Technical (CRC/ACRC)


Exam: Technical (CRC)Time: 1.30 hrs.Total Marks: 30.

Group A: Put tick mark on correct answer (lgh mRrj ij fu’kku yxk;sa) Marks: 8.

1.If BLRDJ becomes defective then close DJ by

;fn BLRDJ[kjkc gks tk;s arks Mh-ts- dks Dykst fd;k tk ldrk gSa

a. BP2DJ b. Q44 c. Q118.

2. While working the train D.J. will open on different notches but while testing there is no tripping during first stage of testing then it is known as -

xkMh dke djrs le; ;fn Mh-ts- fofHkUu ukWap ij vksiu gksrkk gSa ,oa VsLVhax ds nkSjku QLV LVst esa dksbZ fVz~fiax ugha vkrh gSa bls -

a. Operation B b. TWAC c. Operation B

3. Over current in the circuit of Air Dryer will cause (Air Dryer ds lfdZV esa vksoj djaV gksus ijgksxk)

a. CCLSA will melt (CCLSA esYV gksxk)

b. CCLS will melt (CCLS esYVgksxk)

c.None of the above (mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha)

4. If the compressed air pressure of SMGR is 2 Kg/cm2 then it will cause

(SMGR dk daEizslM,vjizs’kj2kg/cm2 gks tk;s arks ;g dkj.k gksxk)

a. ICDJ b. Operation 1 c.TLTE

5. WAG7 Loco continuous current ratting is -

WAG 5 Loco yxkrkj djaV jsVhax gksrh gSa

a. 900 Amps and 750Volt b. 750 Amps and 650 volt c. 600 Amps and 325 Volt

6.Without closing any BL switches if CCA repeatedly melt even after keeping HOBA in OFF condition then what trouble shooting will you perform –( cxSj dksbZ ch-,y- Lohp Dykst fd;s ;fn lh-lh-,- Q;wt yxkrkj esYV gksrk gSa ] HOBA dks vkQ djus ds mijkWar rks vki D;k Vz~cy ‘kqfVax djsaxs )

a. Renew CCA and wedge Q100 in deenergise condition and wedge require no. of contactors (CCA dks u;k yxkdj Q100 dks fM,ujtkbZt voLFkk esa ost djds fu?kkZfjr ek=k esa dkWaVsDVj dks ost dj nsaxs) b. Wedge C105,C106,C107 only and work the train.( C105,C106,C107 dks ost djds xkMh dke djsaxs )

c.None of the above (mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha)

7. In case of slipped pinion, after isolating the Traction Motor, Loco Pilot should (LyhIM fifu;u gksus ij Vz~sD’ku eksVj dks vkbZlksysV djus ds ckn yksdks ik;yV dks djukpkfg;as)

a. Only clear the Block Section ( dsoy Cykd lsD’ku Dyh;j djsaxs)

b. Demand relief loco ( lgk;rk yksdks fd ekax djsaxsas)

c.None of the above (mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha)

8. When MPS kept on 3rd position than (MPS dks 3 ij j[kus ls)

c. S13, S23, S33, S43, S53, S63 will close (Dykst gkasxs)

b. S12, S22, S32, S42, S52, S62 will close (Dykst gkasxs) –

c.S11, S21, S31, S41, S51, S61 will close (Dykst gksaxs)

Group B: Fill up the blanks (fjDr LFkku dh iqfrZ fdft;s) Marks: 13.

1. CCLS melts on 10th notch LP will get ------10 ukp ijCCLS Q;wt esaYV gksus yksdks ik;yV dks feysxk ------

2. If the rear cab BL is not properly locked then while working the Loco from the other cab Loco

pilot will get ------

;fn fiNs dSc dkBL lgh rjhds ls ykWad ugha fd;k x;k rks nqljs dSc ls yksdks dks dk;Z djrsle; yksdks ik;yV dks feysxk ------

3.If MVSL1 not working in Operation B while clearing block section current ratting will be


;fn MVSL1 vkijs’ku ch esa dk;Z ugha djrk rksa Cykd lsD’ku Dyh;j djrs le; djaV jsVhax gksxk ------,Eil

4. When MR becomes ------Kg/cm2 then Q119 will energise.

tc MR ------Kg/cm2 gks tkrk gSa rks Q119 ,ujtkbZt gksxk A

5.If ------fuse will met then QRS will not energise.

