Life Rocks LLC,

Estimate Request

email to: LifeRocksLLC

Complete all project details (if possible) for as accurate an estimate as possible. Estimate may change depending on actual measurements, conditions, features and materials used.

Please print.

Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

Phone: _____________________________ Fax: _______________ E-mail: _____________________

Job Address: _________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address (if necessary): __________________________________________________________

Return estimate via: fax / e-mail /

Is there a specific time line for this project? ________________________________________________

Project: Kitchen / Bath / Other:

Project is: _____new construction / _____remodel

Approximate Square Footage: ________________

Backsplash: ____ Tile / ____ 4” slab / Full height / Other:

Type of Stone: Granite / Marble / Quartz / ____ Other: ________________________

Stone Selection:

Thickness: 3cm ~ 1¼”

Edge Profile: Flat & Eased / Bullnose / Pencil/ ¼” Bevel

Ogee / ____ Chiseled / ____ Other: _____________________________________

Sink Type: undermount / drop-in (and)
Stainless Steel / Cast Iron / Porcelain / Farm Sink / Other:

Cooktop: Slide-in Stove Drop-in Cooktop Vent: Vent Hood Downdraft

Special Instructions (please include any extraordinary situations such as stairs, elevators, limited parking etc.):

Disclaimer: Life Rocks LLC will provide as accurate an estimate as possible. This estimate is not a price guarantee, work contract or guarantee of service or materials availability. Material types, selection, availability and prices are subject to change. Stone countertops and installation is a custom process and subject to variations in material and methods.