Español 5-6: Class Expectations 2018-2019

Mr. Van Peursem (Room 137)

Libros de texto:! Mírame, puedo hablar muchísimo!; Viva el toro; Vida y Muerte

¡Bienvenidos a todos! (Welcome, everyone!)

  1. This is the greatest Spanish class ever created. You will be happier here then when you are at Disneyland, in Hawaii or Tahoe, on summer vacation, oreven surfing a beautiful wave watching the sunset. If you don’t believe it, let’s pretend it is true. Our positive energy will keep each other going.
  2. (Me) I am here, as your teacher, to assist you in your acquisition of the Spanish language. I will do my very best to see to it that you understand the rhythmic beauty of the Spanish language by the end of the year. I am going to help you be successful.
  3. (You) You are here to learn Spanish. In order to do so, I need you to participate to the best of your ability 100% of the time. We are going to tell a lot of stories in this class and I am counting on you to help me make them creative, engaging, relevant and fun. If I am not funny, you need to be there to add the humor and fun to the story. That's part of your job as a student in this class.
  4. You will receive a grade in this class based on:

50% unannounced / cumulative quizzes

30% Completion of the instructional activities throughout the course

10% homework

10% final

You must earn a grade of 70% or better to go on to the next level.

*To be eligible for Spanish 7/8 Honors you need to earn an A in both Spanish 5 and Spanish 6

5.Binder Please divide your binder into the following sections:

1)Apuntes / Calentamientos (Notes / Warm-ups)

2)Tarea (Homework)

3)Exámenes / Pruebas (Tests / Quizzes)

4)Composiciones (Writing)

5)Vocabulary Lists

  1. Attendance is critical to your success in this class. Be here EVERYDAY!
  2. Class expectations and attitudes:
  1. Everyone in this class (including the teacher) is a beautiful/handsome, talented genius.
  2. This is the best place on Earth.
  3. Respond to all questions. Contribute to the stories by adding humor and interesting details.
  4. Be on time.
  5. Pay attentionand be on task at all times.
  6. Come to class prepared: binder, paper, pencil, completed homework and vocab list.
  7. No cell phones or electronic devices on or visible in class.
  8. No gum, food or beverages other than water.
  9. Clean up around your desk.
  10. No heads on desks. Sit up! Stay alert!
  11. Insults and put-downs will not be tolerated
  12. When you are asked a question in Spanish, answer in Spanish or with a proper Noun.

The Bottom Line: If you try to learn and participate fully in this class, you’re going to know a lot of Spanish by June and be prepared for the next level of your choosing. I promise.

En adelante…Here we go!

Contact Information: Todd Van Peursem 945-3600 Ext. 6137