Whaley Bridge Primary School Sports Premium Funding 2 year plan (academic years 2015-16/2016-17)
Our next steps and plans for our school have not changed. We remain committed to providing as many children as possible with the opportunity to participate in sport and healthy activities, as well as in competitive events. By raising awareness of sports and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, we hope to increase the number of children accessing healthy activities throughout the school.
Area for development / Planned actions / Proposed outcomes / Estimated Costs £ / Impact 2016-17To increase the participation in healthy activities by all pupils / Provide opportunities for all children to access healthy activities during and after school, to increase the % of children accessing sports clubs / The % of children accessing extra-curricular sporting sessions increases.
Resources are replenished and updated to increase participation and raise awareness of others sports. / 1 day co-ordinator supply cover £190
Resources £100 / The % of children accessing clubs has increased and also included more children with SEN, Pupil Premium and also younger age-groups. Resources have been provided for each year group for access to sports during lunchtimes.
UK Sports clubs have been organised for September 2017 to allow children with SEN to access lunchtime activities for 1 hour a week.
To develop opportunities for more children to take part in competitive sport. / Work with local PE cluster and ensure school attends inter-school competitive events.
Transport is provided for team events. / The % of children accessing extra-curricular sporting sessions increases.
Selection of pupils considers those who would normal not take part in competitive events, allowing the % of children having competed to be increased. / Buxton HSSP £1000
Chapel SSP £2000
P.E. Safer practise £420 – From April 2017
Equipment £ 150
Comp transport £1000 / Transport costs were met for access to all the competitions we took part in.
The % of children involved in inter-school competition rose significantly, as more children were inspired to take part and preparation was well-planned.
To ensure children are well-equipped to represent their school at a local event / Children attend inter-school events in a uniform kit, showing teamwork and sportsmanship. / Children taking part in inter-school events will be supplied with a uniform kit. / Sports tops/hoodies £800
Storage for new Sports kits £
Kit bag, picnic blankets, bibs for sports comps £65
New netball posts £189 / Sports tops & hoodies have been purchased and children have worn these to local events.
To achieve in Autumn 2017-18
To enable Whaley Bridge Primary School to become a Forest School / To train a member of staff to become a qualified Forest School practitioner or invite a practitioner from a Forest School establishment. / Children have the opportunity to take part in Forest School activities, developing knowledge, skills and understanding.
An increased proportion of our pupils can access this provision, especially those less interested in competitive sport and this will support their learning in the classroom environment. / 2 week supply cover £1900
Course costs £800 / To achieve in 2017-18
To provide opportunities for more EYFS/KS1/SEN children to access healthy activities and sport. / Work with local sports cluster to increase the number of sports festivals and events, both inter-school and intra-school (most likely). / An increased proportion EYFS, KS1 and SEN children taking part in sporting events.
Staff/coaches to run extra-curricular clubs aimed at these pupils and consider how their physical needs can be met. / Equipment £150 / WBPS attended competitions/festivals aimed at KS1 and KS1 and EYFS took part in our annual school triathlon to inspire children to take part in school and raise money.
Cluster focus to provide further competitions aimed at Key Stage One children.
UK Sports clubs have been organised for September 2017 to allow children with SEN to access lunchtime activities for 1 hour a week.
To improve the teaching of PE throughout the school with effective training and CPD / Cluster affiliated sports coaches work alongside staff in school to deliver targeted training in areas identified as needing development. / Recent, quality CPD for all staff is provided. / UK Sports £2500 / All children in school received specialist gymnastics coaching for one term, where teachers shadowed the coaches to effectively deliver the training in subsequent years. Teachers receive the support and confidence they requested to deliver gymnastics in a safe and age-appropriate way.
To adopt a healthy eating policy and raise awareness throughout the school. / Staff work with classes and School Councillors to adopt a healthy eating approach throughout school. / New healthy eating policy and ethos adopted across school. / Within admin costs/time / Whole school healthy eating ethos has been adopted and our Healthy Eating policy is being introduced. School Councillors raise awareness and support other children in making healthy choices. This is consolidated by class teachers within PSHE/Sceience/PSED
To allow children to experience live sporting events first-hand and meet sporting professionals. / School staff to be informed of local sporting events which may be suitable for primary children to attend. / Pupils will be able to attend events such as football games/Velodrome to experience live events. / Transport/subsidising costs £ / Year 5 and 6 have attended a Women’s Cricket World cup match in July 2017.
A visit from a Paralympic sprinter has been organised for October 2017 which will provide the children with opportunities to take part in focused activities and learn about his sport.
To provide a daily opportunity for children to take part in a ‘Wakeup Shake up’ club before school. / Staff to run a club before school which is open to all pupils. / An increased percentage of children taking part in extra-curricular exercise – especially Key Stage One and SEN pupils. / Teacher led club. / Weekly club has been running since September 2016 with predominantly Key Stage One children has received positive feedback from parents and children.
To provide children with training and skills to access competitive sports. / Cluster affiliated sports coaches to work alongside staff in school to provide training for pupils in a range of sports. / An increased percentage of children able to access competitive sports and performance will lead to automatic entry to County events. / Within UK Sports/Chapel SSP provision. / Coach from Chapel SSP has taught a 6 week block of lessons to Key Stage 2 pupils to prepare them for future hockey competitions.
UK Sports coaches planned to train Key Stage 2 pupils for competitions during the 2016 Summer term.
The children attended a number of inter school competitions during the Summer Term 2017 which they were prepared for by staff and UK Sports coaches.
To develop opportunities for children to take part in more intra-school sporting events. / Staff to provide opportunities for all children to compete within the school in a range of sporting events. / An increased percentage of children will engage in the events, especially those less interested in competitive sport and this will increase their confidence within the classroom. / Within the UK Sports CPD provision and membership/transport. / 100% of children in Key Stage One took part in an intra school competition as part of Chapel SSP provision.
All children took part in a variety of sports during Sports Day 2017.
To apply for the School Games Mark. / P.E. coordinator to collect and submit range of evidence online to show how we meet the criteria for the award. / The school will maintain the Bronze School Games mark and aim for the Silver mark. / P.E. Coordinator led. / The Bronze Award was achieved in June 2017.