Tappan ZeeHigh School
Math Analysis
Congratulation on accepting the challenge of continuing your high school math experience past the required Regents math courses. The reward for completing this course will be the satisfaction that you will have a sound foundation of math knowledge that you can apply to the mathematics courses you will be seeing in the near future at the college level. I hope that you will enjoy the topics covered this year and be able to walk away with confidence in your math knowledge.
In today’s world, Math skills are very important. One of the goals of this course is to keep students’ Math skills sharp and ready for college level material. Most colleges require a minimum of two semesters of math for graduation. The course is designed to follow up on skills learned in the Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry courses. In addition, the course will be exposing the students to new material. SAT review time will be part of the curriculum as well as exposure to how mathematics is used in basic accounting and financial decisions we face every day. A strong foundation in mathematics will help our students continue on to higher level mathematics courses which require a higher level of thinking and processing. My goal is to prepare students for that challenge.
Our curriculum may be adjusted at times throughout the year based on current college requirements that we feel are important to introduce to the students. In addition to the text, supplements may be used to meet these requirements. Students will also be getting further instruction on the uses and capabilities of the graphing calculator. Technological tools we will explore can assist in developing a deeper understanding of the mathematical topics being covered.
Brenner, Howard and Gantert, Ann Xavier. Foundations for Advanced Mathematics. Amsco School Publications, Inc. New York, New York, 1993.
A notebook or binder is required every day. This binder is a student’s daily record of all classwork, homework and other assignments. Notes are given on a daily basis and students are expected to be active in class discussions. Students are expected to bring a pen and/or a pencil and a calculator.
Correct classroom behavior includes raising your hand to ask or answer questions, listening carefully to the instructor and fellow students and speaking in an acceptable language. Inappropriate language and behavior will not be tolerated and will be dealt with immediately and firmly. Students are expected to come to class prepared and on time and contribute positively the classroom environment. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of class participation points. When we go to the computer lab, respecting the equipment is mandatory! This includes proper use of all hardware, checking all outside disks for viruses and using only the software that the teacher authorizes.
Homework will be given daily and is reviewed at the next class meeting, unless otherwise notified. ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN to receive full credit! It is strongly recommended that students complete their work in a thorough, diligent and legible manner. Each nightly assignment is worth 2 points and will be included in the overall grade. If assignments are handed in on time and have many mistakes, partial credit will be given. Students can fix their mistakes or make up a missed assignment and turn it in by the next class meeting to receive ½ credit. For homework missed due to absences, see “ABSENCE POLICY” below.
Included in ones grade are tests, projects, quizzes, homework and class participation. Tests will always be announced in advance. Tests and quizzes will be based on the material covered in class and on the homework. A student’s quarterly grade is calculated as follows:
Students MUST arrive on time to class, take their seats immediately and begin on the problem of the day. Students that are late should have a late pass if they arrive after the bell. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of class participation points.
All classwork and homework assignments missed due to LEGAL absences must be made up within three (3) school days or the students will receive a grade of zero. Students have five (5) days in which to make up a missed test; if not, it becomes a zero. Extensive absences should be discussed with the teacher. If a student misses a test or a quiz because of an ILLEGAL absence (cut) a grade of zero will be received with no exceptions.
The following is the course outline for the school year broken down by topic: Real and Complex Numbers, Equations and Inequalities, Functions and Their Graphs, Exponents and Logarithms, The Trigonometric Functions, The Conic Sections, Statistics. SAT review and Financial Mathematics will also be part of the curriculum. If time permits we may discuss a few additional topics that utilize the technology tools available to us.
By signing below, the student acknowledges that they read (with their parent/guardian) the student handbook pages discussing academic integrity. The student understands the school’s position on academic fraud, plagiarism, and the consequences if the rules are not followed. The student understands that they will receive a 0 for that assignment and may be assigned to take the Workshop on Plagiarism as a first offense.
My office hours will take place in Room 310 and are by appointment only. Please let me know in advance if you plan to attend my office hours. Parents/Guardians can contact me by email .
This is a full year course. Complete and consistent work is expected from September - June. By accepting to take this course you agree to work both in and out of class on the curriculum and on all of the assignments. Failure to do so will result in major deductions to your grade.
Please return this page acknowledging that you have read over the Course Outline with your parent/guardian by the end of the first week of school.
I have read over the information stated in the Course Outline with my parent/guardian and I understand what is expected of me for this class. I also understand that there is absolutely no cell phone use during class. This is a full year course and I will work from September through June. I will be on time each day and ready to work.
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature