/ National Board Resource Center
Illinois State University
2008 – 2009 www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts/

Specific Strategies for School Leaders


Professional Development and Preparation


Candidate Support

NBCT Leadership

/ National Board Resource Center
Illinois State University
2008 – 2009 www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts/


Build Awareness.

·  Inform all staff about NBC process, school support, and monetary incentives.

o  Send blast emails with focused topics about NBC.

o  Include ongoing short presentations at monthly faculty meetings.

o  Share strategies about NBC may increase quality of instructional practice.

·  Arrange and facilitate a school-wide informational session with video for interested teachers.

·  Work with other principals and district administrators to host district-wide informational meetings.

·  Continuously include information in agendas and conduct discussions about NBC with staff and parent meetings.

·  Enable NBCTs to give a recruitment presentation to staff.

·  Enable NBCTs to meet one-on-one with interested staff.

Provide Resources.

·  Provide on-site resources.

·  Enable teachers to visit NBC Resource Centers.

·  Provide substitute teaches for NBCTs to visit other classes and/or to talk to teachers about NBC.

·  Link the NBC process to what teachers already do as routine--analyze student work, work in learning communities, learn about best practice, etc.

·  Provide financial support for resources and fees.

Strategically Targeted Recruitment.

·  Use “thoughtful” and “careful” words to strategically recruit candidates.

·  Recruit teachers ready to pursue NBC.

·  Ask teacher candidates during interviews about personal goals toward NBC.

·  Include a discussion of NBC in post-observation conference and ask teachers for professional goals as to if or when they plan to pursue NBC.

·  Offer options for professional growth that highlight NBC among other options—graduate degree, CPDUs, etc.

·  Identify teacher groups to target for recruitment by grade level, department, committees, teams, etc.

·  Meet with NBCTs to serve as “head hunters” to recruit and support candidates and retention.

Public Support

·  Take pictures of NBCTs working together to post at school.

·  Honor those who do not achieve as being models of persistence to improve their teaching.

·  Celebrate teachers who accomplish NBC.

·  Offer constant support and encouragement to NBC candidates.

·  Use leadership positions as incentives to NBC participation.

o  Support NBCTs to plan staff development with school improvement planning and shared leadership.

o  Support teachers to work with other NBCT colleagues.

o  Ask NBCTs to reinforce what is seen as exemplary and to share as presentation or with other teachers.

/ National Board Resource Center
Illinois State University
2008 – 2009 www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts/

Professional Development and Preparation

Create or revise the school professional development plan to include TAKE ONE and the National Board process.

·  Set high expectations as a school.

·  Enable NBCTs to model “best practices” and identify and clarify what is “best practice.”

·  Enable NBCTs to serve as mentors.

·  Integrate the NBPTS standards and “Architecture of Teaching” into professional development experiences.

o  Provide time and substitute teachers to enable professional collaboration on embedding NBC into practice.

o  Provide NBC framework to provide experiences in effectively examining student work, videotapes of teaching and working with families.

o  Provide professional development experiences that are designed so participants may analyze their teaching decisions based on the NBPTS “Architecture of Teaching.”

o  Link components of professional portfolios to NBC.

o  Incorporate NBC into the culture of the school.

·  Build inter/intra NBC groups.

·  Provide technical support prior to beginning the NBC process.

/ National Board Resource Center
Illinois State University
2008 – 2009 www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts/


·  Arrange celebrations for NBCTs and candidates.

o  Encourage family or classroom celebrations for newly-named NBCTs..

o  Recognize candidates or NBCTs at the school open house.

o  Arrange an opening ceremony for the initial step toward NBC.

o  Sponsor a school status celebration (ex. First completed video, first written commentary drafted, etc.).

o  Provide a breakfast with the principal for candidates and NBCTs.

o  Sponsor a portfolio submission reception.

o  Conduct recognition ceremonies for new NBCTs with entire staff and invite them to join the NBC process.

·  Present formal announcements of teachers engaged in stages of NBC—awareness sessions, pre-candidacy, candidacy and newly named NBCTs.

·  Post information about NBC or candidates and NBCTs in a newsletter, on the marquee, local newspaper, and school websites.

·  Provide a bulletin board of NBCTs.

·  Arrange for student letters/cards of thanks, congratulations, encouragement, etc. for candidates and NBCTs.

·  Disseminate bumper stickers for students of NBCTs and provide celebratory items—hats, t-shirts, pens—for candidates when mailing their boxes.

