Fortwilliam Clinic Ballymena Clinic
Emergency Out of hours: Emergency Out of hours:
Belfast City Hospital Dental Pain Clinic Dalriada Emergency Dental Care
Tel: 02890 263992 Tel: 02825 663510
Weekdays 19.00 – 22.00hrs Weekdays 18.30 – 21.30
W/ends & Bank Holidays 10.00am – 13.00 & 19.00 – 22.00 W/ends & Bank Holidays 9.30 – 12.30
Guidance for patients attending the clinic for treatment:
If your dentist refers you to our clinic for treatment, the following advice will help us to ensure that your treatment will progress as smoothly and professionally as possible.
Patients having local anaesthetic (numbing of the treatment area)
Have a light snack approx. 2 hours prior to your appointment
Please bring your medical card
If you are exempt from paying for dental treatment, please bring your benefit document
Please bring a full list of your medication with you (if applicable)
Take your medication as normal on the day of treatment (unless advised otherwise by your GP)
Patients having IV Sedation
Patients must fast for 4 hours prior to their appointment
Patients must be escorted by a responsible adult, who must remain on the clinic premises at all times, during and after treatment and up to when you are discharged from our care
Your escort will have sole responsibility for you following discharge from our clinic and should be able to take you home stay with you for at least 6 hours following treatment
Patients should rest at home for 24 hours following sedation
Patients should not drive a car, operate machinery or make important decisions for at least 24 hours following sedation
Patients will be able to discuss their treatment and post-operative recovery with the clinician prior to commencement of any work.