Camelback District
Grand Canyon Council
Fall 2012 Webeloree
“Shoot For The Stars”
Join us at the Heard Scout Pueblo for a weekend of fun and put your scout skills to the test!
October 27th and 28th 2012
Heard Scout Pueblo
1901 E. Dobbins Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Ranger Station: (602) 276-8656
Caroline Slade, Co-Chair, or 480-415-2208
Tammy Lagana, Co-Chair, or 602-616-2314
7:00am Registration; breakfast (provided); cleanup
Web II spending the night with a Troop-gear to campsite/lunches to Midway wall
(Event sponsors set up event areas)
8:00am Opening Ceremony – Flag raising – Class A uniforms required
8:30am Morning Briefing for Staff/Leaders & other Volunteers
(Webelos may change to Class B uniforms)
9:00am Webelos – Instructions & Schedule for the day
9:30am–12pm Webeloree Activities
12-1pm LUNCH (BYO sack lunches/water bottle)
1-4pm Webeloree Activities & Boy Scout Activities
4:00pm Free Time (Webelos change back to Class A)
4:45pm Flag lowering (Web II spending the night, join your sponsoring Troop campsite)
5:00pm Awards Ceremony – Webelos I
5:45-6:15pm Webelos Depart (ALL Web I; Web II if not spending the night with a troop)
5:00-6:45pm Webelos II - Dinner w/Troop sponsor/Cleanup/free time in camp
7:00pm Campfire/Awards Ceremony – Boy Scouts/Webelos II
8:30-10pm Check-out (anyone not spending the night)
10:30pm TAPS (all camp - quiet)
6:30am Breakfast; cleanup
8:00am Early checkout
9:00am Non-Denominational Religious Service (Class A)
10am-12pm Checkout
This event is a Camporee/Webeloree. We will be joining the Boy Scout Troops for some of the activities throughout the day/weekend.
This weekend’s events and activities will help you earn requirements toward the Arrow of Light, World Conservation Award and Leave No Trace Awareness Award; requirements for Athlete, Forester, Geologist, Naturalist, Outdoorsman, Scientist and Traveler Activity Badges. Also requirements for Belt Loops like Astronomy, Geology and Map & Compass.
Webelos I – attend only for the day Saturday – depart at 5pm. Webelos II – have the option of spending the night with a troop but MUST have a parent/guardian spend the night with them. All Webelos must be accompanied by a parent and guardian at all times.
All Webelos and parents or guardians must bring a sack lunch and water for Saturday.
Registration – Pre-register your units by 10/10/12 for $12 per person; after 10/10/12 for $15 per person. Pre-registering will ensure all members of your unit receive the Webeloree patch. Fees cover camp cost, patch, ribbons/awards, as well as other necessary expenses. Please bring a copy of your confirmation registration/payment. On-line registration closes 10/20/12.
Uniforms – Class A uniforms are required to be worn for the flag raising, lowering and campfire. Class B uniforms are optional.
Parking – Parking in designated Parking areas only. No camp-site parking except for First Aid, and authorized Camp Staff.
Arrival/Check-in – Upon arrival at camp, please go to the Registration table for instructions, maps, etc. Please bring a copy of your on-line registration confirmation, Tour Permit (Tour Permits are required if traveling more than 25 miles from your normal meeting place; highly suggested for everyone to receive credit from Council for participating in District Camping and other Activities; due to Council office one week prior.) and Medical Forms for each member. At this time, Webelos II that are spending the night will be assigned a campsite and buddy Troop.
Service Projects – may be available. If interested, let them know when you check-in.
Flag Ceremony – Saturday morning and evening. Troops will lead the ceremonies.
Dinner – Webelos II and parent/guardian with Troop sponsor.
Campfire/Award Ceremony – is the main event, Saturday night. Family members attending should be with their units. Entertainment will be provided by Staff and Troops.
First Aid – will be available at the First Aide Station. Serious injuries or other health problems that arise during the weekend should be reported ASAP.
