Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 5, 2004

The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on April 5, 2004, in Courtroom 6, Harnett County Courthouse, 301 West Cornelius Harnett Boulevard, Lillington, North Carolina.

Members present: Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman

Dan B. Andrews

Walt Titchener

Tim McNeill

Chairman Teddy J. Byrd was absent due to military obligations in Iraq.

Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager

Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager

Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney

Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer

Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board

Vice Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and Commissioner McNeill led the pledge of allegiance and prayer.

Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the agenda as published. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Upon motion by Commissioner Titchener and seconded by Commissioner McNeill, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda:

1. Minutes: Regular Meeting, March 15, 2004

Special Meeting, March 26, 2004

Special Meeting, April 2, 2004 (workshop)

2. Budget Amendments:

334 Solid Waste (Fund 580-Solid Waste)

Code 580-0000-356.66-01 Scrap Tire Reimbursement 782. increase

580-6600-461.22-45 Contracted Services 782. increase

337 Aging (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7510-441.21-00 Group Insurance Expense 1,150. decrease

110-7510-441.11-00 Salaries & Wages 1,020. increase

110-7510-441.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 78. increase

110-7510-441.23-00 Retirement 52. increase

338 Family Home Care Licensure (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7312-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 500. increase

110-7312-465.58-14 Travel 200. decrease

110-7312-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage 200. increase

110-7312-465.60-47 Food & Provisions 625. decrease

110-7312-465.60-53 Dues & Subscriptions 125. increase

110-7312-465.32-26 Incentives 600. decrease

110-7312-465.32-81 Mini Family Child Care 400. decrease

110-0000-334.73-04 Family Home Care Licensure 1,000. decrease

341 Teens as Parents (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7313-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 2,060. decrease

110-7313-465.33-45 Contracted Services 200. decrease

110-7313-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage 100. decrease

110-7313-465.54-26 Advertising 200. decrease

110-7313-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 2,060. increase

110-7313-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 200. increase

110-7313-465.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 100. increase

110-7313-465.23-00 Retirement 200. increase

345 Parks & Recreation (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-8200-450.31-29 Anderson Creek Gym 1,000. increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 1,000. increase

348 Health (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs 3,125. increase

110-0000-332.76-02 Family Planning (TANF) 3,125. increase

351 Governing Body (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-0000-331.41-01 Re-Entry Halt 25,930. increase

110-4100-410.31-73 Halt Grant Pass Through 25,930. increase

355 Western Harnett & Johnsonville School Project (Fund 547-“WH SCH”)

Code 547-9106-431.45-29 Billy Johnson Construction 10,000. increase

547-9106-431.45-80 Contingency 10,000. decrease

357 Sheriff (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-0000-336.15-00 Substance Abuse Tax 23,746. increase

110-5100-420.32-27 Drug Program 23,746. increase

358 Revenues (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-0000-334.53-06 Domestic Preparedness 4,238. decrease

110-0000-331.53-06 Domestic Preparedness 4,238. increase

110-0000-334.53-07 FEMA Supplemental 28,665. decrease

110-0000-331.53-07 FEMA Supplemental 28,665. increase

359 Health (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies 876. increase

110-7600-441.74-74 Capital Outlay-Equipment 1,383. increase

110-0000-331.76-01 Immunization Action Plan 2,259. increase

360 Library (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-8100-450.41-11 Library-Telephone & Postage 2,000. decrease

110-4900-410.41-11 MIS-Telephone & Postage 2,000. increase

110-8100-450.58-01 Training 1,000. decrease

110-8100-450.58-14 Travel 1,000. increase

110-8100-450-74-74 Capital Outlay 3,670. increase

110-0000-334.81-03 Filtering Reimbursement 3,670. increase

362 Airport Road Relocation Project (Fund 366-“CP0304”)

Code 366-0000-389.10-00 Interfund Trans. from Gen. Fd. 100,000. increase

366-8360-465.90-10 Interfund Trans. from Gen. Fd. 100,000. increase

363 Interfund Transfers (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 100,000. increase

110-8701-490.90-06 Interfund Trans.-Airport Rd.

Relocation 100,000. increase

364 Emergency Response Planning (Fund 263-Emer. Resp. Planning)

Code 263-5251-420.74-74 Capital Outlay 35,000. increase

263-5251-420.11-00 Salaries & Wages 17,000. decrease

263-5351-420.43-16 Maintenance & Repair-Equip. 1,500. decrease

263-5351-420.58-14 Travel 3,000. decrease

263-5251-420.60-33 Materials & Supplies 9,000. decrease

263-5251-420.60-57 Miscellaneous 4,500. decrease

365 Planning (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7200-465.33-45 Contracted Services 3,500. increase

110-0000-322.72-01 Cell Tower Fees 3,500. increase

373 Emergency Response Planning (Fund 263-Emr. Resp. Planning)

Code 263-5251-420.74-74 Capital Outlay-Equipment 3,300. increase

263-5251-420.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 1,100. decrease

263-5251-420.21-00 Group Insurance 1,246. decrease

263-5251-420.23-00 Retirement 831. decrease

263-5251-420.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 123. decrease

375 Titan Wastewater Extension Project (Fund 542-“PU0201”)

Code 542-9101-431.45-20 Legal & Administrative 10,000. increase

542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 10,000. decrease

3. Tax Refunds and Releases (Attachment 1)

4. Write-offs for Public Utilities for the first quarter of 2004. All of these accounts

have been in a delinquent status for more than three years and total $12,271.58.