------Q;wt esaYV gksus ij QRS ,ujtkbZt ugha gksrh gSa A

6. If Q30 interlock beomes defective on Q44 branch then DJ will open in OP ------

;fnQ30 dk baVjykWad D;w 44 ds ckzap ij [kjkc gks tkrk gS rks Mh-ts- vksiu gksxk ------

7. If short circuiting will take place in L2 then ------fuse will melt.

L2 eaas ‘kkVZ lfdZV gksus ij ------Q;wt esYV gksxk A

8. During RB more than 1 Kg/cm2 pressure goes to B/cylinder; RB will cut off through ------

vkj-chds le; ;fn 1Kg/cm2 ls vf/kd izs’kj tkrk gSa rks vkj-ch- dV vkWaQ gksrk gS]------}kjk

9. If Q30 interlock beomes defective on Q44 branch then DJ will open in OP ------

;fnQ30 dk baVjykWad D;w 44 ds ckzap ij [kjkc gks tkrk gS rks Mh-ts- vksiu gksxk ------

10. If LSBCR is glowing then it indicates to the Loco pilot that ------

;fnLSBCRtyrk gSa rks ;g pkyd dks lwfpr djrk gSa fd ------

11. If ------fuse will met then QRS will not energise.

------Q;wt esaYV gksus ij QRS ,ujtkbZt ugha gksrh gSa A

12. Switch to clear the accidental bonding on control circuit is ------

daVz`ksy lfdZV ls ,DlhMsUVy ckm.aMhax nwj djus okyk Lohp gSa ------

13.. If MVSL1 not working in Operation B while clearing block section current ratting will be


;fn MVSL1 vkijs’ku ch esa dk;Z ugha djrk rksa Cykd lsD’ku Dyh;j djrs le; djaV jsVhax gksxk ------,Eil

Group C: Write the answers of the following questions 9 Marks.

fuEufyf[kr iz’uks ds mRrj fyf[k;s

1. What is the function of C3W Distributor valve? Where it is provided? If it becomes defective than what trouble shooting will you perform?

C3W Distributor valvedk D;k dke gSa A ;g dgkWa yxk gSa \ ;fn ;g [kjkc gks tk;s arks vki D;k Vz~cy ‘kqVhax djsaxs \

2.What is TLTE? What trouble shooting will you perform when GR not progressing at all? Vh ,y Vh bZ D;k gS? Tkc th-vkj- izksxzsl ugha gksark rc vki D;k Vz~cy ‘’kqfVax djsaxs\

3. What is QOP1? If QOP1 will drop then what trouble shooting will you perform?

QOP 1 D;k gS \ ;fnQOP1Mz~ki gksrk gS rks vki D;k Vz~cy ‘’kqfVax djsaxs \




Exam: SWR (CRC)Time: 1.30 hrs. Total Marks: 30.

Group A: Put tick mark on correct answer (lgh mRrj ij fu’kku yxk;sa) Marks: 7.

1. Station Limits means (LVs’ku fyfeV dk vfHkizk;)

a. The portion of the railway which is directly control of the station master.

;g jsYos dk fgLlk gSa tks lh/ks LVs’ku ekLVj ds fu;a=.k esa gksrk gSa

b. means the portion of the Station Section (;g LVs’ku lsD’ku dk fgLlk gSa)

c. Adequate distance (i;kZIr nwjh)

2. When Distant signal of an Intermediate Block Post is defective and can not be kept in the “ON” position then (tc vkbZ-ch- dk fMLVaV flxuy [kjkc gks tkrk gSa rc)

a. IB will treated as working (vkbZ-ch-flxuy dks dk;Zjr ekusxs)

b. IB will treated as defective (vkbZ-ch-flxuy dks [kjkc ekusax)

c. None (dksbZ ugha)