Latrines – are available. Please be courteous and leave it clean for the next person.
Religious Service – Worship service Sunday morning from 9-10am – everyone is encouraged to attend. There will be no check-outs/departures during the service.
Checkout Instructions – Webelos I will be released after their Awards Ceremony.
Scout Spirit
All Staff members should pay special attention to the Scout Spirit of all Webelos; from when they arrive Saturday up to the Award Ceremony/Campfire. To receive the award, you need to show great Scout Spirit so be sure to bring your Den or Patrol flag and your cheer or yell.
Star Gazing
Telescopes will be set up Saturday night for those that would like to take a look at the night sky.
Pace/Compass Course
< more information to come >
Rocket Race to the Moon (Competition Activity)
The race track is thin string or fishing line strung between two points. The race vehicles are paper cones, threaded onto that line. The power is supplied by the Scouts blowing into the open end of the cone to the finish line. You may choose to make your own, or use the disposable drinking cup cones that can be purchased from retail stores. This activity can have the Scouts make and decorate (with magic markers) their cones right at the pack meeting or ahead of time. This activity is simple but filled with fun and adventure.
Blast Off (Craft & Competition Activity)
Cut a rectangular strip of paper about 5 inches long and roll it tightly around a pencil. Tape this cylinder and remove the pencil. Cut about 5 1/2" cuts straight into the cylinder at one end. Insert the pencil again, and mold the cut ends around the pencil point so you form a rocket point. Tape the rocket point with clear tape. Remove the pencil again. Cut four triangular shaped fins and fold over 1/4" on one edge of each. Tape these, spaced evenly, around the lower edge of the cylinder. Slip a straight (non-bendable) straw inside the cylinder, point the rocket in a safe direction and launch it by blowing through the straw. Rocket that lands the farthest in each group wins. Describe how Newton’s third law of motion explains how the rocket is propelled into the sky. (Scientist-Technology group activity)
Comet Tic Tac Go (Craft & Game Activity)
Pour 1/4 cup of uncooked rice in the middle of a 6" square scrap of cloth. Put the ends of three or four 12" streamers on top of the rice. Twist the cloth so the rice is in a tight little ball with the streamers coming out the end. Tie it tightly with a 12" piece of string. Play catch with them or do “toss across” game to play tic tac toe to land on “asteroid/moon/planet etc.” or who can throw it the farthest?
Flying Saucer Relay (Team Building Activity)
Place nine different sized and colored circles (number them 1-9) representing the nine planets posted on stakes around the course. On each, put the scrambled letters of its name on. Give each player a piece of paper which has the planets listed in order of the galaxy (i.e. earth is # 3). The boys move from planet to plane taking turns throwing the Frisbee to hit the post with the correct planet in order. The group that does it in the fastest time wins!
No Gravity Tag
Webelos play slow motion tag trying to reach the moon and “it” has to tag them out first.
Whip & Fuse – This will be set up during free time for those wishing to complete this requirement for the Outdoorsman Activity Badge.
Knots for Camping – This will be set up during free time for those wishing to complete this requirement for the Outdoorsman Activity Badge.
Take the “Leave No Trace Pledge” – by signing your card and practicing every day.
“Andromeda Rescue” – Rescue and return a Webelos member back to base, safely.
(scouts will construct a stretcher and carry a “victim” to safety)
“Alien Race” – With teamwork, communication skills and a little luck, you’ll finish first.
(It’s similar to a three legged race, but much more difficult.)
“Star Trek” –
(Transport a marble, without touching it other than with plastic tubing.)
“Crater-Mazing Race” – Avoid falling into the craters – if you can.
(It’s a blindfolded maze - being guided by other Webelos.)
“Tenacious Titan Touchdown” – Dens will safely guide the landing vessel to it’s destination.
(Use rope segments to lower a carbineer into a cup of water as a team.)
“A Walk on the Dark Side” – Trust, teamwork and communication skills are the key to victory.
(Blindfolded team completes course on rope beam guided by Den Leader.)