Canpex Incorporated
P O Box 18-914
Christchurch 8641

Major Sponsor

Newsletter no 8 July 2012

Exhibition Benefits for Mainlanders

Following an initial 3 year trial Canpex Incorporated has extended and expanded the Exhibition Benefit Scheme for Mainlanders which subsidises entry fees to some stamp exhibitions.

The support primarily assists young and new exhibitors who wish to exhibit at any Australian or Canadian national exhibitions or at any FIAP exhibition.

The scheme has been expanded and now includesAustralia 2013(an FIP exhibition to be held in Melbourne).Canpex Incorporated will now consider applications from novice exhibitors entering their first multi-frame exhibit (minimum 3 frames) in a New Zealand national exhibition.

The nature of this support will be a subsidy of up to 50% of the overseas exhibition frame fees incurred.

Only youth exhibits (up to 5 frames); adult single frame and multi frame exhibits as outlined above will be considered for this subsidy. No one person shall be subsidised more than once in any one calendar year. Proof of entry acceptance and entry fee payment must be given to Canpex Incorporated prior to any reimbursement consideration.

The entry fee subsidy is for Mainland (New Zealand South Island) residents only and is at the discretion of Canpex Incorporated, and payable subject to funds being available to cover entry fee claims and is not to be considered an automatic right.

All claimants must contact: Canpex Inc., PO Box 18914, Christchurch 8641 and supply the relevant information. Canpex Incorporated’s decision will be final and no correspondence concerning it will be entertained.

Blenpex 2012

Blenpex 2012 – New Zealand’s national stamp exhibition for 2012 will be staged from 12 – 14 October in Blenheim at the Marlborough Lines stadium. As another South Island exhibition Canpex Inc. is pleased to help the organisers of Blenpex 2012 by publicising this event – the 1stNew Zealand national stamp exhibition to be held in Blenheim.

Blenpex 2012 will be only 5 minutes walk into the town’s centre. In addition to the usual classes Blenpex 2012 will be holding The Gourmet Challenge. For further details please see the Blenpex 2012 prospectus.

Blenpex 2012 prospectuses werepreviously distributed and can still be obtainedfrom the organisers. The closing date for entries has been extended to 31 July.


entries now close with the organisers on 31 July

advice of acceptance to be made by 31 August

entries by mail to be received by 30 September

hand delivered entries to be received by 10 October

Blenpex 2012 open from 9 am to 5 pm 12 October

Blenpex 2012 open from 9 am to 5 pm 13 October

Blenpex 2012 awards dinner 6.30 pm 13 October

Blenpex 2012 open from 9 am to 4 pm 14 October

Blenpex 2012 Accommodation

There are several other events simultaneously happening in Blenheim whilst Blenpex 2012 is staged. This of course is good for visitors as they will have opportunities to experience other activities! However it is also not so good for visitors planning to attend Blenpex 2012 as it means that accommodation is likely to be tight.

Intending Blenpex 2012 visitors should make their own enquiries and bookings. The following accommodation options are listed with out any preference.

Knightsbridge Court Motor Lodge

0800 108

Scenic Hotel Marlborough

(03) 520 6187

Bella Vista Motel Blenheim

0800 235

Chateau Marlborough

(03) 578

Phoenix Motor Inn

0800 50 60

Admirals Motor Lodge

0800 668


0800 800

Waterfront Motels

0800 081

Alpine Motel

0800 101


0800 163

Blenpex 2012 Souvenirs

The Blenpex 2012 logo features a beaver. The site of present day Blenheim was originally marked on maps as Beaver (so called for its swampy areas) and referred to in correspondence as the town of Beaver, or on occasions Beaverton.

Cast metal beavers occupy a prominent position on the site of the early wharf on the riverbank below the Eastern end of High Street – hence the use of the beaver in the Blenpex 2012 logo.

  • 60c beaver logo stamp

The exhibition logois featured on a 60c conventionally gummed customised advertising stamp with a red side stripe.

These are available in blocks of four mint or used as well as a single on illustrated FDC: 50 FDCs were produced and only 23 remain. Maximum cards (only 50 prepared) are also available.

  • 70c beaver logo stamp

A postal rate increase from 60 cents to 70 cents for domestic mail on 1 July came in to effect. New Zealand Post kindly replaced the six unsold sheets of 60c beaver customised advertising stamps with 70c versions. With only 300 such stamps available it was decided not to offer these in full sheets but as follows: mint and used in blocks of 4, singles on FDC (30) and maximum cards (20). For further details please see order form.

  • 60c lighthouse stamp

About 30 minutes drive from Blenheim is CapeCampbell’s famous black and white lighthouse. An attractive photograph) was adapted for a 60c conventionally gummed customised advertising stamp with a red side stripe.

These are available in blocks of four mint or used as well as a single on illustrated FDC of which 50 FDCs were produced and only 28 now remain. Additionally, Blenpex 2012 chairman signed blocks and maximum cards (only 50 prepared) are available.

  • 70c lighthouse stamp

A postal rate increase from 60 cents to 70 cents for domestic mail on 1 July came in to effect. New Zealand Post kindly replaced the six unsold sheets of 60c lighthouse customised advertising stamps with 70c versions. With only 300 such stamps available it was decided not to offer these in full sheets but as follows: mint and used in blocks of 4, singles on FDC (30) and maximum cards (20). For further details please see order form.

Blank postcards can also be ordered from the organisers:one depicts two beavers and the other CapeCampbell lighthouse.

Above: postcard images of Blenheim’s beaver monument (upper) and CapeCampbell lighthouse looking towards the North.

  • 70c Argosy freighter stamp

Thanks to the sponsors of the 70c Safe Air Argosy freighter (Airmail Society of New Zealand) customised advertising stamp Blenpex 2012 has released its final souvenir. It depicts a former Safe Air Argosy freighter located near the Woodbourne Air Force base close to Blenheim.

