Final Assessment Report on Teaching Competence
Trainee teacher / Ann Other / School/setting / AllschoolsProgramme/year / PGCE / Subject / English
Date / 11.01.19 / Mentor / V. Supportive
Information given may be used in a reference and to assist in the continuing professional development of the trainee teacher either on a subsequent period of school-based training or as a newly qualified teacher. Please acknowledge success and identify aspects that require further development.
In relation to the expectations of the school-based training and grading descriptors, please tick one grade against each standard. Grade 4 against any Standard will result in a fail.
TS1: Setting high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupilsGrade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
X ensures high expectations from the moment pupils gather outside the room for her lessons. She effectively tailors lessons to her groups in order to ensure that all students feel as though they are being stretched and challenged. Supported by her use of the school framework of sanctions and rewards, she is able to command respect and boost resilience and confidence. I have noticed this particularly in her Year 8 set 4 class, where a combination of gentle reminders, individualised and regular marking, tailored learning objectives and challenge has enthused and motivated learners to participate.
TS2: Promoting good progress and outcomes by pupils
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
X has assumed responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the pupils she has taught, notably in her Year Eight group. She has analysed data, cross-referencing previous assessments outcomes with current ones in order to better drive progress. This is taken into account with short-and long-term planning. X is an exceptionally reflective practitioner and is striving to provide pupils with opportunities for reflection themselves. Effective teaching strategies have supplemented student learning and X has made a real effort to encourage independent learning, for example where she pushes students from “I don’t knows” to first impressions and through to considered opinions. X is working on setting more challenging tasks for her most able but has consistently set “all/most/some” outcomes which enable students to make progress.
TS3: Demonstrating good subject and curriculum knowledge
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
X has a real drive to seek and absorb as much pedagogy as possible. As a result she reads learning and teaching articles, seeks out “experts” at particular aspects of learning at school, such as Student Voice and fervently boosts her own learning where necessary, for example where she was teaching a novel of which she had little knowledge, she read the novel, familiarised herself with the resources and the context and then began to adapt them in good time. This also demonstrated her astute awareness of her own developmental needs. During meetings and INSET sessions, she will ask questions in order to further her own knowledge and learning, as well as participating in all activities. She will seek out extra tasks in order to improve, for example writing rehearsal reports for her classes in order to be ready for the task.
Her standards of written and spoken communication are high and embody professionalism, anticipating common errors and misconceptions in her own planning. In particular, X plans to capture student interest in her lessons in many ways: she consistently uses a range of stimuli, including different media, in order to vary lessons and sustain interest of the students; she uses Student Voice and marking to inform her planning; her selection of resources caters specifically for the class she is teaching, based on their needs, often individually. She will actively seek out further advice, for example on Key Stage Three moderation, S.E.N. needs and pastoral issues. She has done her utmost to develop her curriculum and subject knowledge, which was already a real strength.
TS4: Plan and teach well-structured lessons
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
As noted above, X’s planning is a real strength. She bases her lessons on book work, misconceptions in the lesson, student and teacher feedback and many other factors. She is becoming more flexible with lesson sequences, changing timings as she teaches as different needs or strengths of the students become apparent. X has been more than willing to try a range of approaches to teaching and learning and as mentioned previously, her lessons are well-chosen, imaginative and creative and closely matched to interests of the learners. She is highly reflective in the evaluation of her practice and can accurately judge the impact of her practice on individual and groups of learners. This then informs future planning, teaching and learning.
Two targets for X is to continue to experiment with the boundaries of stretch and challenge, pushing students past where they thought possible. In addition, close reference to learning objectives – even verbally – consistently and throughout the lesson can strengthen the learning of students in surprising ways, so it would be lovely to see more plans where the learning objectives are referred to/linked back to regularly, perhaps in the form of “mini-plenaries” where necessary in the lesson. This will be especially useful for groups where students find it difficult to retain information, but ultimately allows for greater engagement in and satisfaction from the learning.
TS5: Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
X constantly adapts her teaching to meet individual and group needs in order to support progression. It is lovely to see how, increasingly, she is making adjustments within the lesson and to activities so that greater progress may be made, or to clarify to learners a complex point. In addition, she now consistently ensures that her explanations are clear and concise, that an example is given where necessary, that all students understand what to do and that a framework is given to those who struggle. This is an example of how she responds to potential academic barriers. In addition, she has worked extensively in order to reduce external barriers (see T.S.7 and T.S.8). Interventions are well-targeted and X will continue to build on this in order to improve pupil outcomes.
