Swansea University Support

Library Support
Information Services and Systems at Swansea University aims to provide equal access to resources for all our customers. This web page describes the services available in the library for customers who require extra library support.

Assistive Technology

Human Resources
HR webpages provide useful information including job vacancies, policies and procedures, salary and pensions, advice and support to ensure equality of opportunity and staff development.

Athena Swan

Protected Characteristics

Equal Opportunities

Staff Training

University Governance

Transcription Centre
The SUTC can provide advice to lecturers on making their course material accessible to students who are blind or have visual impairments and cognitive print disabilities. The Centre liaises closely with teaching staff to ensure students have their transcription in time for lectures and assignment deadlines. Sound organisation and cooperation ensures that students with print disabilities are not disadvantaged.

Student Services
Student Support aim to provide integrated, professional, student-centred services which offer information, advice, guidance and support to enable every student to develop and achieve their full potential.

Campus Life

Disability Office
Amongst other valuable information you will find a list of the Disability Link Tutors for each college.

Student Union
Although SU Student Union is essentially for students, it is good to know who they help
so that you can guide your students for various issues.

Advice & Support Centre

Academic Support programme
The Academic Success Programme (ASP)is designed to help students maximise their potential at university, irrespective of their starting point.

Student Wellbeing
Helps promote students own wellbeing during their studies through a range of therapeutic approaches.

SEA Award - Cultural Competencies

Centre for Academic Success Provides an inclusive environment where everyone is supported and encouraged to perform to their maximum potential.
