Prince George’s Community College
Fall 2010

Prose, like a straight line, extends to the horizon.

Verse, like a spiral, draws us into itself….

--Robert Wallace

Course: English 1020 Honors / Comp II: Writing About Literature / LD01, #25586

Time / location: Tu Th 9:30-10:45; M3089

Instructor: Michele Hardy

Associate Professor of English


Office/Phone: Marlboro Hall, Room 3057; 301-322-0596

Office Hours: Tu: 11-12:15 and 2-3; Th: 11-12:15

Professor’s Mailbox: Marlboro Hall, Room 3072; if submitting anything in my mailbox, please have one of the department administrative assistants time-stamp your work. My mailbox is marked by my last name, “Hardy.”

Email availability: Email is the best way to communicate with me outside of class. I check my email daily. However, I generally do not check mail after 5 p.m. Please attempt to email me during the week rather than the weekend as I may not be as readily available.

Student Owl Mail: All students must use their assigned PGCC Owl Email Account to communicate with professors. This address will also be the one the college uses to contact you or to send you important information. The account has been set up for you; however, you need to activate it in order to use it.Go to then carefully read and follow the directions given. Once you activate your account, you can quickly access your Owl mail, your Owl Link account, and much more on the college's new website for students entitled myPGCC which can be accessed at or If you have difficulty activating your Owl mail account or you have forgotten your Owl Link User ID, email or go to Technology Services Help Desk in Bladen Hall, Room 106, on the Largo campus.

Email Etiquette: To ensure a high level of professionalism and courtesy, please follow the following basic rules for email etiquette:

·  Provide a clear subject heading, for example John Smith, EGL 102H (I do not open emails that have blank subject headings or that are vague—i.e. “Hi”). You may also indicate the nature of your email—John Smith, EGL 1020H, question on Essay 2

·  Within your email: Provide an appropriate salutation—i.e. Hello Professor Hardy—and a signature—i.e. Thank you, John Smith

·  Do not use “IM-speak” in your correspondence (i.e. omitting capitalization, irregular spellings, abbreviations) or informal language

Overview: In this course, you will continue to develop your critical thinking and writing skills used in English 1010, using short fiction, poetry, and drama as a medium for discussion and composition. An understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of quality literature written by a diverse group of authors will be encouraged. This course also features 1) a group presentation which includes: a) research on a selected poet / poem; b) applying artistic mediums such as music and creative writing to enhance connection with the work; 2) a documented research paper on a selected work.

Required Texts: Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Compact 6th edition. Editors X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. ISBN #: 0-205-69878-6

Joe Turner’s Come and Gone by August Wilson ISBN #: 0-452-26009-4

*This syllabus (as well as any handouts) are to be considered texts as well. If you lose or misplace them, it is your responsibility to Xerox the material from a peer.

Textbooks can be purchased through PGCC's Campus Bookstore in Largo Student Center.Upon enrolling in this course, you have made a commitment, as I have. This entails purchasing the required textbooks in time to complete the specified assignments. If you do not have the textbook by this time, it is your responsibility to obtain the material, either by contacting a fellow student, accessing the material online or in a library.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

1. Write analytical essays about literary texts by

·  formulating restricted, unified and precise thesis statements

·  organizing essay content into introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs

·  composing restricted, unified, and precise topic sentences for paragraphs

·  writing unified and coherent paragraphs that are well-developed with supporting materials drawn from the literary text

·  applying grammar and usage rules correctly

·  writing clear, precise sentences

2. Explain basic literary terms in the genre of poetry, fiction, and drama

3. Write research-based essays using secondary sources to:

·  demonstrate their understanding of plagiarism

·  synthesize several different sources into an essay to support its thesis

·  quote, summarize, and paraphrase responsibly within that paper

·  document sources according to the MLA format

My goals: My goals include, but are not limited to:

·  guiding you, the best way I can, in reaching the outcomes listed above

·  assisting you in realizing your creative potential to connect with literature

·  helping you attain your personal, academic, and future goals

·  listening and learning from every student

Philosophy: I am a firm believer that every student should be directly involved in his/her education. This class will be a rigorous, energetic, intellectually stimulating space where we can explore literature together. My classes rely heavily on active discussion and every student’s voice will be heard. I have structured the class to be in a “workshop” atmosphere—a comfortable, interactive, safe environment where everyone can make discoveries that lead to positive, critical thinking. This is a demanding, but rewarding course. It is a space of high standards and expectations. If you are committed and willing to work, as I am, we will have a productive and rewarding semester.

