Fred Meyer EDI – ASN Best Practices
Scope of ASN:
Many of you know why it is important to build the perfect ASN. As a recap, the ASN tells us:
When the order will be shipped
Which items are being shipped
How much of each item is being shipped
Which mode of transportation is being used along with carrier details
More importantly, we get this valuable information from the ASN before the shipment arrives. It can be used for receiving. Additionally, with the perfect ASN, there are no data errors and no research or follow-up required. The accuracy and timeliness of the ASN are vital to its usefulness. Please apply these ‘best practices’ to ensure you are submitting the perfect ASN.
Fred Meyer ASN Requirements:
Here are the basic requirements for a vendor set up to use ASN (EDI856):
Vendor is able to receive Purchase Orders with SDQ (Store Destination Quantity) segments.
Ability to pack and label all cartons with a UCC-128 meeting our requirements.
Ability to send all Advanced Ship Notices prior to scheduling an appointment for unloading at the Distribution Center.
Ability to send ASN in Shipment, Order, Pack and Item hierarchy.
If more than one truckload is needed to ship purchase order complete, Vendor must have ability to send ASN for additional trucks within 24 hours of the first ASN sent.
Best practices:
ASNs Required for All Orders? – ASN’s are only required for purchase orders with SDQ segments.
ASN cannot be used for an order without SDQ segments. ASN’s sent for non-SDQ purchase orders are rejected by our system.
ASN is an optional document .Usage of ASN’s is dependent on packing shipments in “Store-ready” cartons. ASN’s cannot be used for master-pack product.
Use Fred Meyer’s 856 specs - When setting up the ASN to test with Fred Meyer, confirm your map matches our ASN specifications. Keep in mind if you already have an ASN map built for another customer, they may not require the same variables as required by Fred Meyer. Additionally, their ASN structure may be different. Fred Meyer’s can accept only a carton level ASN which is basically Shipment/Order/Pack/Item. By reviewing this, it will save time to correct structural errors before testing. If you are already in production and are receiving errors from Fred Meyeron the ASN, please review the 856 specs to ensure your document is mapped correctly.
Original versus Replacement ASN –Fred Meyer prefers to receive one original ASN that is accurate and timely. If a correction is needed to the ASN, replacement ASNs are allowed. Keep in mind, replacement ASN’s must use the same Shipment ID (BSN02)& Carton ID (MAN02) as the Original ASN. Following this procedure, the revised ASN data will replace the original transmission.
Purchase order Changes– Today, changes to Fred Meyer (Non-Food) purchase orders are communicated by email/fax. Be sure to apply those changes to the shipment and adjust the ASN as needed.
UCC-128 – carton ID (SSCC-18) bar code – The carton ID number must match carton ID numbers in the ASN (MAN02). Keep in mind that we use this bar code to automatically receive and bill stores using the data in the ASN so its accuracy is very important.
Match what is shipped -The ASN must match the shipment. Hopefully, this also matches what was on the PO. The ASN cannot be used if it does not match the shipped goods. If the data contents of the ASN are incorrect, this causes discrepancies throughout the pipeline
Send it timely - Additionally, the ASN is of no use if you send it after the shipment has been received. We suggest sending the ASN as soon as the truck is sealed or when the shipment leaves your warehouse.
ASN error notification:
Do not use the 997 to determine if the ASN was valid. It should be used for the purpose of confirming Fred Meyer received the 856. If you do not get a 997, we did not get the 856
Actual ASN errors are notified by one of the following two mechanisms:
E-mail notification
Fred Meyer EDI is in the process of implementing an EDI824 error advice document for 856. Fred Meyer requires testing before enabling this flag. E-mail notification will be send when the vendor hasn’t completed the testing.
How can you link the 824 to the 856 transaction?
Please note that, we send the EDI824 for ASN with reference to the purchase order number provided in the ASN. Purchase order number, Group Control# and Transaction control# are the key elements to link the EDI824 to the 856 transaction.
EDI824 element / EDI856 elementPurchase Order number / OTI03 / PRF01
Group Control# / OTI08 / GS06
Transaction set Control# / OTI09 / ST02
EDI824 data:
EDI856 Data:
When you receive an 824 data error, please perform these steps.
