Name of Project: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Country :…………………………………………………….

All ENJOCITI participants must respect the rules of EXPOSITION and SECURITY established by the organizers.

1.1. It is considered scientificfraud if the Project or information presented in it, is a copy of another Project without authorization. These projects will fail to qualify for competition.

1.2.During the exposition time at least one expositor student must remain at the stand.

1.3.The expositors must be dressed in formal clothes or school uniform. Clothes representative of their country may be worn during the exposition and/or for the opening and closing ceremony.

1.4.Exposition material and stand must remain neat and organized.

1.5.Smoking, alcoholic drinks or other drugs are banned duringthe meeting, the opening and closing ceremony, during recreational moments and at the accommodation places. Expositors are not allowed to use cell phones at the stands.

1.6.Schedule should be respected.

1.7.Expositors must explain the Project to the public and answer assessors’ questions.

1.8.Students’ belongings and exposition material is under expositors’ responsibility. ENJOCITI is not responsible for loss or damage.

1.9.The projects exposed will have security system while the fair is closed but it is advised that expensive equipment and other important material is taken away daily.

1.10. The expositors authorize the main ENJOCITI Organization the use of photos or videos exhibited at the stand and they agree to collaborate with the news media to publicize the event.

1.11. Any unexpected event that is not mentioned in this agreement will be treated by the

Scientific Review Committee.

1.12.The organization committee may keep a copy of the investigation reports for their data bank.

Any unacceptable behavior or action that does not follow the rules stated above will be treated by the Scientific Review Committee and will lose points or fail to qualify for competition.