Preparing for the Transition.

What is the Church?

The church is an assembly of people brought together not by chance, nor in a disorderly manner, but called out of the kingdom of Satan, by the voice of voice of the Lord, and by the preaching of the gospel for the purpose of hearing and embracing the word of God.

When we remember the past, there was time that we are all infants in the Lord. We drank milk from the bottle but now years have passed by and we need to be able to teach others.

Ministry is not to be kept but to be given. It looks to me that Letty and I will be leaving to Texas at the end of the year.

There will be a change at my work, home based. I am the manager and I report directly to my boss.

Lot of companies like ours have gone bankrupt but home base will save a lot of money. Manager who can go to another State, (TX) train others, supervise and manage them.

Ministry will continue, Lord willing I will start a home Bible Study, another ext of Agape Chapel Ministries. The website will continue. Philippine Ministry will continue.

You may not see me very often but I will be in touch with you more than the present.

Some of you have been with me for 5-10 years that’s a pretty long time. Some of you aught to be teachers by now. Sometimes it is better for me to go so you will trust in the Lord for guidance.

2 Tim2:2and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

Sound doctrine should be transmitted to other faithful men, so they will teach others. This is discipleship. If you remember after the apostles and the church fathers sound doctrine was buried for centuries as Satan worked in the Roman Catholic Church. The Reformation brought back the sound doctrine and there was discipleship again.

2 Tim 1: 13Follow the pattern of the soundwords that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

If you become disobedient not following the sound doctrine there will be corruption, superstition, traditions and worldliness.

1 Thes 4:2For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.