Use the 824 to identify the error being reported. Use the 824 Implementation Guide/Map to interpret the location of the data errors in the EDI856 transaction.
Use the EDI856 Implementation Guide/Maps to research the data segment/element in question.
A replacement ASN is required within few hours from your receipt of the 824. Remember, to send the same Shipment ID in the BSN02 and carton ID in the MAN02 as sent in the Original ASN.
Please contact for any additional information.
Once you have addressed the data error, take the necessary steps to eliminate it from occurring with future ASNs.
EDI824 Common errors for ASN’s:
The following is a brief overview of what causes some errors, Please eliminate these errors for future ASNs.
This error can occur when ASN received from a vendor but order didn’t send with SDQ segments and Your ASN cannot be used.
Required Actions:
- Be sure to include pack packing slip with your shipment.
- It is NOT required to resend the ASN in this case.
Missing Hierarchical structure:
For Fred Meyer shipments, it is mandatory that ASN should follow below hierarchal structure.
Shipment (HL03 = ‘S’) Order (HL03 = ‘O’) Pack (HL03 = ‘P’) Item (HL03 = ‘I’)
Vendor will receive this error when ASN does not follow the hierarchy specified above
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information
This error can occur only when the UPC is not found in Fred Meyer system.
Required Actions:
- Please compare UPC numbers between purchase order and ASN. We are expecting same UPC numbers in an ASN which we ordered on the PO.
- Please contact Fred Meyer merchandising team (Buyer),if the UPC needs to be added/update in to Fred Meyer system.
- If you sent the wrong UPC number in ASN, Please correct it and resend the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
Vendor will receive this error message when an ASN is received with an un-ordered item but it is a valid item in Fred Meyer system.
Required Actions:
- Vendor needs to contact the buyer to approve the un-ordered item.
- If this UPC is a substitution, the buyer must approve and add UPC to ordered SKU.
- If Buyer refuses to approve the item, Vendor must work with buyer and warehouse to determine product dispensation.
Example for EDI824 Error data:
TED*012*3424F - UNORDERED UPC/GTIN RECEIVED ON ASN*****40012345678~
Vendor will receive this error message when ASN is sent with a UPC shipped to a store it was not ordered for.
EDI850 data:
PO1**108*EA*1.8**UP*400123456780*PI*02345678~ UPC number
SDQ*EA*92*00017*12~ Store number
PO1**108*EA*1.8**UP*400111111110*PI*02345678~ UPC number
SDQ*EA*92*00005*12~ Store number
From the above data, UPC# 40012345678 has been ordered only for store# 00017 with 12 units. But ASN received for store# 00005 instead of 00017 as follows
EDI856 data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92*00005~ Store number 00005
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM*00000753384065114977~ MAN segment & Carton ID
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*PI*02345678~ UPC and SKU number
SN1**12*EA~ Shipped quantity and UOM
Here UPC#400123456780 is ordered for only store# 00017 but ASN received with another store# 00005.
EDI824 Error data:
TED*012*3426F - UNORDERED UPC/GTIN FOR STORE:00005*****40012345678~
Required Actions:
- If theUPC was NOT packed in the wrong store box,please correct ASN and resend the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- If you have actually shipped the product for wrong store. Please contact . Fred Meyer EDI team will inform distribution center about the issue.
Vendor will receive this error message when ASN is sent fora Fred Meyer store that was NOT ordered for store on the PO at all.
EDI850 data:
PO1**108*EA*1.8**UP*400123456780*PI*02345678~ UPC number
SDQ*EA*92*00017*12~ Store number
PO1**108*EA*1.8**UP*400111111110*PI*02345678~ UPC number
SDQ*EA*92*00005*12~ Store number
From the above data, order sent for store# 00005 & 00017 but didn’t order any item for store#00013
EDI856 data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92*00013~ Store number 000013
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM*00000753384065114977~ MAN segment & Carton ID
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*PI*02345678~ UPC and SKU number
SN1**12*EA~ Shipped quantity and UOM
Fred Meyer didn’t order for store#00013 but received it on ASN.
EDI824 Error data:
TED*012*3425F - UNORDERED STORE RECEIVED ON ASN:00013*****00013~
Required Actions:
- It is mandatory to send the ASN for the store which Fred Meyer ordered.