1000 70c Blenpex Argosy stamps were produced. Some were retained for use by the airmail Society of New Zealand and the rest have been donated to Blenpex 2012 for fundraising and are available in blocks of four mint or used as well as maximum cards and ordinary postcards. Corner blocks of six signed on the selvedge president of the New Zealand Air Mail Society (sponsors of this stamp, and also the chairman of Blenpex 2012) are also available.

For further details please see order form.

Blenpex does not have any FDCs, these may be available from theNew ZealandAir Mail Society.

At the Blenpex 2012 Exhibition

The Blenpex 2012 awards dinner will be held at the Clubs of Marlborough, 42 Alfred Street, Blenheim at 6.30 on Saturday 13 October 2012. Tickets for this event cost $55.00 each and may be ordered from the organisers via the order form with this newsletter.

Blenpex 2012 exhibition miniature sheets featuring three of the recently issued Queen Elizabeth II diamond jubilee stamps will be available from the New Zealand Post stand. The organisers are accepting orders for these as sets of 3 used or on cover – each with a different daily pictorial cancel.

Three different daily Blenpex 2012 pictorial exhibition postmarks will be available and feature a beaver (12 October), CapeCampbell lighthouse (13 October) and an Argosy freighter (14 October).

Featured above is a mock up of the New Zealand Post miniature sheet to be issued at Blenpex 2012. Orders can now be taken for them on illustrated first day covers and on 3 separate covers, each with a different daily pictorial cancel. Orders for souvenir postmarks are now being accepted. See order form for further details.

Please note: whilst Canpex is helping to promote Blenpex 2012 it is the Blenpex 2012 organisers who will be responsible for the filling or orders and their mailing.

All items are available subject unsold and will be supplied on a first-come first-served basis. Chequesand bank deposits to the National Bank (including internet banking) are acceptable payment methods. A refund will be made for any souvenirs that are no longer available.

Internet payments/bank deposits should be made to account: 06 0996 0867009 02with a reference code so that payments may be allocated to an identifiable client. For example: code CALJones, CALHiggins or CALGreenwood etc.

Blenpex 2012 does not accept credit card payments.

Right: postcard featuring static Argosy freighter.

All orders should be sent to the Blenpex address on the order form below.

All items are available subject unsold
Orders may be emailed to
souvenir order form
Item / Description / price / qty / cost
1a / 60c beaver (Blenpex logo) [+] customised advertising stamps mint / 12.50
1b / 60c beaver (Blenpex logo) [+] customised advertising stamps used / 12.50
1c / 60c beaver (Blenpex logo) single customised advertising stamp on FDC / 5.00
1d / special offer – one of each item 1a, 1b, 1c, / 27.50
1f / 60c beaver (Blenpex logo) signed block of 6 customised advertising stamps mint / 20.00
1i / Beaver maximum card with 60c beaver logo customised advertising stamp affixed / 6.00
2a / 60c lighthouse [+] customised advertising stamps mint / 12.50
2b / 60c lighthouse [+] customised advertising stamps used / 12.50
2c / 60c lighthouse single customised advertising stamp on FDC / 5.00
2d / special offer – one of each item 2a, 2b, 2c, / 27.50
2i / Lighthouse maximum card with 60c lighthouse customised advertising stamp affixed / 6.00
2j / special offer – one of each item 1i and 2i / 12.50
3 / Blenpex 2012 awards dinner (13 October) ticket / 55.00
4a / 70c beaver (Blenpex logo) [+] customised advertising stamps mint / 12.50
4b / 70c beaver (Blenpex logo) [+] customised advertising stamps used / 12.50
4c / Beaver postcard mint / 1.50
4d / Beaver maximum card with 70c beaver logo customised advertising stamp affixed / 6.00
4e / 70c beaver (Blenpex logo) single customised advertising stamp on FDC / 5.00
4f / special offer – one of each item 4a, 4b, and 4e / 27.50
5a / 70c lighthouse [+] customised advertising stamps mint / 12.50
5b / 70c lighthouse [+] customised advertising stamps used / 12.50
5c / Lighthouse postcard mint / 1.50
5d / Lighthouse maximum card with 70c lighthouse customised advertising stamp affixed / 6.00
5e / special offer – one of each item 4c, 4d, 5c and 5d / 12.50
5f / 70c lighthouse single customised advertising stamp on FDC / 5.00
5g / special offer – one of each item 5a, 5b and 5f / 27.50
6a / 70c Argosy [+] customised advertising stamps mint / 12.50
6b / 70c Argosy [+] customised advertising stamps used / 12.50
6c / 70c Argosy complete sheet mint / 125.00
6d / 70c Argosy NZAMS chairman signed block of six mint / 20.00
6e / 70c Argosy set of 4 diff signed blocks (of six) customised advertising stamps mint / 75.00
6f / Argosy postcard mint / 1.50
6g / Argosy maximum card with Argosy customised advertising stamp affixed / 6.00
6h / special offer – one of each item 6f and 6g / 6.50
7a / Blenpex 2012 postmarks set of 3 different Blenpex stamped covers / 15.00
7b / Blenpex 2012 miniature sheet on NZ Post FDC and 3 different daily postmarked covers / 25.00
Order from: / + post/packing inland / $ 2.00
+ post/packing o/seas / $ 5.00
NZ$order total
Email: / Mail orders to:
……. I enclose my cheque made payable to Blenpex 2012 for the above order, / Blenpex 2012
or ……. I have made a bank deposit/internet payment to National Bank account # / PO Box 120
# 06 0996 0867009 02 for the above order with a referencecode (CALJones etc.) / Blenheim 7240
signed ………………………………………………… / New Zealand