3. The level crossing gate which will remain close for 24 hours and will open according to the requirement is known as (ysoy dzkflax xsV tks 24 ?kaUVs can jgrk gS ,oa vko”;drk iMus ij [kksyk tkrk gSa mls dgrs gS

a. A class level crossing gate

b. B class level crossing gate

c. C class level corssing gate

4. In case of temporary single line working introduce in double line section than Loco Pilot will get Mcy ykbZu ds lsD’ku esa flaxy ykbZu ofdZax ykxw gksus ij yksdks ik;yV dks vFkkfjfV nh tk;sxh

a. T/D 602 b. T/A 602 c.None

5. Double distant signalling sectionin Double line section station limit will be (Mcy fMLVaV okys flaxufyax lsD’ku esa Mcy ykbZu ds lsD’ku esa LVs’ku fyfeV gksrh gSa

a. From outer most distant signal to last stop signals.

Lkcls ckgjh fMLVaV flxuy ls ykLV LVki flxuy rd A

b. From inner distant signal to last stop signal in both the lines.

buj fMLVV flxuy ls vafre jksd flxuy rd nksuks ykbZuks esa A

c. From home signal to Advance starter(gkse flxuy ls ,Moakl LVkZVj rd)

6. Normally not more than ------No. of persons other than the Engine Crew shall be permitted to travel in the cab (lkekU;voLFkk esa bathu dsc esa batu dehZ ny ds vykok fdrus O;fDr ;k=k dj ldrs gSa

lkekU;voLFkk esa bathu dsc esa batu dehZ ny ds vykok fdrus O;fDr ;k=k dj ldrs gSa)

a. 3 Persons b. 4 Persons c.None

7. The speed restriction which will imposed for the short time is known as

LihM fjLVz~hd’ku tks FkksMs le; ds fy;as ykxw fd;k tkrk gS mls dgrs gSa

a. Parmanent Engg. Speed Restriction. (ijeusaUV bthfu;fjax LihM fjLVz~hd’ku)

b. Semipermanent Engg. Speed Restriction. (lseh ijeusaUV bthfu;fjax LihM fjLVz~hd’ku)

c. Temporary Engg. Speed Restriction. (VsEijjh bthfu;fjax LihM fjLVz~hd’ku)

Group B:Fill up the blanks(fjDr LFkku Hkfj;s) Marks: 14

  1. CWR means …………………………………………………………………………………

CWR dk foLrkfjr :i ------

  1. Whistle code for protect the train in rear ……………………………………………………

xkM+h ds ihNs lqj{kk djus dk fofly dksM D;k gS ------

  1. Normal aspect of Routing Home signal is ………………………………………………….

:fVax gkse flaXuy dk ukeZy ,LisDV gS ------

  1. Minimum distance between Home signal & Distant signal shall be ……………mts.

gkse flaXuy ,oa fMLVsaV flaXuy dh de ls de nwjh ------ehVj gSA


  1. Indication of Attention aspect is ……………………………………………………………..

Lko/kku flaXuy dk funsZ”k D;k gS ------

  1. New authority form of Conditional Line Clear ticket for DN train is ………………………

daMh”kuy ykbZu fVfdV Mkmu xkM+h ds fy, u;s vWFkkfjVh QkeZ D;k gS ------

  1. As per GR 4.12 the speed of the train shall be …………………… kmph.

GR 4.12 dsvuqlkj xkM+h dh xfr fdruh gksuh pkfg, ------fd-eh-

  1. Minimum equipment of signals in MOMA C Class stations are ------

MOMA C Dykl LVs”ku esa U;wure midj.k ------

9. Engine failed in Mid Section is a ------class of accident.

baftu ;fn Cykd lsD’ku esa Qsy gks tk;s rks mls ------Dykl dk ,DlhMsaV dgrs gS A

10. Speed of the second train running with T/D 602 during TSL working is ------Kmph.

T/D 602 ysdj pyus okyh nwljh xkMh fd xfr TSL ofdZax ds nkSjku ------KMPH gksrh gS

11. If the train is require to stop in 1 in 100 down gradient section then caution indicator is provided ------meter from the place of obstruction.;fn 1 esa 100 MkMu xzsfM,aV okys lsD’ku esa xkMh dks [kMk djuk gSa rks dk’ku bMhdsVj dks ------ehVj dh nwjh ij yxk;k tkrk gSaa A

