Student Services Staff Meeting Notes


Attendees:Gerardo Otero, Cheryl Miller, Scott Ward, Hannah Phelps, Julie Corderman, Maybelle Appoo, Reveena Ardjoensing, Nathalie Miller, Sean DeMent, Lyndsey Frost, Kera Coyer, Linda Firmani, Christina Bolduc, Susan Dunn, Cheryl Robinson

Cheryl Robinson discussed the following with us:

  1. UCF Business

UCF has created a new business tract Integrated Business. They are phasing out their General Business tract. General Business is what out A.S. students transitioned into. According to UCF, Integrated Business is going to be a little bit of everything business and will be geared toward students who are interested in entrepreneurial endeavors.

Valencia business students who transfer to UCF transfer as Business pending. Then their 1st UCF semester GPA will determine what tract they get into. According to UCF, the placement of our transfer students will only be based on their 1st semester GPA, not their overall GPA, not what they are transferring in with.

  1. UCF and Excess Hours

UCF has been struggling with the topic of students transferring in with excess hours. So, UCF has a new interpretation. UCF will only count 36 hours of general education and then only common core credit hour prerequisites toward a degree. Excess hours will only be considered one time. For Pending = this will benefit our students. For undeclared = this will bring everything in and will not be a benefit.

  1. New Degree at Valencia Approved

An A.S. in Biotechnology at Lake Nona has been approved. New BSC courses have been added. There was request to have biotechnology classes added to general education but the curriculum committee did not approve this.

  1. General Education – A Shocking Development

The ongoing concern is that our students will satisfy General Education but miss the mark on Gordon Rule. The duplications of core and institutional have been removed.

Music: Introduction to Music = Gordon Rule. The Music Theory class is kind of an anomaly that has been admitted into and allowed to stay in General Education. The Music Theory class will be programmed only for music students.

Science: Physics with Medical Applications is out of General Education.

The Shocking Development

History: Two classes have been pulled out of General Education: Economics and American History because they are not Gordon Rule. The Faculty determined that these courses did not meet the Gordon Rule requirements.

These are the history classes remaining in General Education: Western Civilization I and II, International Politics, and State and Local Government.

  1. Head’s Up Re: Two Recent Emails That Were Sent Out

The 1720 Attribute Email

These emails went out to 3,764 students with the 1720 attribute. In this email students are asked to complete a 30 minute survey. Students are directed to online advising in this email. 

The Non-Compliance Email

These emails were generated by the Director of Financial Aid as a sort of behavioral analytics study to see if we can decrease students with non-compliant courses. Students are directed to online advising in this email. Super busy advisors/advisers might be on the horizon. 

  1. Deletions For Non-Payment

December 15th will be the last deletion for non-payment until the new year.

CQDQ will be run on December 17th.

The deletion for non-payment was cancelled for December 18th.

  1. Front Door Courses

The conversation continues about limiting the front door courses. It has been determined that the front door courses will be those classes taken within the first 18 hours of college. A list of these courses will be published soon.

Term-By-Term Plans will not be available until September 2015.

  1. A New Pre-Major at Valencia

There will be a new Pre-Major in Early Childhood Education available in Fall 2015. This pre-major is being aligned with UCF. The Humanities has been swapped for Ethics and discussions are occurring now to address the differing requirements in Science. UCF requires a Physical Science which we do not offer yet.

  1. College Ready & the 1720 Attribute

The interpretation of what is college ready continues in Math continues. It is assumed that if a student has the 1720 attribute then they are “college ready”. What about Non-1720 students whose A.S. degree program does not require math? Florida State Rule states that all students must be assessed and must have a PERT score of 114 or greater. If students do not earn a score of 114 or more, then according to the state they are not college ready.

Susan Dunn discussed the following with us:

  1. Spring Schedule

New Additions to the 201520 Schedule: Spanish I and II, two MAT 1036, Business Law II, and STA 1001.

  1. NSE Course Update

It is hoped that there will be hybrid and online NSE courses available in Summer 201530 or Fall 201610.

Cheryl Robinson mentioned the following:

  1. Instructional Designer Job

There was a job advertisement for a part-time Instructional Designer for the NSE course, but no one has been hired for this position yet.