Code of Conduct for Council Members
Policy No / 03Date of Policy Adoption / 10/11/09
Minute Reference / 2981
Review Date / 14/12/2010p4339
Next Review / December 2011
This Code of Conduct is a public declaration of the principles of good conduct and standards of behaviour that we the Members of the District Council of Karoonda East Murray have agreed to demonstrate as elected community representatives.
The standards in this Code of Conduct are in addition to any statutory requirements of the Local Government Act 1999 or any other relevant Act or Regulation or associated Policy applicable to Council Members in the performance of their role and responsibilities.
Statement of Commitment
We, the Elected Members of the District Council of Karoonda East Murray, are committed to discharging our duties conscientiously and to the best of our ability.
In the performance of our community role we will act with honesty and integrity and conduct ourselves in a way that generates community trust and confidence in us as individuals and enhances the role and image of the Council and Local Government generally.
In addition to all legislative requirements, we the Members of the District Council of Karoonda East Murray agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and have adopted the requirements of behaviour that we will observe in the performance of our role and responsibilities.
Principles of this Code of Conduct
As Elected Members of the District Council of Karoonda East Murray we will -
Role of Elected Member
- Show commitment and discharge our duties conscientiously and to the best of our abilities;
- Act in a fair, honest and proper manner and according to the law;
- Act with reasonable care and be diligent in the performance of our duties and responsibilities;
- Act in good faith and not for improper or ulterior motives;
- Have due regard to the laws dealing with conflict of interest in relation to all our duties and behaviours and exercise the highest level of integrity expected of people hold public office;
- Not misuse our positions to gain an advantage for ourselves or others or to cause detriment to Council;
- At all times behave in a manner that maintains and enhances the image of the Council and/or does not reflect adversely on the Council; and
- Be impartial in reaching Council decisions and accept the responsibilities associated with those decisions.
- Act with honesty and integrity and conduct ourselves in a way that generates community trust and confidence and which enhances the role and image of the Council and of Local Government generally, and
- Act in the best interests of the overall Council area and the Community, balancing the interest of all stakeholders and take an active interest in the Council area.
- Act in a reasonable, just and non-discriminatory manner when dealing with people.
- Seek to achieve a team approach when dealing with the staff of Council and seek to achieve an environment of mutual respect and trust.
- Treat Council staff with respect and acceptance of their different roles in achieving the Council’s objectives.
- Seek to establish working relationship s with fellow Council Members that recognises and respects diversity of opinion and seeks to achieve the best possible outcomes for the community.
- In our dealings with other Council Members and with staff members, ensure that our behaviour is not and cannot be interpreted to constitute bullying and/or harassment.
- Ensure that we uphold the values of the Council in all interactions.
- Not use information obtained as a result of their position as a Council Member for any purpose other than Council business
- Respect and maintain confidentiality, and not at any time release to any person or organisation any documents that the Council has ordered to be confidential or that have otherwise been delivered to them as a member of Council with an indication that they are confidential, whether or not they fall within the protocols of the Council’s confidentiality policy, and
- Ensure any information we give to the media in relation to the Council or Council decisions is accurate and not a misuse of information.
- Be fair and honest in their dealings with individuals and organisations and behave in a manner that facilitates constructive communication between the Council and the community
- When making comments to the media, state clearly that we are expressing our personal opinion and not that of the Council (unless a member is authorised by the Council to speak on its behalf).
- When making personal comments, show respect for Council decisions, other Members and employees of the Council.
- In their dealings with other Council Members, members of staff and the community, endeavour to ensure that our communication, written or verbal (or otherwise), is not offensive to any person or otherwise defamatory, and
- Not misuse our position to influence employees to gain an advantage for ourselves or others, or to pursue our personal views or agendas.
Gifts and Benefits
- Council Members must never solicit, demand or request any gift or benefit for themselves or anyone else in connection with their Council work or public duties.
- Council Members must not accept any gift, advantage or promise exceeding fifty dollars in value from any person for the discharge of the duties of their office or position or from any person who is in, or seeks to be in any contractual or special relationship with the Council.
- Council Members shall declare to the Mayor, any gift, reward, benefit or advantage in excess of a monetary or retail value of fifty dollars that has been offered and accepted in connection with their Council work or public duties.
Use of Council Resources
Council Members must use Council resources effectively and economically in their public or professional duties.
Council resources may only be used for private purposes if –
- Official permission from the CEO or Works Manager or in the case of the CEO, the Mayor with appropriate delegated authority having been obtained in advance; or
- In accordance with Council policy.
A complaint about the behaviour of a Council Member under the Code of Conduct will be investigated and appropriate action taken to ensure that the complaint is addressed and to reduce the likelihood of further breaches of the Code of Conduct occurring. Council has adopted a procedure for handling such complaints.
Any person who believes a breach of this Code of Conduct may have occurred is encouraged to bring details to the attention of the Mayor, or if the allegation involves the Mayor to the Deputy Mayor.
Further Information
Members of the public may inspect the Code of Conduct for Council Members on Council’s website and the Council Offices, 11 Railway Terrace, Karoonda. Telephone 8578 1004, email
On payment of a fee, a copy of this Code of Conduct may be obtained from the Council, or otherwise may be downloaded from Council’s website
Statement of Adoption and Review
This Code of Conduct was first adopted on 13 November 2001 and must be reviewed within 12 months after a general Local Government election in accordance with Section 63(2) of the Local Government Act 1999. However, this Code of Conduct will be reviewed annually.
The Council may at any time alter this Code of Conduct, or substitute a new Code of Conduct.
Other Relevant Policies/Procedures
Other Relevant Policies/Procedures that are relevant to the Code of Conduct are -: Council Member Complaint Handling Policy, Media Policy, Elected Members Allowance Policy, Fraud & Corruption Policy and Caretaker Policy.
Copies of Council’s policies are available on Council’s website or by contacting Council by telephone 8578 1004 or email .
Commitment of Council Members
We the Members of the District Council of Karoonda East Murray commit to observe this Code of Conduct.
Position / Signature / DateK.J. Burdett / Mayor
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