All Saints School Association President Mrs Tracey Brunton
Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting heldWednesday 21stSeptember 2016
Those present
Tracey Brunton (President), Richard Lewis,(Deputy Head), Steve Brelsford(Chair), Jane Garratt (Vice Chair),Lisa Rust (Treasurer), Maggie Thorne (Secretary), Ursula Davidson, Clare Burchett, Renee Cleal, Kim Cook,Zoe France, Angela Cullen, Sarah Thompson, Vicky Lovelock,Dee Shepherd, Jo Kerr, Alison Smith, Kathryn Thomas, Louisa Callaghan, Jo Dewing, Rania Greiss, Sameh Botros, John Dennis.
- Apologies
Ruth Beach,Fran Cowell
- Welcome
Steve Brelsford opened the meeting by introducing the new head teacher Tracey Brunton and then invited her to start the meeting. Traceythanked ASSA for all their efforts over the last year and is looking forward to having a thriving ASSA, building a good community spirit. Tracey thanked Steve and Jane for their fantastic efforts over the past year and for stepping into the roles of Chair and Vice Chair.
- Approval of previous minutes
The minutes of the last AGM were accepted as a correct record Proposed: Maggie Thorne Seconded: Lisa Rust.
- Head Teacher’s report
Tracey Brunton thanked ASSA for the immense difference the money makes to the school and education. The money raised by ASSA enables the school to purchase extras enriching the life of the school and the children. In the last year, the children have enjoyed luxuries including a Jungle Book Production,organised theatre groups, author visits and a Classical Christmas Concert.
The next step is for the school to have a Woodland Play Area appropriate for junior school aged children. Tracey is consulting children for their ideas on what they would like in the Woodland area. The proposed cost is around £20,000. Tracey is looking into sources of funding which can supplement the money raised by ASSA.
Tracey Brunton presented Steve Brelsford and Jane Garratt with token gifts and thanked them for the fantastic work in leading the Committee on lots of events and getting people together. She also thanked Lisa Rust who has completed her term as ASSA Treasurer, now she is no longer a parent at the school.
- Treasurer’s report: Lisa Rust
Despite the continuing tough economic conditions, through the enthusiasm and dedication of the ASSA team, 2015/2016 has been a solid fund raising year for ASSA. We are delighted to be making a donation to the school of £15,000 at the beginning of our financial year, equalling the value donated last year.
During the year, our three biggest fundraisers were:
The Christmas Fair £4,870(£4,369)
The Summer Fair£3,036(£3,611)
The 2 school discos£1,098(£1,200) and
£1,247 (£1,200)Always popular. Yr6 pizza.
NB The prior year’s figures are shown in brackets
It should be noted that ASSA’s accounts are prepared on a Receipts and Payments basis. This means that there are two significant items pertaining to the Summer Fair in 2015 carried over to this year’s accounts, the receipt of ‘£ for £’ matching of £1000 and £200 sponsor money from McCarthy Holden. These two items together gave ASSA an additional income from the 2015 Summer Fair of £1200.
The Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day sales each made over £450
The Quiz Night raised over £280. This was £400down from last year.
The Bingo night raised £551.
Club 200, run by Maggie Thorne, raised a total of approximately £230. This year’s accounts also show 2015 200 Club profit of £331.40 making a total of £561.40
The sale of 2nd hand uniform throughout the year, coordinated by Helen and Steve and Sandy Poulter, raised £688 a massive £406 up on last year.
The two raffles which we hold each year raised £903 and £770. These amounts are accounted for in the profits of the Christmas Fair and Summer Fair respectively.£270 up on last year’s sales.
Linda Ashworth acted as our Independent Examiner and audited our accounts. She has very kindly agreed to examine our accounts at the end of this coming year. I have passed on our thanks and a gift of £50 in recognition of her help.
- Chairperson’s report: Steve Brelsford
Thank you all for coming this evening, without the support and commitment of a lot of dedicated volunteers, we wouldn’t achieve the results we do.
Over the past twelve years ASSA has donated £92,000 to the school. This has contributed to many inspiring additions to our school, with various highly visible features such as the climbing wall, radio station, African roundhouse and the Gambian garden, and also to many smaller extra-curricular activities, such as the visiting theatre groups and visiting authors.
In ASSA, everything depends on the event’s organisers, who, with the support of the Committee and several specialised helpers, take on tasks for the year and make them happen.Steve and Jane have identified four different ways people can help ASSA function more effectively, which should hopefully relieve some of the work of event organisers, and provide scope to align with helpers’ domestic circumstances, specifically recognising that regular helpers are not always in a position to attend regular committee meetings.
Committee Member
Event Organiser
Specialised helper at home
On the day helpers
With this evolving way of working, we will be dependent on improving communicationsso that people can carry out tasks at home, without attending meetings, but still fully aware of what is going on.
Lindsey Neal has volunteered to produce an ASSA newsletter which will go out termly.
- Election of Committee members
Tracey Brunton is automatically President of the Committee as Head Teacher.
Governor’s nominee: Carmella Reece.
Teachers’ Nominees: Richard Lewis and Carmella Reece
All the nominees on the list were duly elected to the Committee:
Steve BrelsfordProposed:Ursula DavidsonSeconded: Renee Cleal
Jane GarrattProposed: Ursula Davidson Seconded: Clare Burchett
Kim CookProposed: Zoe France Seconded: Dee Shepherd
Zoe France Proposed: Angela CullenSeconded: Alison Smith
Committee can co-opt members for Committee.
Steve thanked and presented gifts to Lisa Rust who is leaving ASSA as she is no longer a parent at the school and Maggie Thorne who is stepping down as Secretary due to work commitments. He also presented Ursula Davidson and Caroline Coleman with thank you gifts for their fantastic input to the committee this year.
- Any other business
Steve advised the meeting of the steps established by Jane during the last year to facilitate communication amongst the helpers. Communication is always important and usually a challenge, especially to ensure that helping members who are not in a position to attend the regular committee meetings are fully consulted and informed.
In addition to making more use of social media channels, we have introduced a mailing list system, -operating from the ASSA Chair e-mail account, so that messages can be sent to specific groups such as regular helpers, on the day helpers, committee and so on.
Steve thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.
Date of Next meeting:Wednesday 5th ‘October
Registered Charity No. 1038424. For further information contact:
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