EHR WG tutorials – brainstorming




John Ritter

Brainstorm a set of future EHR-related course offerings tailored to various stakeholder groups

Invited experts: Melva Peters (EDU WG); Don Mon; Gora Datta; Reed Gelzer; Helen Stevens-Love; Lenel James; Mark Janczewski; Gary Dickinson; Pat Van Dyke; Hetty Khan, Harry Rhodes; Stephen Hufnagel; Julie Richards, Lorraine Doo; Ron Parker; Mary Ann Boyle (HL7 EDU); Sharon Chaplock (HL7 EDU)

HL7 EHR WG Thought Leaders,

I’ve been wondering whether the EHR WG ought to consider updating our educational offerings. We currently offer a few courses that are related to our Work Group’s efforts such as the EHR Introductory Course, Personal Health Record Course, and Meaningful Use Course. However, the EHR industry has advanced over the past five or so years and faces some stiff challenges. Perhaps we should begin to envision a wider set of Course and/or Workshop offerings. For example:

  1. Develop a “Functional Profile Development Workshop” that includes the “Conformance Clause and How to Build Functional Profiles” portion.
  1. Develop a “Function Information Model” course.
  1. Develop a “How to use the EHR Profile Designer Tool” course.
  1. “HL7 BUZZZ” Tutorial. [This tutorial would change each time that it is taught. HL7 WGs could send brief subtopics to the owner of this Tutorial. Each subtopic would last about 5 minutes.] Develop a course that touches hot topics: Mobile Health; Bring-Your-Own-Device; Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries; Usability; User-Centered Design; Meaningful Use; Certification Bodies; Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources; Tooling; Request-For-Proposal tenders; EHR system governance issues; Government-stakeholders; Maturity Model approaches; Types of Interoperability (Technical, Semantic, Process, “Cloud”); ICD-10; Military Systems; Large, national tenders; Policy WG hot topics; HL7 Website; HL7’s interactions with other bodies (such as HIMSS, IOM, ISO TC215, SNOMED); How to suggest/launch a new Work Group or Project; What should HL7 tackle in the next year?; HL7 as a part of Standards Development Organizations?; Social Media and Healthcare; Recent launches of national HIT projects; List of new HL7 Affiliates (with in-person introduction to the new Affiliate Chairs); a few noteworthy snippets from theprevious Sunday’s HL7 Council meeting (perhaps presented by the Affiliate who introduced that topic on Sunday); requests for engagements on various HL7 WG projects/surveys/pilots/outreaches; personal (in-person), two-minute greeting/encouragement from an HL7 founder; personal, two-minute greeting from the Education Director. Hot new HIT BUZZ offered by members of the class; pointers to some of the HL7 members’ Blogs;

From Ginny: Learn what's hot and what's not. Gossip, buzz, the news, commentary. Survey based? Put out a survey a month 1/2 before WGM to HL7 leadership maybe? Or HL7 as a whole?Certainly a subjective topic.Look at what's trending on social media and use that? Would need to figure that out. Ask the bloggers from HL7.

  1. HL7 EHR System Functional Model“Expert Certification”?
  1. The HL7 EHR System Functional Model as an educational tool for people new to HIT.
  1. Develop an overview of – and strategic use of – all existing, in-process, and likely-future Functional Profiles.
  1. Develop a course that describes a “Functional Model Framework”, where the proposed framework might consist of well-coordinated Functional Models (e.g., EHR-S FM, PHR-S FM, Public Health FM, Mobile Health FM, Consumers-as-NonProfessional-careteam-members FM, Community-Health-Workers-as-SemiProfessional-careteam-members FM, Occupational Health FM; Consent Management FM; etc.)
  1. In the EHR Introductory Course, retain the “history of EHRs and EHR systems” portion, but reduce the “Conformance Clause and How to Build Functional Profiles” portion.
  1. In the EHR Introductory Course, reduce the “history of EHRs and EHR systems” portion, and increase the “Conformance Clause and How to Build Functional Profiles” portion.
  1. Resurrect the EHR Advanced Course (that focuses on the “Conformance Clause and How to Build Functional Profiles” portions).
  1. Create a "Toolkit or Guide" explaining (for example) how to apply the EHR-S FM as an assessment of a given EHR system in a manner that highlights gaps, risk/benefit, prioritization.
  1. Create an EHR System Usability tutorial.
  1. Create tutorials that target certain stakeholder groups such as lawyers, legislators, policy makers, quality-conformance-measurement-accreditation specialists.
  1. Create a tutorial that offers a survey of the usages of the EHR-S FM around the world. Describe the setting, cost, policies, incentives, roadblocks, risks/benefits, challenges/successes/failures, performance-results, maturity level of the ecosystem, planned upgrades/obsolescence, and/or national strategy.
  1. Create a tutorial that describes the suite of standards and guidelines necessary for creating an EHR system (e.g., image, laboratory, messages, documents) and the Standards Development Organizations or Associations that create those standards and guidelines.

[From Reed Gelzer: I’d like to see EHR WG take a cue from Security’s “Assessment Toolbox” as one type of possible educational offering. Something along the line of “How to apply the EHR FM as an assessment of a given EHR system”, in a manner that highlights gaps, risk/benefit, prioritization…]

[From Gora Datta: It’s time we start this discussion (…and this is) an excellent starter list. It will require resources and heavy-lifting to flush all this and convert into appropriate courses. I take it that at this stage, we are on a planning phase. We may start with 1-2 new courses as a starter, but will eventually build a repository of courses (including a tool-kit as suggested by Reed). What I would suggest, is that we also developing a hierarchical track of courses related to functional aspects of an electronic health record systems (I am being careful as not to mention just an EHR-S FM or PHR-S FM, etc.) with increasing level of (knowledge) competency. I think the Education WG may already be working on something similar and this may feed into it.]

Since the HL7 Education Committee needs about 6-12 months of advanced planning in order to conduct surveys, schedule classes, secure classrooms, and create brochures, we have plenty of time to brainstorm a set of (possible) educational offerings and begin to develop those courses.

Would you all be amenable to a few discussion sessions? Perhaps a breakfast table at the May 2013 Working Group Meeting? Or perhaps one or two small-group conference calls?

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