Council Meeting June 14, 2010
Council Chambers:
ROLL CALL:The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Glenn M. Stegman presiding. Councilmembers present: Jack D. Crispin, Jr., D. Leon Kingan, Gwen Knight, and Arletta R. Morse. Councilmember absent: Joel Mahin. Officials present: Attorney Daniel D. Metz, Clerk Rose M. Gourley. Also present: Superintendent Jesse C. Meyer.
VISITORS: Others in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: John Wheat, Kelly Foltz, Amy Hawkinson, Mindy Wiebke, Sheriff Russ Black, and Boy Scouts Alex Rojas, Aaron Huskey, Fernando Rojas, and Matthew Denbleyker.
MINUTES:Minutes of the May 10, 2010, regular meeting and June 3, 2010, special meeting were approved as written.
PAYROLL VOUCHER:Payroll Voucher No. 10-05, for May wages and salaries in the amount of $44,471.86, was presented. A motion by Morse, seconded by Kingan, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:Accounts Payable lists were reviewed. Invoices prepaid in May, totaled $144,521.14. Unpaid invoices received to date totaled $189,999.93. Upon motion by Crispin, seconded by Knight, all said invoices, in the amount of $334,521.07, were approved for payment.
DELINQ. ACCNTS.:The Governing Body reviewed a list of 88 delinquent utility accounts in the amount of $10,453.02. Clerk Gourley indicated the volume of delinquencies was typical for this time of the month.
NUISANCE HEARING:John Wheat had requested a hearing before the Governing Body to explain his actions in response to the Notice to Abate Health Nuisance he had received from the City. Mr. Wheat went over the Nuisance Report item by item, indicating what he had done and what he still intended to do with each issue. City Attorney Metz commended Mr. Wheat on his quick and thorough response to the notice. Mr. Wheat was encouraged to continue to keep his property in good repair. Councilmember Knight asked what his future intentions were regarding the residence and was told he intended to move back to live in the house at some point.
REC COMMISSION:Rec Director Mindy Wiebke asked about the possibility of installing horseshoe pits in the city park near the tennis courts. Superintendent Meyer said the old ones were removed for safety and liability reasons, but he would work with the Rec Director to try to address those issues.
Ms. Wiebke provided several options for the mail drop she wished to have installed at the Rec Director office. After further discussion, it was decided that Ms. Wiebke should research a couple of other options being used locally.
Clerk Gourley advised the Rec Commission had contracted with a company to re-finish the upstairs floor at City Hall on June 29, 2010. The stacked tables and chairs would need to be relocated prior to that date.
HEALTH INSURANCE:Kelly Foltz, Group Enrollment Representative for BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas, presented multiple renewal options for the Lincoln City Employees group health insurance. Annual premiums for coverage of 12 employees ranged from the $5,000 high deductible group plan costing $62,176.44, to the $500 deductible group plan costing $104,010.00. The quotes were based on a group configuration of 6 employee-only, 3 employee-child, 1 employee-spouse, and 2 employee-dependents policies. Clerk Gourley reported the high-deductible plan, coupled with the Health Reimbursement Arrangement utilized in the current plan year, had not resulted in any savings for the city. Councilmember Crispin suggested BCBS be asked to provide a quote for its version of the HRA.
Ms. Foltz also provided a slightly lower premium renewal from Advance Insurance Company for Basic Term Life, AD & D and Short Term Disability Insurance.
Council Meeting Minutes – June 14, 2010 – Page 2
Clerk Gourley had asked for additional group health insurance quotes, and through Donald Short & Associates, had received quotes from 5 carriers. She said the most economical quote, from United Healthcare, was missing a major local provider, and had, therefore, not been considered. No decisions were made by the Council pending further research of plan options.
LAW ENFORCEMENT:Sheriff Black addressed the Governing Body, asking for consideration of a 10% increase in the Law Enforcement Contract between the City of Lincoln Center and Lincoln County. He also proposed a minimum yearly adjustment of 4% be included in a new Contract. He produced documentation of the cost of providing 3 employees and maintenance and fuel for 3 vehicles, dedicated to the City of Lincoln. Based on Lincoln County’s wage and benefit information, the annual cost for one employee was $51,450.36. Council reviewed the information provided and decided to table the matter until the 2011 Budget could be further developed. In any case, an automatic annual increase was not considered favorably.
WATER SYSTEM:Clerk Gourley reported the CDBG-R Water Well Project was substantially completed, and a monitoring visit from the Kansas Department of Commerce was scheduled for June 16th. Water was currently being pumped from the new well.
The CDBG 2010 Special Round Application, for replacement of 33 blocks of water distribution mains, had been submitted to the Kansas Department of Commerce. The City had committed $107,550.00 of the $607,550.00 total project cost. Grant awards were expected to be announced in August.
A draft of the City of Lincoln Center Source Water Protection Plan had been distributed to the Governing Body. Katie Miller, Kansas Rural Water Association, was expected to attend the July City Council meeting to review the Plan.
HAZ. MIT. RES. 10-04:Resolution No. 10-04, a Resolution to adopt the Lincoln County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan as the City of Lincoln Center’s Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, was introduced. Morse moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-04. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried.
NON-SMOKING POLICY:In conformance with the state-wide smoking ban passed by the Legislature this year, a document entitled “City of Lincoln Center Non-Smoking Policy” had been drafted. Said Policy prohibited smoking in all enclosed public places, places of employment, and vehicles owned by the City. Crispin moved to adopt said Non-Smoking Policy. Motion seconded by Knight, carried.
NUISANCES:The Governing Body reviewed an updated Report of Abatement Notices sent to owners of nuisance properties. Some discussion was held on whether the creation of a code enforcement officer position might help alleviate the ongoing nuisance problems.
BALL PARK:Councilmember Morse reported on issues at the West Ball Park, including a break-in at the concession facility.
ADJOURN:There being no further business, Morse moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried. Council adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
/s/ Rose M. Gourley
City Clerk