EHCS 2007 Annual Report
October 2010 (1): 2007 EHCS grossing
Publications affected:
2007 English House Condition Survey, Headline Report, January 2009
2007 English House Condition Survey, Annual Report, September ‘09
2008-09 English Housing Survey, Headline Report, February 2010
Description of the error:
This revision arises from an error found in the computation of tenure for 2007 EHCS grossing and analysis purposes. 105 housing association cases were mistakenly coded as local authority for 2007/08.
This did not in itself lead to any significant undercount of RSL/overcount of LA tenants for '2007' published findings because the partly misclassified tenure variable was itself an input into the grossing process (in other words, the error resulted in a reduced number of RSL cases receiving a higher weighting than should have been the case, and vice versa on the LA side). However the correction of the tenure classification for 2007 has necessitated a revision of the 2007 grossing factors themselves (household and dwelling), and the revision of these factors impacts on all results.
In general the revision results show very small to negligible differences. As the differences have no material impact on patterns and trends in results or on conclusions from those results, current publications will not be revised, but the revision will be incorporated into the English Housing Survey 2008 Housing Stock Report, and any future publications citing 2007 data.
The tables below compare the 2007 published results with corrected ones to illustrate the impact of the data revision.
Table 1: Average SAP comparison of 2007 published and revised results
all dwellings2007 EHCS published / 2007 EHCS revised
mean / median / number (000s) / mean / median / number (000s)
owner occupied / 48.1 / 49.5 / 15,560 / 48.1 / 49.5 / 15,560
private rented / 48.1 / 50.0 / 2,738 / 48.1 / 50.0 / 2,738
local authority / 56.2 / 58.0 / 1,987 / 56.2 / 58.0 / 1,987
housing association / 59.5 / 61.7 / 1,904 / 59.3 / 61.3 / 1,904
all dwellings / 49.8 / 51.3 / 22,189 / 49.8 / 51.2 / 22,189
Table 2: Decent homes by tenure, comparison of 2007 published and revised results
all dwellings2007 EHCS published / 2007 EHCS revised
decent / non-decent / total / decent / non-decent / total
thousands of dwellings
owner occupied / 10,256 / 5,304 / 15,560 / 10,256 / 5,304 / 15,560
private rented / 1,494 / 1,244 / 2,738 / 1,494 / 1,244 / 2,738
all private / 11,750 / 6,548 / 18,298 / 11,750 / 6,548 / 18,298
local authority / 1,335 / 652 / 1,987 / 1,336 / 651 / 1,987
RSL / 1,418 / 486 / 1,904 / 1,413 / 491 / 1,904
all social / 2,753 / 1,138 / 3,891 / 2,749 / 1,142 / 3,891
all dwellings / 14,503 / 7,686 / 22,189 / 14,499 / 7,690 / 22,189
percentage of dwellings
owner occupied / 65.9 / 34.1 / 100.0 / 65.9 / 34.1 / 100.0
private rented / 54.6 / 45.4 / 100.0 / 54.6 / 45.4 / 100.0
all private / 64.2 / 35.8 / 100.0 / 64.2 / 35.8 / 100.0
local authority / 67.2 / 32.8 / 100.0 / 67.2 / 32.8 / 100.0
