First Baptist Church of Union City, TN
2010-2012 Ministry Teams/Committees
(names in bold with asterisks are the new members coming on)
Revision 8/9/2010
Benevolence Ministry
2010Bob Chambers
2010Jody Kizer - Chair
2011Betty Carpenter
2011 Charlotte Russell
2012Ann Wohlfarth *
2012Kim Bradberry *
Care Ministry
2010Billie Ragsdale - Chair
2010Sue Reid
2010 Helen Francis
2011 Jo Glasgow
2011Elaine Burden
2012Mary Ann Douglas *
2012Phyllis Reese *
Children’s Ministry
2010Jennifer Powers
2010Josie Bowlin – Chair
2011Angela Davis
2011Mitzi Mobbs
2012Hope Ross
2012Kim Fowlkes
Committee on Committees
2010Camille Mobbs - Chair
2010Terry Petty
2011 Jim Bondurant
2011Jody Kizer
2012Jon Ed Powers
2012Josie Bowlin
Nominating Committee Ministry- Incomplete
2010Danny Ams
2010Steve Conley
2011Joy Olexa
2012Jason Kizer *
2012 Kelly Wiggins *
Finance Ministry
2009Bill Flood
2009Stacie Herrell
2010Ray Douglas
2010Mary Nita Bondurant
2011Bob Carpenter – Chair
2012Carol Flood *
2012J.P. Prather *
Flowers Ministry
2010Cheryl James - chair
2010Mike Mobbs
2011Sheila Cawley
2011Linda Graham
2012Phoeba Ross *
2012Billy Reese *
Historical Ministry
2010Shirley Kaler
2011Shirley Reese
2012Ish Griffith – Chair
Hospitality Ministry
2010Susan Fowler
2010Susan Ams
2011Barbara Angel
2011Barbara Jones– Chair
2012Josephine Keightley *
2012Billie Burkett *
House and Grounds
2010Charles Whitby
2010Frank Johnson
2011Mike Mobbs – Chair
2011Ray Burden
2012Art Ross *
2012Bob Hicks *
Kare Bear
2010Wesley Conley
2011Gena Burden
2011Tracy Kizer
2011May Fernandez
2012Jay Davis *
2012Jennifer Powers *- Chair
Kitchen Ministry
2010Bob Hicks
2010Bob Stephens - Chair
2011Peggie Moore
2011Faye Passmore
2012Janie Alexander *
2012Stacie Van Drie *
Library Ministry
2010Debra Dellinger
2011Charlotte Long
2011Debbie Fowlkes – Chair
2012Martha Clendenin *
2012Peggy Moore *
Missions Ministry
2010Camille Mobbs
2010Betty Holt
2011Bobby Wayne Williams - Chair
2011Stacie Herrell *
2012Billy Crigger *
2012Teri Prather *
Music Council Ministry
2010Roger Alexander
2010Jim Bondurant
2011May Fernandez
2011Jimmy Jones
2012Kim Fowlkes *
2012David Johnson *
Ordinance Committee
2010 Billy and Phyllis Reese
2010Mike & Phyllis Rauchle
2011Adam & Shara Mobbs – Chair
2011Billy and Peggy Crigger
2012Brent & Mitzi Mobbs *
2012Billy Bob and Shirley Kaler *
Personnel Committee
2010Maggie Vaughan
2010Norman Williams
2011James Caldwell - Chair
2011Gwyn Petty
2012Teresa Johnson *
2012Joyce Stephens *
Recreation and Activities
2010Stacie Van Drie
2010Gwyn Petty
2011Jean Jernigan
2012Jim Douglas *
2012Chuck Wheelis *
Scholarship Ministry
2010Janice Trimm
2011Marsha Houston
2012Jody Kizer– Chair*
Sound & Media Visual Ministry
2010Ken Fowlkes
2010Ben Woods
2011Nathan Woods
2011Gene Williams
2011David Flood
2012David Johnson *
2012Ashton Rickman *
Apprentice – Zachary Wiggins
Transportation Ministry
2010Art Ross
2011Jim Greer
2012Terry Petty– Chair
Youth Council Ministry
2010Kevin Herrell–Chair
2010Wright Jernigan
2010Elijah Callahan: Volunteer intern
2011Karen Ray
2011Stacy Jordan
2012Shara Mobbs *
2012Mary Carpenter *
Promotion/Public Relations Committee
2010Kevin Herrell
2010Jim Bondurant - chair
2011David Fowler
2011David Flood
2012James Caldwell *
2012 Stacy Jordon