- If you sent the wrong store# in ASN, Please correct it and resend the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- If you have actually shipped to the wrong store. Please contact . Fred Meyer EDI team will inform distribution center about the issue.
Vendor will receive this error message under the following conditions:
- N103 is not equal to ‘92’.
- N104 not having valid 5 digit Fred Meyer store as per the purchase order
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information.
Missing product ID:
Vendor will receive this error message when product ID is blank even though LIN segment is present at item level. If product ID is blank in LIN segmentthen corresponding shipped quantity information in SN1 segment cannot be processed.
EDI856 data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92*00005~ Store number 00005
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM*00000753384065114977~ MAN segment & Carton ID
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP~ UPC number is blank
SN1**12*EA~Shipped quantity and UOM
EDI824 Error data:
TED*007*3408F -MISSING PRODUCT ID *****IN HL/4~ HL01 Loop ID which has error data
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information.
Missing LIN segment at Item Level:
LIN segment contains the item information such as UPC and SKU number. If LIN segment is missed at item level then corresponding shipped quantity information in SN1 segment cannot be processed.
EDI856 Data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92*00005~ Store number 00005
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM*00000753384065114977~ MAN segment & Carton ID
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*PI*02345678~ UPC and SKU number
SN1**12*EA~ Shipped quantity and UOM
EDI824 Error data:
TED*007*3407F - MISSING LIN SEGMENT AT ITEM LEVEL*****IN HL/4~ HL01 Loop ID which has error data
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information.
Number of units shipped is missing:
It is mandatory that ASN should contain the number of units shipped for each item at item level otherwise there will be discrepancy between actual shipped quantity and shipped quantity on ASN.
EDI856 data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92*00005~ Store number 00005
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM*00000753384065114977~ MAN segment & Carton ID
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*CB*02345678~ UPC and SKU number
SN1***EA~ Shipped quantity is missed
EDI824 Error data:
TED*007*3406F - NUMBER OF UNITS SHIPPED IS MISSING *****IN HL/4~ HL01 Loop ID which has error data
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information.
Missing UCC/EAN-128 SSCC:
Vendor will receive this error message when the Carton ID (MAN02) is blank but received MAN segment at pack level in ASN. Carton ID is mandatory in order to scan your cartons through Fred Meyer’s automated receiving system (SCORS).
EDI856 data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92*00005~ Store number 00005
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM~ Carton ID is blank
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*CB*02345678~ UPC and SKU number
SN1**12*EA~ Shipped quantity and UOM
EDI824 Error data:
TED*007*3405F - MISSING UCC/EAN-128 SSCC*****IN HL/3~ HL01 Loop ID which has error data
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information.
Missing Store location number:
Store number is mandatory to process the ASN data at pack and item level. Vendor will receive this error message when the store number (N104 element) is blank/Incorrect format.
EDI856 Data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92~Store number is BLANK (N104)
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM*00000753384065114977~ Carton ID
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*CB*02345678~ UPC and SKU number
SN1**12*EA~ Shipped quantity and UOM
EDI824 Error data:
TED*007*3404F - MISSING STORE LOCATION NUMBER *****IN HL/2~ HL01 Loop ID which has error data
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information.
Same Item at multiple item levels in a pack level:
Vendor will receive this error message when theysend the same item at multiple item levels within the same pack level.
Fred Meyer EDI system skips the duplicate items with in the same pack level and it leads to the discrepancy in the quantity between ASN and the actual shipment.
EDI856 Data:
HL*2*1*O~ Order Level
PRF*0012345678~ PO number
N1*BY**92*00005~Store number
HL*3*2*P~ Pack level
MAN*GM*00000753384065114977~ Carton ID
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*CB*02345678~ UPC and SKU number
SN1**12*EA~ Shipped quantity and UOM
HL*4*3*I~ Item level
LIN**UP*40012345678*CB*02345678~Duplicate UPCwith in same pack
SN1**12*EA~ Shipped quantity and UOM
EDI824 Error data:
ID:00000753384065114977 ITEM CODE:40012345678~
Required Actions:
- Please revisit the Fred Meyer EDI mapping specifications.
- Correct the data and send the revised ASN with same shipment ID (BSN02) and carton ID (MAN02).
- Please contact at for any additional information.