Requirements: The successful completion of all of the following assignments:

Essay 1: Analysis of short fiction 15%

Poetry project:

Essay 2: Analysis of poetry (individual work) 20%

Oral presentation on poetry (group work) 15%

Literature Response Papers 25%

Research paper 25%

Grading scale: 100-90=A; 89-80=B; 79-70=C; 69-60=D; 59-0=F

Assignment policies:

·  All work is to be typed and double-spaced, unless otherwise specified. Please use standard print size (12), margins (1”), and font (Times New-Roman).

·  I do not accept work that is not stapled.

·  There are no cover pages required.

·  If an assignment merits documentation, please use the 2009 updated MLA style for all in-text citations and Works Cited page.

·  No late work accepted. If you have a legitimate reason for not meeting an assignment deadline (this will be determined by me), please communicate with me beforehand and we will discuss a reasonable course of action. Keep in mind

that forgetting to bring the assignment to class, losing the assignment criteria handout, or simply “not doing” the assignment are not valid reasons to be given an extension.

·  No “double-dipping”—meaning that students may not submit a previous essay from another class as a submission for this course.

·  All work should be submitted during our class session on the specified due date. However, I will accept submissions in my mailbox (M3072) on that date, if you are absent from class. Please have one of the English Department administrative assistants time-stamp your work before submission.

·  I only accept emailed submissions of assignments under special circumstances that are deemed legitimate. However, you must clear this with me first, before submitting anything electronically.

·  Be resourceful and foresee any problems with computers and/or printers. Try not to fall into the habit of waiting until the day an assignment is due to print out your essay. Print out your final copy of an assignment before the designated due date. Also, save your work in multiple places.

·  Rough draft policy: We will be engaging in one peer review/rough draft session for Essay 1 (Analytical Essay on Short Fiction). If you are absent on the day of the review, your final draft will be lowered one letter grade. If you come to class without a rough draft, you will be dismissed, charged an absence, and essay’s final draft will be lowered one letter grade.

·  If you would like assistance from me outside of the classroom (or from the Writing Center), please make an appointment ahead of time. See me to make an appointment or refer to the Student Support Services section of syllabus for information concerning the Writing Center.

·  When to expect your work back from professor? Students will receive an assignment back before the submission of the next one.

·  Conferencing: Please do not hesitate to make an appointment with me to discuss your work or assessment of any assignment. Keep in mind that I do not conference with students on the day assignments are returned (students should take time to review all comments/feedback carefully before making an appointment).

Classroom Policies:

·  Please turn off all cell phones before class begins (or set it to silent) and place cell phones out of sight. There is absolutely no texting during class.

·  Ipods and other electronic devices should be put away before class begins. No laptops.

·  No food allowed. Beverages are fine.

·  Do not leave the classroom during our session; if you must be excused, please ask.

·  No children allowed.

·  We will discuss some basic guidelines to follow for our class discussions.

Delayed College Openings: When the college announces a delayed opening, all classes with at least 45 minutes of class time remaining at the time of the opening will be held. For example, in the event of a 10 a.m. opening, a 9:30-10:45 a.m. class will be held. This procedure applies to all credit classes. Consider signing up for Owl Alert, a free service provided for students to alert them via text message and/or email of any delays or closings. Visit the college’s website, click on Quicklinks, then Owl Alert to sign up.