12. When more than one shunt signals are provided in a same post then the top most shunt signal is apply ,d [kaHks ij ,d ls T;knk ‘kaV flxuyks dks yxk;k tkrk gS rks lcls mij dk ‘kaV flxuy ------ykbZu ds fy;s ykxw gksrk gS A

13. While passing through from any level crossing gate if gate man is not found at the Gate Lodge then duties of engine crew is ------

fdlh ysoy dzkflax xsV ls Fkzw ikl gksrs le; ;fn xsV esu xsV ykt ij ekStwn u gks rks baftu ds dehZ ny dks djuk pkfg;s ------

14. When ever any new signal is imposed in the section, caution order shall be issued for a period of ------days from the date of erection of signal.

tc dHkh Hkh lsD’ku esa tc dksbZ u;k flxuy yxk;k tkrk gSa rksa flxuy yxkus fd frfFk ls ------fnuksa rd dk’ku vkMZj tkjh fd;k tkrk gSa A

Group C: Write the ansers of the following questions(fuEufyf[kr iz’uks ds mRrj fyf[k;sa) Marks: 9.

  1. In how many situations authority T/369 (3b) will be given to the loco pilot?

T/369 (3b) ;g vWFkkfjVh fdu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa nh tkrh gS\

  1. As per GR 3.78, what are the duties of engine crew?

GR 3.78 ds vuqlkj baftu pkyd ny dk drZO; D;k gS\

  1. In how many situations three detonators are used, write in details?

3 MsVksusVj dk mi;ksx fdu ifjLFkfr;ksa esa gksrk gS foLrkj esa fyf[k;s\


3 Phase Loco


Exam: 3 Phase Loco. Time: 1.30 hrs.Total Marks: 30.

Group A: Answer the following questions (fuEufyf[kr iz’uks ds mRrj fyf[k;s) Marks: 15.

1. What is the procedure of clearing block section by using PTDC of WAG9?

Wag-9 yksdks esa PTDC }kjk CykWx lsD”ku lkQ djus dk rjhdk D;k gS\

2. What is the procedure of testing automatic flasher light in WAG9 loco?

WAG-9 yksdks esa vkVksesfVd Qys”kj ykbZV dks tkap djus dk rjhdk fyf[k;s\

3. How will you energies WAG9 loco?

WAG-9 yksdks dks dSls ,uZtkbl djsaxs\

Group B: Fill up the blanks (fjDr LFkku Hkfj;s) Marks: 8.

1.BZ-V-O-F means…………………………………………………………………………………….

BZ-V-O-F dk lans”k ------

2. In WAG9 loco, parking brakes are provided on wheel no. …….. , ……… , ……… and ………

WAG-9 yksdks esa ikfdZx czsd dks fdl pDds esa yxk;k x;k ------,oa ------

3. MCB 112.1 is provided in ……………… panel.

MCB 112.1 dkSu ls iSuy esa yxk;k x;k ------

4. In non-driving cab, the position of Mode Switch shall be ………………………….

ukWu Mzkbfoax dSc esa eksM Lohp dks fdl iksft”ku esa j[kuk pkfg, ------

5. If the Loco Status is showing “02 “it indicates ------

;fn yksdks dk LVsVl 02 gS rks ;g lqfpr djrk gS ------

6. Air dryer provided in WAG 9 Loco on wheel no. ------

,vj Mz~k;j WAG9 ykasdks esa pDdk ua ------ds ikl yxk gksrk gS A

7. SS 06 is the sub system for ------

SS 06lc flLVe ------ds fy;s yxk;k x;k gSA

8. Speedometer transmitter is provided on the wheel no ------in WAG9 Loco. LihMksehVj Vz~kalehVj WAG9 yksdks esa pDdk ua ------ij yxk gksrk gS

- 2 -

Group C: Put tick mark on correct answer (lgh mRrj ij fu’kku yxkbZ;) Marks: 7.

