English III – Serrano Name ______

Great Expectations Part 3 Study Guides

Chapters 40 - 47 due Monday, May 4th

Chapters 48- 52 due Tuesday, May 5th

Chapters 53- 55 due Wednesday, May 6th

Chapters 56 - end due Thursday, May 7th

Since we can not have reading quizzes in class, you are required to fill out these study guides and email me them by 6pm each day that they are due. I will grade them and enter them as quiz grades. I will post answer keys each day on the website – Serrano.wikispaces.com . As a result, I will not take late assignments. Also, please note, as a result the honor code on this assignment has changed; you may not google or discuss answers with anyone except for with me. If you need assistance, you may call me (339-223-3858), email me, or instant message me (facebook or aim: nicoleserr, gchat: ). You are on your honor as gentlemen to follow these revised rules.

If you are feeling ill or are unable to predict being unable to complete these assignments, please let me know asap.

In addition to filling out these study guides, I strongly recommend keeping a running character list and writing a chapter summary as you go. I have provided an area for you to do that. As we discuss the book, I also recommend keeping track of key quotations.

Please do not lose this or let up on all of these strong suggestions; this is paramount for a high grade this quarter given that we will be reading this in a serial manner for the rest of the quarter.

Chapters 40 - 47 due Monday, May 4th

1. What is the real name of Pip’s convict?

2. What name is the convict traveling under?

3. What is Pip going to tell his acquaintances concerning the convict?

4. Why does the convict return to London?

5. What will happen to the convict if he is found in London?

6. Why does Mr. Jaggers keep referring to Magwitch in New South Wales and Provis who will probably come to London to see Pip?

7. Why is Pip afraid of the convict?

8. Who helps Pip decide what to do with the convict?

9. Who is hiding on the stairs in the dark?

10. Will Pip continue taking money from the convict?

11. Who is Compeyson?

12. Who was Arthur?

13. What happened to Arthur?

14. Who did Arthur see shaking a shroud at him?

15. Who was the real mastermind of the crimes committed by Compeyson and Provis?

16. Why does Pip fear Compeyson?

17. Who accompanies Estella back to Satis House?

18. Why does Pip return to the village to see Estella?

19. Who does the man who helps Drummle light his cigar resemble?

20. Why were Compeyson and Provis sentenced differently?

21. What favor does Pip ask of Miss Havisham?

22. What confession does Pip make to Estella?

23. Who does Estella plan to marry?

24. Who are the two relatives that Pip ask Miss Havisham not to include with the self−seekers?

25. How does Pip get back to London?

26. What does the night watchman give to Pip, and what does it say?

27. Who has written a warning note to Pip?

28. What two characters are responsible for relocating Provis?

29. Where is Provis now living?

30. What character is in London and threatens the safety of Provis?

31. In whose boarding house if Provis now living?

32. Where is the boarding house located?

33. What is wrong with Clara’s father?

34. How often is Pip to go see Provis?

35. How are Pip and Herbert preparing to help Provis escape from London?

36. How is Provis to signal Pip that everything is all right?

37. What name is Provis now going by?

38. Because Pip has no more money, what does he have to do to raise some money?

39. Whom does Pip see at the theater?

40. Who is sitting behind Pip in the theater?

Chapters 48- 53 due Tuesday, May 5th

1. Who does Pip believe is Estella’s mother? How does he come to this conclusion?

2. How did Mr. Jaggers first meet Molly?

3. What does Miss Havisham agree to do for Pip?

4. How much money will Pip need to complete setting Herbert up in business?

5. When Pip returns to visit Miss Havisham, how has she changed?

6. What three words does she want Pip to write under her name?

7. What happens to Miss Havisham?

8. How is Pip injured?

9. Where is Miss Havisham placed after the fire?

10. Who brought Estella to Miss Havisham?

11. Who takes care of Pip’s injuries?

12. What name does Herbert call Clara’s father?

13. What did Provis’ wife tell him that she was going to do with their child?

14. Who is Estella’s father?

15. Where does Pip go to confirm Provis’ story?

16. Does Provis know that his daughter is alive?

17. How is the relationship between Pip and Mr. Jaggers different?

18. Will the knowledge of Estella’s parents be kept a secret?

19. Why will Pip not tell Estella of the identity of her parents?

20. Who is the client who interrupts the confrontation between Pip and Mr. Jaggers?

21. What two people write Pip a letter in these chapters, and what do they say?

22. What day is Pip planning to help Provis escape?

23. Who is going to help row the boat to the steamer?

24. Where is the steamer going that Pip and Provis are planning to board?

25. At what time was Pip to be at the marshes?

26. Who is taking all the credit for Pip’s great expectations?

27. What does Orlick plan to do to Pip?

28. Why does Orlick consider Pip his enemy?

29. Who killed Mrs. Joe?

30. Who rescues Pip from Orlick?

Chapters 54- 55 due Wednesday, May 6th

1. On what day does Pip, Herbert, and Startop begin their planned escape for Provis?

2. Who alerts the four that a four−oared galley is traveling up and down in front of the public house?

3. On what day do the four meet the steamer?

4. What happens as the steamer approaches?

5. Who is the man in the other galley who is wrapped up in a great coat?

6. What happens to Magwitch?

7. What happens to Compeyson?

8. What will happen to all of Magwitch’s money and possessions?

9. Where is Herbert going to work?

10. What position does Herbert offer Pip?

Chapters 56 - end due Thursday, May 7th

1. What injuries did Magwitch sustain when he fell out of the boat?

2. What verdict does the judge pass down to Magwitch?

3. What does Pip do after the judge sentences Magwitch?

4. What does Pip tell Magwitch before he dies?

5. What happens to Pip after the death of Magwitch?

6. Who comes to care for Pip?

7. What has happened to Miss Havisham?

8. What has happened to Orlick?

9. What does Joe leave in his farewell letter to Pip?

10. Who does Pip decide to ask to marry him?

11. When Pip returns to his village and the Blue Boar, how do the townspeople treat him?

12. What is happening to Satis House?

13. Who still believes that he is the original benefactor for Pip’s fortunes?

14. Pip returns on a very special day in the lives of Biddy and Joe. What is it?

15. What does Pip beg Joe and Biddy to do?

16. Where does Pip go after leaving Joe and Biddy?

17. How many years did Pip stay away from London before returning again?

18. When Pip returns to see Joe and Biddy, what new additions have occurred in their family?

19. What has happened to Estella?

20. Pip goes to look at the place where Satis House once was, and who does he find walking there?


Character / Chapter first introduced / Relationship to other major characters / Important information
Character / Chapter first introduced / Relationship to other major characters / Important information

Plot Summary for Part 3

Chapter 40

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 41

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 42

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 43

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 44

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 45

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 46

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 47

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 48

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 49

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 50

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 51

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 52

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 53

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 54

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 55

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 56

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 57

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 58

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance

Chapter 59

Summary of events in your own words:

Key quotations

Page number / Beginning words / significance