East View FFA Winter/Spring Event Calendar
East View FFA Winter/Spring Event Calendar
·1st-Major Show Entries Due
·4th-EV FFA Officer Meeting 4:30pm
5th-GISD Archery Tournament
·11th-EV FFA Holiday Party
·20th-Semester End
·21st-EV/Georgetown FFA Estrella Nursing Home Visit 5pm
·21st-31st-Holiday Break
·7th-Semester 2 Begins
·8th-EV FFA Officer Meeting 4:30 pm
·15th-EV FFA Meeting 4:30 pm; CDE Sign UP
·11th-San Antonio Livestock Exposition (SALE) Lamb and Goat staging begin 5pm
·12th-SALE Lamb and Goat Check-in
Begins 5 am
·13th-SALE Lamb and Goat Show Judging Begins 8am
·14th-SALE Lamb and Goat Show Judging Begins 8 am
·16th-SALE Barrows Wave 1 Arrives
··17th-18th SALE Wave 1 Barrows Continued
·18th-School Holiday
·19th-21stSALE Wave 2 Barrows Begins (dark hogs)
·19th-21stASU Ag Mech Contest
·21st-23rdSALE Auction
·22nd-SALE Wildlife Contest
·24th-SALE Livestock Contest
PACKETS for EASTER DELIVERY Mid to late month
·2nd-Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (HLSR) Floriculture, Range, and Nursery Landscape Contest
·5th-HLSR Lamb and Goat Staging begins 5pm
·6th-HLSR Lamb and Goat Check-In
·7th-8th-HLSR Lamb and Goat Show
·9th-HLSR Wave 1-Dark Barrows Arrive
·10th-11th-HLSR Wave 1 Barrows Show
·11th-15th-GISD Spring Break
·12th-14th-HLSR Barrows Wave 2 (Lights)
·14th-STAR Lamb and Goats Arrive 6 am-12pm; Check-In 2pm
·15th-STAR Goat Show 9 am
·16th STAR Lamb Show 9am
·18th-GHS Vaccination Clinic
·19th-EV FFA Officer Meeting 4:30pm
·21st-Tarleton State CDE Contest
·22nd-Texas State CDE Contest
·23rd-TAMU CDE Clinic
·26th-EV FFA Meeting 4:30pm, Spring Fundraiser Delivery Announcement
·5th-Angelo State University Invitational CDE
·6th-Area VII CDE Contest TAMU (Livestock, Meats, Poultry, Horse)
·9th-EV FFA Officer Meeting 4:30 pm
·10th-Area VII CDE Tarleton (Dairy Cattle)
·16th-EV FFA Meeting 4:30 pm
·18th-State CDE Tarleton (Dairy Cattle)**
·20th-State CDE Texas Tech University (Food Tech, Wool, Ag Sales) **
·26th-State CDE Sam Houston **
·27th-State CDE TAMU **
**Must Qualify for all State CDE Contests
·7th-EV FFA Officer Meeting 4:30pm; incoming officer interview and exam
·14th-EV FFA Meeting 4:30 pm; Officer Elections
·17th-18th-Area VII Convention James Madison
·21st-Tentative EV FFA Banquet 6-8pm
·27th-Holiday Bad Weather Make-UP Day
·31st-Last Day of School
*There will be a Cen-Tex District Convention that will take place most likely mid-late week before the Area VII Convention, the date has not been finalized at this time
- CDE Practices will be held in room 722 every morning from 8-8:45am. Teams will determine their practice rotation which will begin when we return from Winter Break
- Archery Practice is being held every morning from 7:45-8:45 am, and every Thursday afternoon from 4:00-5:30pm, special practices will be arranged upon request