A target could be to think about increased differentiation within some classes, with a firmer idea of the different ways of challenging learners of different abilities.
TS6: Make accurate and productive use of assessment
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
This has become a real strength for X. She monitors mark books of students and is familiar with base data, finding out more from relevant persons where necessary, for example puzzling or unusual data. She ensures that there are checks built into lessons for ensuring student understanding and monitoring progress, including a range of Assessment For Learning activities such as confidence bars and peer and self-assessment.
In particular, her questioning has been shown in lessons to be outstanding. She aims to challenge students in their thinking through stretching them into deep and profound learning and does so by using questioning. X also uses a range of techniques in order to monitor understanding and progress, including hands-up and random selection as well as targeted questioning.
Very shortly I would expect that this will be a good Grade 1, as X is very close to this now; it’s just a matter of becoming more confident with assessing students’ work accurately at Key Stage 3 and 4. Already she is Grade 1 for how she uses pupil data to inform her planning, including long, medium and individual lesson plans. She maintains excellent records and updates them frequently in order to build upon progress.
TS7: Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
X has demonstrated the ability to use school framework as a basis for establishing a safe learning environment. She uses rewards such as achievement points in order to create a positive atmosphere of high expectations, whilst using warnings and detentions where necessary. In addition, she has shown resourcefulness where challenging behaviours have not been checked by the usual sanctions, including conversations with pastoral workers, form tutors and other staff in order to learn more. X has instigated other strategies, such as report cards of two different sorts, to aid pupil progress in the classroom, tailored to the needs of the students. She actively fosters and maintains positive relationships with students in order to create the safe learning environment. Students are beginning to display high levels of engagement, courtesy and co-operation and it will only be a matter of time before X embeds these behaviour management strategies as her own in order to attain Grade 1.
TS8: Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 (fail)
Exemplification for grade awarded:
X has wholly immersed herself in life at X . She aids in running the Creative Writing club, strengthening her relationships with students, stretching gifted students further and widening her knowledge of extra-curricular activities. In addition, she has sought out opportunities with the Drama Club, attending weekly. Finally, she has taken responsibility for organisation of students during a recent Drama Club trip at the weekend. Overall she has made an outstanding contribution to the wider life of X.
X has been presented with many challenging pastoral situations over the months and has handled each with professionalism beyond her experience. She has liaised extensively with form tutors and school bases, created and adapted reports to allow for the needs of students – for example, a positive report to build the confidence of an under-confident student – and ensured good communication with parents, for example when dealing with requirements for a private tutor of one student. She has evaluated possible outcomes for students in order to choose the best – for example with one student, after liaison with the tutor, it was felt that a seating plan move would be the most advantageous outcome. She also monitors pupils’ behaviour and achievements across the school in order to make the most informed judgements on how best to deal with them in class. She has also had to deal with safe-guarding procedures after a pupil wrote a worrying piece during a lesson.
X has written a set of reports and attended Parents’ Evenings, where she took a lead role in many of the discussions. She has also joined a tutor group, team-leading/teaching discussions and topics. She has even taken a co-duty at break time in order to help with safe-guarding and well-being around the school without being prompted. She has attended department meetings and taken part in some moderation.
Overall X could not have done more to become part of life at X. She responds enthusiastically to feedback and takes every opportunity to develop professional learning, including wider reading and articles on teaching and learning pedagogy.
With reference to the Partnership’s Code of Conduct and Part Two of the Teachers’ Standards (2012), the personal and professional conduct demonstrated by the trainee: Is consistently high
At the end of the final phase of school-based training, trainees must be assessed as consistently high against this Standard in order to pass and to be recommended for QTS.
- You consistently observe the proper boundaries in relation to a teacher’s professional position
- Your attendance and punctuality for this first phase of the placement are excellent
- You showed a good understanding of the Prevent strategy training provided in induction
- Your conduct has been highly professional to date
Targets for the next period of training / NQT year, as applicable (with reference to the Teachers’ Standards):
- Provide more challenge for the higher achievers – how will you know if they have been stretched? (TS1)
- Effectively plan for student progress within a lesson; over the course of a lesson; over a week; over a fortnight; over a half term and over a term (TS2).
Recommended Result: PASS FAIL / Number of full/half days absent: 0
Reasons other than illness:
I confirm that this report has been seen and discussed with the (tick as appropriate):
Professional tutor Trainee teacher Mentor University tutor
Completed by: / V. Supportive / Role: / Mentor / Date Completed: / 11.01.19
ACTION: (1) Mentor to email to and university tutor
(2) Upload to Trainee e-Portfolio (PebblePad) within 24 hours