RSL / 74.5 / 25.5 / 100.0 / 74.2 / 25.8 / 100.0
all social / 70.8 / 29.2 / 100.0 / 70.6 / 29.4 / 100.0
all dwellings / 65.4 / 34.6 / 100.0 / 65.3 / 34.7 / 100.0
Table 3: Vulnerability status by decent homes, comparison of 2007 published and revised results
2007 EHCS published / 2007 EHCS revised
decent / non-decent / total / decent / non-decent / total
thousands of households
vulnerable / 1,929 / 1,231 / 3,160 / 1,929 / 1,230 / 3,160
not vulnerable / 9,516 / 5,018 / 14,534 / 9,516 / 5,018 / 14,534
all private / 11,445 / 6,249 / 17,694 / 11,445 / 6,248 / 17,694
vulnerable / 1,932 / 740 / 2,672 / 1,929 / 743 / 2,672
not vulnerable / 717 / 297 / 1,014 / 715 / 298 / 1,013
all social / 2,649 / 1,037 / 3,686 / 2,644 / 1,041 / 3,685
percentage of households
vulnerable / 61.0 / 39.0 / 100.0 / 61.1 / 38.9 / 100.0
not vulnerable / 65.5 / 34.5 / 100.0 / 65.5 / 34.5 / 100.0
all private / 64.7 / 35.3 / 100.0 / 64.7 / 35.3 / 100.0
vulnerable / 72.3 / 27.7 / 100.0 / 72.2 / 27.8 / 100.0
not vulnerable / 70.7 / 29.3 / 100.0 / 70.6 / 29.4 / 100.0
all social / 71.9 / 28.1 / 100.0 / 71.7 / 28.3 / 100.0
vunerable households are those in receipt of principle means tested or disability related benefits or tax credits
Table 4: Dwelling type by tenure, comparison of 2007 published and revised results
all dwellings2007 EHCS published / 2007 EHCS revised
owner occupied / private rented / local authority / housing assoc. / total / owner occupied / private rented / local authority / housing assoc. / total
thousands of dwellings
end terrace / 1,366 / 280 / 232 / 204 / 2,082 / 1,366 / 280 / 232 / 206 / 2,085
mid terrace / 2,790 / 652 / 353 / 364 / 4,158 / 2,790 / 652 / 357 / 359 / 4,158
semi detached / 4,873 / 489 / 394 / 347 / 6,103 / 4,873 / 489 / 389 / 355 / 6,107
detached / 3,735 / 222 / 4 / 11 / 3,973 / 3,735 / 222 / 4 / 10 / 3,972
bungalow / 1,569 / 113 / 189 / 231 / 2,102 / 1,569 / 113 / 186 / 231 / 2,099
converted flat / 280 / 356 / 34 / 88 / 757 / 280 / 355 / 34 / 86 / 756
purpose built flat, low rise / 866 / 566 / 653 / 610 / 2,696 / 866 / 566 / 654 / 607 / 2,694
purpose built flat, high rise / 81 / 60 / 128 / 49 / 318 / 81 / 60 / 130 / 48 / 319
all dwellings / 15,560 / 2,738 / 1,987 / 1,904 / 22,189 / 15,560 / 2,738 / 1,987 / 1,904 / 22,189
percentage of dwellings
end terrace / 8.8 / 10.2 / 11.7 / 10.7 / 9.4 / 8.8 / 10.2 / 11.7 / 10.8 / 9.4
mid terrace / 17.9 / 23.8 / 17.8 / 19.1 / 18.7 / 17.9 / 23.8 / 18.0 / 18.9 / 18.7
semi detached / 31.3 / 17.9 / 19.8 / 18.2 / 27.5 / 31.3 / 17.9 / 19.6 / 18.7 / 27.5
detached / 24.0 / 8.1 / 0.2 / 0.6 / 17.9 / 24.0 / 8.1 / 0.2 / 0.5 / 17.9
bungalow / 10.1 / 4.1 / 9.5 / 12.1 / 9.5 / 10.1 / 4.1 / 9.4 / 12.1 / 9.5
converted flat / 1.8 / 13.0 / 1.7 / 4.6 / 3.4 / 1.8 / 13.0 / 1.7 / 4.5 / 3.4
purpose built flat, low rise / 5.6 / 20.7 / 32.9 / 32.0 / 12.1 / 5.6 / 20.7 / 32.9 / 31.9 / 12.1
purpose built flat, high rise / 0.5 / 2.2 / 6.4 / 2.6 / 1.4 / 0.5 / 2.2 / 6.5 / 2.5 / 1.4
all dwellings / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0