Cycles on Earth and in Space:Planets
OmniGlobe Unit Lesson Plan
Grade / Class / Subject: Elementary 3rd grade
Lesson Time: (4 -5 times) ~45 minutes
Unit / Theme: Cycles on Earth and in Space
2010 Colorado State Standards:
· Earth Science Grade 3- standard #3
Essential Question: How does earth compare to other objects orbiting the sun?
Content Objective(s):
· The students will be able to list the names of the 8 planets and at least 1 key fact about each planet and compare it to Earth.
· The students will be able to put the planets in order from closest to the Sun to the furthest from the Sun.
· The students will be able to model the basic movement of the planets around the Sun.
Language Objective(s):
· The students will be able to write the names of the 8 planets in proper order starting closest to the Sun and write at least 1 interesting fact about each planet.
· The students will be able to explain in sentences using key vocabulary words how the planets move around the Sun.
Key Vocabulary:
· Revolution
· Rotation
· Orbit
Critical Thinking Strategies:
· Background Knowledge (Schema)
· Visualizing
· Synthesizing
· Student book, Cycles on Earth and in Space
· Reading level appropriate books on the planets, from the science kit.
Extensions / Variations:
· Math - Calculate your weight on the planets.
· Literacy-Create student books of planet information
Lesson Delivery:
· Students will work in a small group to become an expert on one planet, moon or sun.
· Each small group will present the facts they have researched to present to the class as that planet is featured on the omniglobe.
· Hand out Cycles on Earth and in Space student books.
· Students will use planet pages to record facts about the planet they have researched to create books of planets.
· The class will use facts researched by classmates to record at least 5 facts about each planet.
· Students will draw a picture of each planet on the page with facts about that planet.
· Have a variety of books and resources available for students to do research.
· To gain student interest, show the omniglobe images of planets.
· Read out loud as a class information about the earth, sun, moon and planets in student books, Cycles on Earth and in Space.
· Question: How does earth compare to other planets that revolve around the sun?
· Chart the “inference” responses of the class.
· After each response: Question: Why did you make that inference? or What made you have that inference?
· Chart the “why” responses.
Work Time:
· Have each group research about the planet and fill in the planet research paper.
· Each group will present information about their planet while it is shown on the Omniglobe.
· Have groups present about their planet.
· Address class inferences about the planets and if they were correct explaining why or why not.
· Address how your planet is similar and different to Earth
· During presentations chart planet information as a class compilation.
· Each student will add information shared to their planet book.
Assessment or extension:
· Completed drawings and information about planets including at least 5 facts about each planet in the planet book.
· Students will include key vocabulary, and describe how the planets move around the sun.
· Create a mobile of the solar system.
My Book About Planets
Planet Fact Cards: Use these cards to record your research findings about your planet.
Planet Name:______Planet Fact: ______
______/ Planet Name:______
Planet Fact: ______
Planet Fact Cards:
Planet Name:______Planet Fact: ______
______/ Planet Name:______
Planet Fact: ______
Planet Name:______
Planet Fact: ______
______/ Planet Name:______
Planet Fact: ______
Planet Name:______
Planet Fact: ______
______/ Planet Name:______
Planet Fact: ______
Planet Fact Cards:
Planet Name:______Planet Fact: ______
______/ Planet Name:______
Planet Fact: ______
Planet Research
Planet name ______
Draw a picture of the planet.
Using your fact cards, write at least 5 sentences describing the planet, where the planet name came from, what it looks like and how far it is from the sun. Does the planet have rings?
Comparing My Planet
Earth / My PlanetName: ______
Order from the Sun / 3 / Order from the Sun
Diameter- Length across / 7,926 miles / Diameter- Length across
Length of day / 24 hours / Length of day
Length of year / 365 days / Length of year
Number of moons / 1 / Number of moons
Average Temperature / 59 Degrees Fahrenheit / Average Temperature
Type: Terrestrial or Gas / Terrestrial / Type: Terrestrial or Gas
Classification: Inner or Outer / Inner Planet / Classification: Inner or Outer
Other possible notable features / Other possible notable features
Rings / No / Rings
Tilt / ~23 1/3 degrees / Tilt
Rotation / Counterclockwise / Rotation
Color / Blue / Color
Other: Spots/ Storms/ Volcanoes/ Valleys/ Atmosphere/ Etc / Definite surface with volcanoes, valleys. Has an atmosphere with weather/ storms. / Other: Spots/ Storms/ Volcanoes/ Valleys/ Atmosphere/ Etc
Example of Planet Comparisons
Planet Name / Order from the Sun / Classification:Inner or Outer planet / Type: Terrestrial or Gas / Other facts
Example of Planet Comparisons (Filled)
Name / Order from the Sun / Where did the name come from? / Planet Nickname / Other factsMercury / 1 / Roman Messenger of the gods / The swift planet
Venus / 2 / Roman Goddess of love and beauty / Earth’s sister
Earth / 3 / The Old English word for ground or soil. / The blue planet
Mars / 4 / Roman god of war / The red planet
Jupiter / 5 / King of the Roman gods / None
or the gas planet
Saturn / 6 / Roman god of agriculture / None or the ringed planet
Uranus / 7 / Greek god of the sky / None or the tilted planet
Neptune / 8 / Roman god of the sea / None or the blue giant
Created by: Andrew Kaufman – OmniGlobe TOSA Thompson R2J School District, Spring 2010
Calculating Your Weight on Earth and the Moon
Your weight on the moon is 16.5% of what it is on earth.
For example: if you weigh 100 pounds on earth, you would weigh 16.5 pounds on the moon.
List your weight in pounds: ______
Multiply your weight by 16.5 % ______
That is your weight on the moon!
*Bonus: Calculate your weight on other planets.
Mercury: your weight x 0.738 ______
Venus: your weight x 0.907 ______
Mars: your weight x 0.377 ______
Jupiter: your weight x 2.36 ______
Saturn: your weight x 0.916 ______
Uranus: your weight x 0.889 ______
Neptune: your weight x 1.12 ______
OmniGlobe - Solar System Mobile Instructions
· 1 stick
· 10 – Pieces of fishing line about 8- 10 inches long
· Planet and sun pictures printed on cardstock
Step 1: Cut out the 8 planets and the sun, label them.
Step 2: Put a small hole in the top of each planet cutout.
Step 3: Cut out the 8 planets and the sun, label them.
Step 4: Hang planets in order from the sun on the stick using fishing line.
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Created by: Andrew Kaufman – OmniGlobe TOSA Thompson R2J School District