TO BE COMPLETED 21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Professional Sales Course

Business and Marketing Cluster

Pharmaceutical/Medical Professional Sales and Marketing Concentration

Real Estate Marketing Concentration

Title: / Professional Sales (WVEIS 0431)
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.1 / Fundamentals of Marketing
Students will describe the fundamentals of marketing.
Questions: / Why study marketing?
Where do you find information about potential customers?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.1.1 / articulate the 4 P’s of the marketing mix. / Conduct field trips to grocery and warehouse stores; use a Venn diagram and learning seed video.
ME.O.PSS.1.2 / discover the functions of marketing. / Play a matching game; make a collage.
ME.O.PSS.1.3 / demonstrate the marketing concept. / Create a word wall; read current events.
ME.O.PSS.1.4 / provide examples of product positioning. / Conduct field trips to grocery and warehouse stores; research a company for different brands and how they position each product on the shelves.
ME.O.PSS.1.5 / construct a customer profile using market segmentation. / Have students review cards with product and customer information and profile accordingly.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.2 / Preparing for a Sale
Students will identify preapproach and approach activities.
Questions: / What are some positive and negative experiences you have had with customers?
Why is selling an important component in business?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.2.1 / research product/company history. / Conduct Internet research and complete a project on companies’ histories.
ME.O.PSS.2.2 / prepare a prospect list of potential customers. / Locate local phone books and Internet sites for censes information.
ME.O.PSS.2.3 / prepare for sales activities (stock keeping, housekeeping, and sales records). / Create a checklist; view training videos.
ME.O.PSS.2.4 / select types of retail approaches (greeting, merchandise, and service). / Participate in role-plays; use situational worksheets.
ME.O.PSS.2.5 / illustrate activities in business-to-business sales (preparing materials, prospect lists, follow-up). / Obtain guest speakers to speak with class; conduct Internet research; create sales aids.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.3 / Knowing Your Customer
Students will analyze the importance of knowing the customer.
Questions: / How can you tell if a customer is ready to purchase a product?
How can the consumer market affect the success of your business?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.3.1 / differentiate between a consumer and a customer. / Compare/contrast using a chart; develop role-plays.
ME.O.PSS.3.2 / distinguish between rational and emotional buying motives. / Identify video clips.
ME.O.PSS.3.3 / diagram the customer decision-making process. / Create a flow chart; choose a product and take it through the decision-making process.
ME.O.PSS.3.4 / select methods for handling customer personality types. / Use role-plays; use situational worksheets.
ME.O.PSS.3.5 / utilize professional etiquette techniques (proper dress, telephone skills, customer courtesy). / Use role-plays; view videos; play games; participate fashion shows; use appropriate telephone protocol.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.4 / Determining Customer Needs
Students will explain why determining customer needs is essential in the sales process.
Questions: / How can a salesperson identify the needs of a customer?
Why is essential to determine a customer needs and wants in the sales process?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.4.1 / provided methods for determining customer needs (observation, questioning, and listening). / Play games; use role-plays; list potential questions.
ME.O.PSS.4.2 / demonstrate the importance of nonverbal communication and effective listening. / Play games; participate in role-plays.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.5 / Demonstrating and Presenting
Students will identify characteristics of an effective product demonstration.
Questions: / How can you use the five senses to sell a product?
What are the benefits of a product demonstration?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.5.1 / differentiate between the features and benefits of a product or service. / Create a feature/benefit chart; review product manuals and sales aids.
ME.O.PSS.5.2 / include the customer in the product/service demonstration. / Use role plays; incorporate the five senses in a demonstration; utilize situational worksheets.
ME.O.PSS.5.3 / prepare sales aids. / Create a sales aid for a product demonstration; identify sales aids from pictures or video clips.
ME.O.PSS.5.4 / utilize proper terminology to demonstrate a product. / Participate in role-plays; incorporate product demonstrations; critique video presentations.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.6 / Handling Customer Objections and Questions
Students will identify methods of handling objections and questions.
Questions: / What are some common objections when purchasing a vehicle?
What is the professional way to handle objections?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.6.1 / differentiate between an excuse and an objection. / Use role-plays; use situational worksheets.
ME.O.PSS.6.2 / prepare an objection analysis sheet. / Create an objection analysis sheet.
ME.O.PSS.6.3 / analyze common objections. / Conduct a customer survey; research company websites.
ME.O.PSS.6.4 / utilize specialized methods of handling objections. / Create role plays and a matching game; create a chart; use a venn diagram.
ME.O.PSS.6.5 / demonstrate examples of open-ended and closed-ended questions. / Create a customer survey; identify question types from worksheets or video/PowerPoint clips.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.7 / Closing the Sale
Students willidentify techniques for closing a sale and methods of suggestion selling.
