 35% assessments, 25% homework/class work, 20% projects, 20% professional participation (attendance, class participation, warm ups, book and note checks).

Parents & Students: Please check the “Aeries Parent Portal” (a website that allows parents to view attendance, grades, and assignments) on a regular basis to keep track of your child’s progress through out the semester. Aeries Parent Portal is located on the school’s website at It is recommended that students sign up for their classes Remind 101 to stay up to date on upcoming assignments, projects, and tests.

Supplies: Students must furnish their own supplies (Bring your notebook, calendar, & Health book to every class (unless otherwise specified!!)

3 ring binder (or spiral notebook) with binder paper & room to add worksheets that are handed out during the course of this class, & writing utensil.


1.  Any homework that is turned in after I have collected it at the start of class will be marked late & will only be worth half the credit you earned.

2.  NO foul language, inappropriate remarks or comments will be used in the classroom at any time!

3.  NO electronic devices. Ear buds, headphones, etc. must be put away and not be made visible upon entry into and while in the classroom.

4.  The school attendance/discipline policy will be followed.

5.  If caught copying or cheating, you will receive an F on the assignment(s) with NO opportunity for make-up & parent/guardian will be notified! THEREFORE, DO YOUR OWN WORK.

6.  Respect school & personal property and be courteous, respectful &considerate to others.


1.  Come to class prepared with materials ready to work every time. Stay focused& on task at all times.

2.  Make up all missing work, tests, & quizzes by assigned make- up date.

3.  Be responsible for your own actions & be aware of the consequences of those actions.

4.  Take care of all personal items BEFORE coming to class; if you must leave during class time, be prepared to use one of your two quarterly out the door passes.

5.  It is your responsibility to find out what you missed & get the notes for that day if absent. Check teacher website and ask classmates.

6.  If you have a question; ask! Communication is key!

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