Education Change Measures Survey
The purpose of this survey is to determine the feasibility and desirability of the listed measures for evaluating your learners’ progress in achieving desired competencies. Some of these measures are “process” measures and some are “outcome” measures. Note also that the measures refer to the target population of learners. For example, if your collaborative practice site is the continuity clinic practice for your Pediatric Residents, and 30 residents have practices at this site, then your “total target learner population” will be 30.
For each potential educational measure, rate the feasibility of using this measure in your collaborative practice site, where 1 = not at all feasible and 5 = highly feasible.
For each potential educational measure, rate the desirability of using this measure in your collaborative practice site, where 1 = not at all desirable and 5 = very desirable.
In some cases, a measure may be easy to implement (highly feasible) but not very interesting (low desirability). We are interested in your reactions to both scales.
Learning Objective 1: Residents will improve their understanding of their own health system’s support for chronic care and describe institutional policies that support the care of patients with chronic conditions.
Measure: Process: Number of residents participating in health system teaching sessions (TBD by educational strategy) over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 2: Residents will improve their understanding of how patient registries are created, including steps for data validation prior to interpretation.
Measure: Process: Number of residents participating in teaching sessions that address registry creation, validation, and interpretation over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 3: Residents will improve their understanding of the practice’s performance for the condition of interest.
Measure 1: Process: Number of residents receiving, reviewing, and discussing at least one registry report for the practice population over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Measure 2: Outcome: Number of residents analyzing the practice report and outlining an evidence-based improvement recommendation (e.g. portfolio entry)
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 4: Residents will learn and practice the rapid-cycle change method (PDSA) of improvement in response to practice performance reports
Measure: Process: Number of residents participating in a PDSA cycle to test a change for the condition of interest over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 5: Residents will improve their understanding of and skills in functioning as members of health care teams focusing on systematic practice improvement to achieve desired practice outcomes
Measure 1: Process: Number of residents actively participating on a practice improvement (QI) team over total residents in target learning population.
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 6: Residents will periodically and systematically assess patients’ needs in and satisfaction with the practice
Measure 1 Process: Number of patients completing a P-ACIC over target population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Measure 2: Process: Number of residents receiving the results summary of the P-ACIC over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 7: Residents will learn and practice patient-centered self-management strategies
Measure 1: Process: Number of residents learning self-management support strategies over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Measure 2: Outcome: Number of residents with satisfactory completion of a Self-Management mini-CEX over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 8: Residents will apply self-management strategies to their own self-directed learning needs for improving chronic illness care
Measure 1: Process: Number of residents setting self-directed learning action plans over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Measure 2: Outcome: Number of residents completing their action plans, including teaching their colleagues how to use evidence to improve chronic disease management
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 9: Residents will improve their knowledge and understanding of guideline development and implementation, including specific guidelines used to guide practice for the population of interest
Measure 1: Process: Number of residents reviewing scientific evidence and development process behind guidelines used in the practice over total residents in target learning population
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Measure 2: Outcome: Number of residents appraising the literature for clinical care guidelines and sharing findings with team members
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 10: Residents will locate and appraise scientific evidence related to questions arising in the care of patients with the chronic condition of interest using electronic literature databases and EBM strategies
Measure: Outcome: Number of residents identifying and answering a clinical question that arises in the delivery of care to the population of interest (and teaching others what was learned) over total residents in target learning population (portfolio entry)
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 11: Residents will routinely assess patients’ community support and community-based activities.
Measure: Process: Number of residents documenting assessment of patients’ use of community-based support programs over total residents in target learning population (medical record audit or similar assessment)
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Objective 12: Residents will improve their own knowledge of community-based programs, improve the system’s tracking of community support programs, and facilitate support for patients and patient population
Measure: Outcome: Number of residents identifying relevant community resources that meet an important need arising in the delivery of care to the population of interest, adding resources to repository, and teaching others what was learned over total residents in target learning population (portfolio entry)
Not at all feasible12345Highly feasible
Not at all desirable12345Very desirable
Name of person(s) completing survey ______
Team (practice site) ______Target Learners ______
Institution ______