·  Issue school certificates for different stages of the NBC process—Registering as a candidate, submitting the portfolio, completing the assessment center, etc.

/ National Board Resource Center
Illinois State University
2008 – 2009 www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts/

Candidate Support

Enable NBCTs to mentor candidates onsite.

·  Arrange time to meet with candidates to identify how to support.

·  Arrange and pay for Saturday sessions for NBCTs to mentor candidates.

·  Offer training and opportunities for NBCTs to read entries and for teachers to edit entries.

·  Create your own school cohort support system for candidates.

·  Arrange for support for candidates to prepare for the assessment center.

·  Provide substitute teachers for NBCTs to observe candidates and/or to videotape in candidates’ classrooms.

·  Schedule common prep time for candidates and NBCT mentors.

·  Share information with interested candidates and administrators about NBC websites, resource center sites, and the NBC process through multiple means by well-prepared NBCT presenters at the school.

Make arrangements for candidates to have time devoted to completing the NBC process.

·  Be flexible with candidates’ time and free them from professional development experiences to work with mentors or independently on the NBC process.

·  Limit and minimize additional responsibilities to enable candidates to devote more time to NBC process.

·  Minimize changes for candidates in schedules, room assignment, preps, etc.

·  Provide substitute teachers for entire schools days for release time for candidates to work on portfolio and prepare for assessment center.

·  Provide funding for after school mentoring time.

·  Establish regular meetings to provide pacing and time management as candidates complete the process.

Allocate resources specifically available to NBC candidates—

·  Provide a meeting place for NBCTs, TAKE ONE candidates and NBPTS candidates.

·  Arrange for candidates to access copying service, food, water, ink cartridges, flash drives, laptops, video cameras, tripods, microphones, firewires, DVDs, computer labs, technological support, binders, paper, etc.

·  Pay for the $565 initial cost for the candidate fees.

·  Pay substitute teacher days for candidates to work on portfolio entries and prepare for the assessment center.

·  Arrange to provide technical support.

·  Arrange for students who are doing video projects to videotape for candidates.

·  Offer clerical support for printing, compiling, packing, etc.

·  Work with vendors for free materials.

·  Enable cohorts to meet at your building.

o  Keep school buildings open late.

o  Position your school as a candidate cohort site and invite candidates from other schools to meet with your teachers and NBCTs after school.

/ National Board Resource Center
Illinois State University
2008 – 2009 www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts/

Candidate Support

Offer emotional support and words of encouragement face-to-face and through email and notes.

·  Provide words of encouragement/motivation throughout the process.

·  Affirm that candidates can be less than perfect and adjust responsibilities.

·  Monthly check-in with the candidate to encourage and identify needs for support.

·  Routinely request from candidates’ ways administration/staff can assist and get feedback throughout process.

Acknowledge the finishing steps along the way to complete the process.

·  Arrange for a kickoff ceremony and Hold a reception or meeting early in the school year for candidates and staff and present candidates with care packages.

·  Make announcements as candidates meet milestones in the process.

·  Arrange for a packing party.

Acknowledge candidates with staff, LSC, parents, communities, etc.

·  Encourage the rest of the staff to be supportive of the candidates.

·  Recruit parents, staff, and principal as videographers.

·  Send letter to parents from principal to support teachers and request parents to return their signatures on release forms.

/ National Board Resource Center
Illinois State University
2008 – 2009 www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts/

NBCT Leadership Opportunities

Identify potential NBCTs as leaders.

Enable NBCTs to select their strength and needs for professional development for further learning.

·  Provide cognitive coaching professional development experiences to NBCTs to further develop their skills.

Provide release time for leadership activities.

·  Enable NBCTs to serve on instructional leadership teams.

·  Enable NBCTs to act as spokesperson for the school and its accomplishments.

Offer the school to serve as a lab site or candidate cohort site.

Enable NBCTs to serve as leaders, mentors, and professional development providers.

o  Design and lead professional development.

o  Lead walk-through teams.

o  Mentor teachers.

o  Serve as a coach.

o  Facilitate data analysis on teams.

o  Serve as department heads.

o  Create your own school cohort support system for candidates.

o  Serve on school representative to parent organization.

o  Serve on school professional development committee.

o  Serve on school improvement planning team.

o  Serve on leadership teams.

Compiled by Dr. Lynn Gaddis Fall 2008

“Building Teams of National Board Certified Teachers” Training Sponsored by the Chicago Public Education Fund