1. MCB no 47.1/1 is provided in

WAG-9 yksdks esa MCB no 47.1/1 fdl iSuy ij yxk;k x;k

a. SB 1 panel. b. HB 2 panel c. HB 1 panel


2. Maximum speed of the WAG9 loco is

WAG-9 yksdks esa vf/kdre xfr D;k gS\

a. 100 kmph b. 120 kmph c. 130 kmph

3. If harmonic filter is isolated, the speed of the loco shall be restricted to

;fn gkjeksfud fQYVj dks iz.kkyh }kjk dk;Z ls vyx fd;k x;k rks yksdks dh xfr gksxh

a. 50 kmph b. 40 kmph c. 30 kmph.

4. Constant Speed Control (CSC) can be activated at any speed above

dkUlVsUV LihM daVz~ksy dk;Z djrk gS tc yksdks fd xfr

a. 5 Kmph b. 8 Kmph c. 3 Kmph

5. The colour of BPPB is (BPPB dk jax D;k gS)

a. Green b. Red c. Yellow

6. MCB no 47.1/2 is provided in

WAG-9 yksdks esa MCB no 47.1/1 fdl iSuy ij yxk;k x;k

a. SB 1 panel. b. HB 2 panel c. HB 1 panel

7. Total positions of A-9 in WAG9 loco is

WAG-9 yksdks esa A-9 dh fdruh iksft”ku gksrh gS

a. 5 b. 6 c. 4

a. 32 Volt b. 16 Volt c. 24 Volt




Exam: SWR (DP)Time: 2.00 hrs.Total Marks: 40.

Group A: Answer the following questions (fuEufyf[kr iz’uks ds mRrj fyf[k;s) Marks: 16

1. Explain with a neat diagram how protection will be done if accident occurs & all the lines are

blocked in following situation in triple line section(fVªiy ykbZu lsDlu esa fuEufyf[kr ifjfLFkfr;ksa

esa nq?kZVuk gksdj lHkh ykbZusa vojks/k gks tkus ij protection dSls fd;k tk,xk]lfp= le>k;saA )

a) When affected train is on up line( tc okf/kr xkMh UP ykbZu esa gks )

b) When affected train is on middle line.( tc okf/kr xkMh MIDDLE ykbZu esa gks )

2. Explain the working of trains in case of Single line introduced on double line & there is total interruption of all communications? (Mcy ykbu lsDlu esa flaxy ykbu ykxq gksus ds ckn laiq.kZ lapkj O;oLFkk Hkax gks tkus ij xkMh;ksa ds izpkyu fo/kh c.kZu djsaA)

3.Write about T/A 602 & T/ 510. (T/A 602 o T/510 ds ckjs esa fy[ksaA)

4.Duty of loco pilot in case clearing a load from road side station in case BPC is invalid?(jksM lkbZM LVslu ls yksM fDy;j djrs le;]tc BPC invalid jgrk gS yksdks ik;yV ds drZO; fy[kSaA)

Group B: Write the short notes of the following.fuEu ij laf{kIr fyf[k;s Marks: 8.

a. Green Noticeb. Caution orderc. Interlocking(baVjykWfdax) d. Golden hour

Group C: Fill up the blanks(fjDr LFkku Hkfj;s) Marks: 8.

1. Normal aspect of repeating signal in MACLS is ______(MACLS esa fjfifVax flxuy dk ukeZy aspect ______gksrk gSA)

2. Time allowance for goods train for starting ………… minutes and for stopping ………. minutes.

EkkyxkM+h LVkZV djus ds fy, ------fefuV ,oa LVki djus dsfy, ------fefuV VkbZe ,ykmUl fn;k tkrk gSA

3. Maximum allowed Speed for B class ODC is ______kmph & for C class ODC is _____kmph when running on straight line.( fl/ks ykbZu ij fc Dykl vksMhlh dk vf/kdre allowed Speed _____kmph o Lkh Dykl vksMhlh dk vf/kdre allowed Speed _____kmph gSA)

4.Authority for a Train to back beyond “backing limit” board is______.

(“Backing Limit” cksMZ ds vkxs ckMh dks fiNs c<kus ds fy, ------izkf/kdkj pkfg,A)

5. Whistle code for material train ready to leave is ______.

(ÞeVsfj;y Vªsu NksMus ds fy, izLrqr gSß ds fy, fOgly dksM ______gSA )

6.Hand signal for moving away from the person shunting is ______.