Plagiarism: Academic dishonesty is a serious offense with severe consequences. Multiple infractions may result in penalties such as failure from the class and suspension from the college. I also reserve the right to question marked inconsistencies in style. Prince George’s Community College has a licensed agreement with, a service that helps prevent plagiarism from Internet resources. I may be using this service in this class if any text submitted is questionable. For a first offense, you will receive a zero on the assignment and a file documenting the plagiarism will be created. However, any other violation will result in a meeting with the Vice President of Student Services and the appropriate sanctions will be determined. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions concerning this policy or to enlist my help in documenting your work correctly. PGCC’s Code of Academic Integrity follows:


The college is an institution of higher learning that holds academic integrity as its highest principle. In the pursuit of knowledge, the college community expects that all students, faculty, and staff will share responsibility for adhering to the values of honesty and unquestionable integrity. To support a community committed to academic achievement and scholarship, the Code of Academic Integrity advances the principle of honest representation in the work that is produced by students seeking to engage fully in the learning process. The complete text of the Code of Academic Integrity is in current edition of the Student Handbook and posted on the college's website.

Attendance: Attendance is vital to success in this class as the pace is energetic and each session contains valuable discussions and in-class activities. If your attendance is poor, it most likely will be reflected in your work and, subsequently, in your final grade. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to get caught up on any work missed. Do not call me and expect me to “reteach” the class to you. Please call someone in your class to get caught up and approach me in class for any handouts missed. Please be aware that any student who misses more than 25% of the class will NOT pass this course (this equates to missing 7 sessions). **I also do not tolerate repeated, distracting lateness either. If you cannot get to class on time, I advise you to withdraw.

Demeanor: Students are, of course, expected to conduct themselves in a courteous, respectable, and collegiate manner. There is zero tolerance for any behavior that disrupts our learning environment. PGCC’s Code of Conduct follows:


The Prince George's Community College Code of Conduct defines the rights and responsibilities of students and establishes a system of procedures for dealing with students charged with violations of the code and other rules and regulations of the college. A student enrolling in the college assumes an obligation to conduct himself/herself in a manner compatible with the college's function as an educational institution. Refer to the current Student Handbook for a complete explanation of the Code of Conduct, including the Code of Academic Integrity and the procedure for dealing with disruptive student behavior.

Student Support Services

Disability Support Services: Students requesting academic accommodations are required to contact the Disability Support Services Office (B-124) or call (301) 322-0838 (voice) or (301) 322-0122 (TTY) to establish eligibility for services and accommodations. Students with documented disabilities should discuss the matter privately with their instructors at the beginning of the semester and provide a copy of their Student/Faculty Accommodation Form.

Tutoring and Writing Centers: Bladen Hall, Room 107; 301-322-0748. Please call for times of availability and to set up an appointment.

Campus Bookstore: Largo Student Center, Room 116; 301-322-0912; hours vary at beginning and end of the semester. Please call or check website to confirm.

Collegian Centers:

The College’s Collegian Centers provide a “place to belong” outside of the classroom. They bring students in particular disciplines together for co-curricular activities and opportunities. Please visit the above website for information on collegian centers created for humanities, business, administration of justice, psychology, sociology, education, science and technology.

Computer and Learning Labs
Office / Location / Phone / Hours of Operation
Marlboro Learning Lab / Marlboro Hall
Room 2129 / 301-322-0503 / Mon.-Thurs.: 8 am – 8:45 pm
Fri.: 8 am – 3:45 pm
Sat.: 8:30 am – 2:45 pm
Sun.: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Computer Lab / Bladen Hall
Room 104 / 301-322-0999 / Mon.-Thurs.: 8 am – 10 pm
Fri.: 8 am – 5 pm
Sat.: 9 am – 5 pm
Sun.: Closed
Open Computer Lab / High Technology Center
Rooms 101 and 201 / 301-322-0999 / Mon. – Fri.: 8 am – 10 pm
Sat.: Closed
Sun.: Closed
Math Learning Center / Marlboro Hall
Room 3104 / 301-583-5257 / Mon.: 9 am – 9 pm
Tues.: 9:15 am – 8 pm
Wed.: 9 am – 9 pm
Thurs.: 9:15 am – 8 pm
Fri.: 9 am – 7 pm
Sat.: 10 am – 2 pm
Sun.: Closed

English 1020 Honors Course Schedule