5. Consolidated Agreement between The State of North Carolina as represented by

the State Health Director and Harnett County Health Department for the purpose

of maintaining and promoting the advancement of public health in North Carolina.

This agreement shall cover a period from July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005 and shall

remain in force until the next Fiscal Year Agreement is signed except as provided for

in Section J. - Termination.

6. Authorization for the Emergency Management Department to purchase a Chevrolet

Tahoe for the department’s use. The vehicle will be purchased with funds provided

by Harris Nuclear. The vehicle will be used to replace the Ford Crown Victoria

which is not drivable. The cost of the new vehicle, which includes purchase and

installation of lights and radio equipment, will be approximately $35,000.

7. Authorization for the Emergency Management Department to customize its

decontamination trailer purchased with Homeland Security funds. It will cost

$3,300 to outfit the trailer and will be paid for with funds from the Harris Nuclear


8. Authorization to proceed with replacement lighting project at Neill’s Creek Park.

The recreational standard lights will be purchased from Progress Energy as the

sole-source at a cost of $64,327. The proposal is to remove the old 6 wood pole

sports lighting system, and install a new 6 steel pole Musco system.

9. Farm Leases for County property for the upcoming agricultural year – Marvin Tart,

Jr. has rented the airport property and Ronnie Hall has rented the governmental

complex property. Consideration for each lease agreement is $35.00 per acre for the

cleared land, or lime application in lieu of dollar consideration.

10. Renewal of Lease Agreement for Mamers Container Site property. Ownership of

the property has changed to Raul Aguirre Berduzco of Durham, NC. The lease is for

one year beginning February 23, 2004 and expiring February 22, 2005.

Consideration from the County to Mr. Berduzco is $1,400.

11. Resolution Authorizing the Negotiation of an Installment Purchase Contract,

Directing the Publication of Notice with Respect Thereto and Providing for Certain

Other Related Matters Thereto regarding the Highway 87 Project financing.

(Attachment 2)

12. Interlocal Agreement that provides for the transfer of water resources between

systems in the event of an emergency. The agreement is between the Town of

Spring Lake, The City of Fayetteville (through its Public Works Commission) and

the County of Harnett.

13. Authorization for Management of Information System (MIS) to apply for an

e-NC Local E-Government Utilization Project (LEG-UP) Grant. The funds would be

used for on-line transactions such as permitting, in order to further support the

economic development efforts.

Commissioner Andrews moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Mid-Carolina Aging Advisory Committee

Teddy J. Byrd reappointed for a 3-year term to expire 4/30/07

nominated by Commissioner Andrews

Juvenile Crime Prevention Council

Jim Futrell for a 2-year term to expire 3/31-06

nominated by Commissioner Andrews

Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee

Christine B. Barker and Myra Baker appointed for 1-year terms to

expire 4-30-05 nominated by Commissioner McNeill

Vice Chairman Hill called to order a public hearing on the PHA Annual Plan for FY 2004. JoAnne Hairr, Housing Coordinator, presented the Plan and stated that the purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comments regarding the proposed Annual Plan. Vice Chairman Hill opened the meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner McNeill moved to approved the PHA Annual Plan for FY 2004 as presented. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 3)

Buren Fulmer, Harnett County Forest Ranger, presented the NC Forest Service Annual Report and a proposed plan for Urban Forestry at the Harnett County Complex property.

April Fowler, Department of Social Services, presented and read a proposed resolution regarding Child Abuse Prevention. Commissioner McNeill moved to adopt the resolution. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

(Attachment 4)

Neil Emory, County Manager, noted that Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) had not incorporated the cost of operating the Shawtown facility into its FY 2003-2004 Budget. The College is requesting an appropriation of $41,515. to offset these costs.

Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the request with an appropriation from fund balance. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Departmental reports were filed with the Board from Animal Control, Central Permitting, General Services, Emergency Medical Service and Veterans Affairs.

Commissioner McNeill moved for the Board to go into closed session to consider and give instructions to the County Attorney regarding certain claims. This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143-318.11(a)(3). Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Commissioner McNeill moved to come out of closed session. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

There being no further business, Commissioner McNeill moved to adjourn. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, April 5, 2004, adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman


Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board