Questions: / Why is closing the sale so important?
How does a company benefit from suggestion selling?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.7.1 / recognize customer buying signals. / Play Charades; conduct a observation study; participate in role-plays; conduct a product demonstration.
ME.O.PSS.7.2 / utilize specialized methods of closing the sale. / Participate in role-plays; play a matching game; create a chart and a Venn diagram.
ME.O.PSS.7.3 / demonstrate methods of suggestion selling. / Conduct a product demonstration; use incentive programs; play games.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.8 / Follow-Up Activities
Students will identify follow-up activities.
Questions: / What are some personal experiences you have had with businesses contacting you after a purchase?
How is relationship marketing used after the sale?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.8.1 / research the importance of relationship marketing. / Contact guest speakers to speak with class; review examples.
ME.O.PSS.8.2 / implement after-sale activities (follow-up letters, evaluations, surveys). / Create evaluations; prepare letters; tally research findings.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.9 / Sales Math
Students willperform math in sales activities.
Questions: / Does sale price influence your buying decisions?
Why is determining profit important?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.9.1 / participate in procedures associated with the handling of cash (making change, preparing and closing cash drawer). / Use role plays; create a checklist; label cash register parts and read instructions on cash register steps.
ME.O.PSS.9.2 / compute tax, discounts, net sales, and profit. / Shop on the Internet; conduct a field trip to store comparing prices; complete worksheets.
ME.O.PSS.9.3 / recognize the different types of sales transactions. / Use role plays; obtain guest speakers to speak with class; label parts of a check; identify types of endorsements.
ME.O.PSS.9.4 / prepare a purchase order and invoice. / Complete purchase orders and invoices; analyze errors on purchase orders and invoices.
ME.O.PSS.9.5 / compute shipping costs. / Shop on the Internet and use catalog shopping; use worksheets on modes of transportation and costs associated with shipping costs.
ME.O.PSS.9.6 / discover methods of loss prevention. / Contact a guest speaker (law enforcement) to speak with class; view a video; review policy manuals; view a video/PowerPoint clips of various security devices.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.10 / Promotion
Students will explore selling as a promotional tool.
Questions: / How is promotion affected by cultural differences?
How do promotional tools affect customer buying decisions?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.10.1 / research sales careers. / Take career/interest surveys; review the Occupational Outlook Handbook; contact guest speakers to speak with class.
ME.O.PSS.10.2 / distinguish the elements of the promotional mix. / Write news releases; create advertising; identify the advantages/disadvantages of essential advertising; focus on current events to overcome a negative image.
ME.O.PSS.10.3 / implement the steps in the sales process. / Conduct product demonstrations/presentations; participate in role-plays;develop a Venn diagram.
ME.O.PSS.10.4 / recognize cultural differences. / Conduct Internet research; invite culturally diverse guest speakers to speak with class.
Standard Number:
ME.S.PSS.11 / Participating in a Local Student Organization
Students will participate in a local student organization.
Questions: / What are the benefits of joining DECA?
How does the community benefit from DECA activities?
What skills are gained by belonging to a student organization?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
ME.O.PSS.11.1 / assess the purposes and goals of a local studentorganization. / Watch a DECA national video.
ME.O.PSS.11.2 / discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in a local studentorganization as an adult. / Create a DECA promotional video; develop recruitment materials; create a bulletin board.
ME.O.PSS.11.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in local studentorganization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. / Participate in community service projects and fundraising; learn parliamentary procedures; participate in leadership and career competition conferences.
21st Century Skills / Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Information and Communication Skills:
Thinking and Reasoning Skills:
Personal and Workplace Skills:
Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Entrepreneurship Skills:
Culminating Assessment
Culminating Assessment: / Technical SkillsPerformance Assessment
Links and Other Resources
Links and Other Resources: / Related Websites:
Advanced Distributed Learning

American Marketing Association

America's Career InfoNet

America's Job Bank

America's Service Locator

A*S*K Institute


Career Voyages

Employment & Training Administration

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Learning Seed

Marketing Education Association

Marketing Education Resource Teaching Cite

Marketing Education Review

Marketing Education Teaching Ideas

MBA Research and Curriculum Center

Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives
National Census Bureau

National DECA

National Retail Federation

Occupational Information Network

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Office of Disability Employment Policy

Pathways to Success

Product Information

U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century

West Virginia Career and Technical Education

West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE)

Workforce West Virginia

Contacts: / Marketing Teachers: See Marketing/DCT Directory
Marketing Coordinator: Betty Sias,
OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick
OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson