Village of Lily Lake
ApprovedMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, June 17, 2013Page 1 of 3
Call to Order: President, Jesse Heffernan called the Board Meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
Roll Call: Present –Rick Overstreet,Steve Wise, Ray Ivancic, Wendy Ivancic and Mary Rose Damisch
Also present: Michelle White, Village Clerk, Alex McTavish, Village Attorney and Erik Hoofnagle, Public Works Director. Steve Zahn, Plan Commission Chair, Lisa Engberg, Village Treasurer
Public present: Jim Fleming resident 5N463 Hanson Rd; and Tamra & Jeremy Migonis resident Hanson Road.
Adoption of the Agenda: Motion by R. Ivancic,seconded byOverstreetto adopt the agenda.
Motion by R. Ivancic, seconded by Overstreet to adopt the June 17 agenda as presented. Voice vote, motionpassed.
Minutes of May 20, 2013Board Meeting: Motion by Wise, seconded by R. Ivancic to accept the minutes of theMay 20, 2013meeting as presented.
Motion by Wise, seconded by R. Ivancic to accept the minutes of the May 20, 2013 meeting as presented. Voice vote, motion passed.
Public Comments: Resident Jim Fleming inquired about home maintenance within the Village as well as inoperable vehicles in driveways. He is concerned with the esthetics of the Village.
President Heffernan believes the Village does not have manpower and finances for esthetics of individual homes, but for the health and safety there is a lot the Village does have in place.
The Zoning Officer, Ray Ivancic, does check on “abandoned” vehicles and as long as they have plates and registration they are not considered abandoned according to the Village Ordinance and there is nothing he can do.
Jeremy Migonis spoke about his yard and explained why they allow their grass to get taller. They also planted Native Grasses to help with drainage issues they are experiencing.
Trustee R. Ivancic explained that the weed control ordinance is 6” max in height.
Jesse explained that some of that area is common drainage which effects more than the Migonis home.
The Migonis home is also in violation of the Village Ordinance due to goats on their property. Tamra Migonis explained that it was their knowledge that as long as the animals were not used for slaughtering, that their animals were not considered livestock. This was based on Kane County’s rules and State rules. They were unaware that when they purchased their home, they were located within the Village of Lily Lake.
They are currently looking for a place for the animals, but because of the cost of hay it has been difficult.
Consideration of Bills, Ordinances and Resolutions:
Resolution 2013-05-A Resolution Authorizing Replacement of the Sidewalk at the Village Hall. Motion by Overstreet, seconded Wise to pass Resolution 2013-05.
Trustee Wise explained he completed the work over the weekend and it came in a little higher than the original amount of $450.00. Mainly due to needing to add extra gravel for the base and he poured the sidewalk wider and thicker than the original.
R. Ivancic made an amendment to the Resolution 2013-05 to not to exceed $527.00. Motion by R. Ivancic, seconded by Damisch. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.
Motion by Overstreet, seconded by Wise to pass Resolution 2013-05 with an amendment not to exceed $527.00. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.
Resolution 2013-06 Resolution authorizing repairs to the Sunset Views II Subdivision from Huntington Ridge SSA Funds - Motion by Overstreet, seconded by Wise to passResolution 2013-06.
Public Works Chairman, Erik Hoofnagle, explained the swale will be fixed and the fence will be put back up. He has received a bid for $900.00. The damage occurs when the farm field is not planted and a heavy spring rain occurs. This issue will be fixed when the road gets connected.
Motion by Overstreet, seconded by Wise to pass Resolution 2013-06. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.
Resolution 2013-07 A Resolution approving replacement of culvert on Hanson Road. Motion by R. Ivancic, seconded by Overstreet to pass Resolution 2013-07
President Heffernan explained that this is the full repair of the culvert that was an emergency repair last month.
The amount is to not exceed$9,850.00
Motion by R. Ivancic, seconded by Overstreet to pass Resolution 2013-07. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.
Resolution 2013-08 Animal Control Agreement. Motion by Wise, seconded by Overstreet to pass Resolution 2013-08.
Heffernan reviewed agreement with Metro West and some fees have been amended. Also, clause for larger communities dealing with evictions. It is a 1 year agreement with a 2nd year extension.
Heffernan explained that when talking with Animal Control she made it clear that if they come to pick up an animal and are dealing with the pet owner that they deal with them and don’t use the Village as the middle man. At that point, the Village has no leverage to recoup money for the bill.
Motion by Wise, seconded by Overstreet to pass Resolution 2013-08. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.
Ordinance 2013-04 Prevailing Wages. Motion by Wise, seconded by Damisch to adopt ordinance 2013-04.
Alex explained this is the same ordinance as every other year.
Motion by Wise, seconded by Damisch to adopt ordinance 2013-04. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.
Bills: The bill summary was passed to the Board for approval. Motion by R. Ivancic, seconded by Wiseto approve bills from 5/16/2013-6/12/2013.
Motion by R. Ivancic, seconded by Wiseto approve bills from 5-15-2013 to 6-12-2013. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.
Old Business: R. Ivancic reported some properties that he is working with to get cleaned up.
Trustee Damisch asked the status of Acton Mobile. Ray issued a ticket and is waiting for Alex to set a hearing date.
New Business: Trustee Wise asked why the school speed limit signs were removed. President Heffernan explained that there was miscommunication with school district and the sheriff. No one contacted Village. There was a conflict because there was a 20 mph sign and a 40 mph sign posted in opposite directions. They took them down because no one is crossing Route 47 and the speed limit can be 40. Heffernan explained the school district is 100% in support of whatever the Village wants to do. President Heffernan suggested to discuss the speed limit at the public works meeting and bring a suggestion to the Board.
Adjournment: Motion byWise, seconded byOverstreetto adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Voice vote, motion passed unanimously.
Submitted by Michelle White, Village Clerk