(‘kafVx djkus okys O;fDr ls nqj tkus ds fy;s Hand signal ______gSA)

7Auto gate signal showing danger & “A” marker is not glowing means ______.

(Auto gate signal yky fn[kk jgk gks o“A” marker cq>k gqvk jgusij______n’kZkrk gSA)

8. Authority for a material train to proceed in obstructed block section is ______& speed

should not exceed______kmph when view ahead is clear.(eVsfj;y Vªsu dks vojksf/kr Cykd lsDlu

esa tkus ds fy, ______izkf/kdkj fn;k tkrk gS rFkk |`’;rk lkQ jgus ij ______kmph ls T;knk

ufga gksuk pkfg;sA)

Group D: Put tick mark on correct answer (lgh mRrj ij fu’kku yxkbZ;) Marks: 8.

1. How many dead Locomotives are permitted to attach next to the Train Loco ofGoods Train on section where D/H is permitted..(tgka Mcy gsM xkMh pykus fd vuqerh gks ekyxkMh ds yksdks ds fiNs fdrus MsM yksdks tksM dj pyk;k tk ldrk gSA)

A. 2 working Loco + 1 Dead Loco.

B. 2 working Loco + 2 Dead Loco with (Brake Operative)

C. 1 working Loco + 1 Dead Loco with (Brake Operative)

2. In case of rail fracture is less serious in the nature then after proper repairing the speed of the train will be (;fn jsy QzsDpj de flfj;l gks rks lgha fjis;j djus ds ckn xkMh fd xfr gksxh)

a. 20 Kmph b. 15 Kmph c. 30 Kmph

3. In case of temporary single line working introduce in double line section than Loco Pilot will get Mcy ykbZu ds lsD”ku esa flaxy ykbZu ofdZax ykxw gksus ij yksdks ik;yV dks vFkkfjfV nh tk;sxh

a. T/D 602 b. T/A 602 c.T/C/602

4.While returning from accident spot speed and interval of 2ndrelief train? (accident spot ls LVslu rjQ okilh ds le; 2ndrelief train dks ___ feuV varjky esa o ___kmph vf/kdre xrh gksuh pkfg,A )

a. 15kmph, 30mins.

b . 8kmph, 15mins.

c. 10kmph, 15mins

5.Conditional line clear message in T/B602 is given for(T/B602 esa“Conditional line clear message” ____ ds fy;s fn;k tkrk gSA)

a. Return journey of light engine going to open communication

(communication [kqyus ds fy;s tkusokyklight engine dk okilh ds fy;)s

b. Train, whose engine is going to open communication

( mlh xkMh ds fy;s]ftldk light engine, communication [kqyus ds fy;s x;h gS)s

c. Second train after opening communication(communication[kqyus ds ckn f}fr; xkMh ds fy;s)

6. When Distant signal of an Intermediate Block Post is defective and can not be kept in the “ON” position then (tc vkbZ-ch- dk fMLVsaV flxuy [kjkc gks tkrk gSa rc)

a. IB will be treated as working (vkbZ-ch-flxuy dks dk;Zjr ekuasxs)

b. IB will be treated as defective (vkbZ-ch-flxuy dks [kjkc ekusaxs)

c. Only IB distant is to be treated as defective (dsoy vkbZ-ch- fMLVaV flxuy dks [kjkc ekusaxs a)

7. Normally not more than ------No. of persons other than the Engine Crew shall be permitted to travel in the cab (lkekU; voLFkk esa bathu dsc esa batu dehZ ny ds vykok ____ O;fDr ;k=k dj ldrs gS)

a. 3 Persons b. 4 Persons c. 5 persons

8.During Prolong failure of auto signals ,authority & speed of first train is(Auto signals dsProlong failure gks tkus ij igyk xkMh dk vkFkfjVh o fLiM gksxh ___ o ___kmphA)

a. T/D/ 912, 25 kmph

b. T/A/912, 25 kmph

c. T/D/912, 15 kmph




Exam: Tech (DP) Time: 2.00 hrsTotal marks: 40

Group A:Write the answers of the following questions Marks: 12

fuEufyf[kr iz”ukas ds mRrj fyf[k;sa