1. In the past 12 months, how many times have you seen a doctor from your practice?
None - 1
Once or Twice - 3
Three or Four Times - 26 / Five or Six Times – 8
Seven Times or More – 12
2. What would best describe the service given by the receptionists at your surgery?
Very Poor – 0
Poor – 0
Fair – 1 / Good – 9
Very Good – 15
Excellent – 25
3a. How would you rate the hours that your practice is open for?
Very poor – 0
Poor – 0
Fair – 3 / Good – 15
Very Good – 15
Excellent - 17
3b. What additional hours would you like the practice to be open?
Early morning – 1
Lunch Times – 2
Evenings – 4 / Weekends – 10
None, I am satisfied - 33
4. How many days do you usually have to wait before you can see a doctor?
Same Day - 4
Next Working Day - 2
Within 2 Working Days - 27 / Within 3 Working Days - 5
Within 4 Working Days - 8
5 or more Working Days - 4
5. How satisfied are you with this?
Very Poor -1
Poor - 2
Fair - 7 / Good - 17
Very Good - 19
Excellent - 4
6. Have you every tried to get an emergency appointment, if so was you able to see the doctor on the same day?
Yes - 34 No - 11 N/A - 5
7. How would you rate your ability to get through to the practice
Very Poor - 0
Poor - 0
Fair - 3 / Good - 11
Very Good - 28
Excellent - 8
8. How satisfied are you with the communication between the practice and yourself?
Not at all satisfied - 0
Slightly Satisfied - 1
Fairly Satisfied - 3 / Satisfied - 13
Very Satisfied - 33

Section 3 – Standard of Care

1. Thinking about your consultation with the doctor today, how do you rate the following:
Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent N/A
a) How thoroughly the doctor
asked about your symptoms and 1 0 1 19 22 7
how you are feeling?
b) How well the doctor listened to 1 0 2 14 20 13
what you had to say?
c) How well the doctor put you at 1 0 2 16 7 23 1
ease during your physical examination?
d) How much the doctor involved you 1 0 4 16 6 23
in decisions about your care?
e) How well the doctor explained 1 0 3 11 25 10
your problems or any treatment that
you need?
f)The amount of time your doctor 1 0 7 13 23 6
spent with you today?
g) The doctor’s patience with your 1 0 7 8 11 23
questions or worries?
h) The doctor’s caring and concern 1 0 5 13 8 23
for you?
2. After seeing the doctor today do you feel able to understand and cope with your problem(s) or illness?
Much more than before the visit - 15
A little more than before the visit - 26 / The same or less than before the visit - 3
Does not apply - 6

Section 4 – Potential Changes

1. Please rate on a scale of 1 – 6, (1 being the most important and 6 being the least important)
What do you think should be our key priorities when looking at the services we provide to you and other patients in the practice
Access to different services 4
Surgery Opening hours 3
Clinical Care 1 / Site Accessibility e.g. parking 6
Getting an appointment 2
Modes of contact 5
e.g. (phone, face-to-face)
2. How important do you think it is for patients to be involved in the running the services we provide?
Unimportant 0
Slightly Important 2
Fairly Important 17 / Important 15
Very Important 16
3. We are interested in any other comments you may have. Please write them here.
a) Is there anything particularly good about your healthcare?
b) Is there anything that could be improved?
Waiting to be seen – not on appointment time
Improve on time you ring to make an emergency appointment
Opening hours – days
More late nights/weekends
To be able to book appointments more that 1 week in advance
c) Any other comments?