BULLETIN #2 - July 17, 2017
Most NAIA conferences will host a pre-season clinic in July or August. Please attend those clinics prepared and gain as much knowledge as possible from your coordinator and clinicians. It is always good to catch up with your peers but the clinic should be a time for you to ask questions and gain clarity from your league.
As opening day approaches we would like to remind you that to be eligible for post season you must complete the NAIA registration. Fees will go up after August 31st. The Coordinators of the NAIA conferences are committed to working together to make sure the best officials advance into and throughout the playoffs. Make it easier to be selected by taking care of your registration.
The updated Philosophies will be published to the NAIA / Arbiter site by the end of the month. Coaches and officials shall adhere to these philosophies as they occur. We understand that each league may have some slight variance on some of the philosophies. That is why it is vital at your preseason clinics to ask questions and make sure you have a complete understanding of your Coordinators thoughts. Also we will make a highlight of it but there are 2 philosophies that are written that apply to “replay” and we have to change those to fit our game. The fumble philosophy and the “empty hand” philosophy
When talking to coaches and athletic director’s we find that most moments of controversy could be avoided with better communication. This falls on both the official and coaches. While we understand the heat of the moment, strive to remain composed and use your skills to defuse challenging situations instead of fueling them. As officials we don’t always have to be right at that very moment. Game film will support you if in fact you called / didn’t call what you saw. Do what’s best for your crew and the game at that moment.
Play to Think About
Team A is in formation to attempt a field goal. At the snap A22 is in position to execute a right-footed place kick and A33 is in position as the holder. The snap goes to A33 who has a knee on the ground. Just after the snap A22 breaks to his left and toward the neutral zone, and A33, while still on his knee, flips a forward pass to A22 who carries the ball beyond the line to gain before he is tackled.
RULING: Legal play, because at the snap A22 was in position toattempt a place kick. First and 10 for Team A.
Think of these scenarios while preparing for the season. If the Field Goal is blocked by B22 and the kicker / holder is roughed by B43 do you still have a roughing foul? Yes we do. Hopefully these kind of plays get us all thinking football.
Danny Harris
NAIA Officiating Resource Advisor
Last Modified: 7/19/171