An-2T1G27-21HA-ANCBács-Kiskun A.C.canx22nov17as CofA expired 20jan10
An-2TP1G76-15HA-ABSBékés Aero Clubcanx22nov17as CofA expired 24sep09
An-2P1G107-11RA-01764Vyatka AviaMRV14jul16canx between 23nov17 and 26dec17
An-2P1G151-25UR-07450KonkordaviaCKC 26may17canx 15nov17
An-2R1G154-05HA-MHVTranscom 94 Kftcanx22nov17as CofA expired 22mar08
An-2T1G162-18RA-01128(2)ROSTOw/osep04crashed in the Krasnoyarsk region; c/n now known
An-2R1G163-29HA-MBGAir Patrol Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 18jun09
An-2R1G176-23HA-MDAAir Patrol Kft n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 16may08
An-2R1G178-53HA-MKKLetalska sola Soltcanx22nov17as CofA expired 19apr08
An-2PF1G181-44HA-YHBTelecopter Kft n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 27sep07
An-2R1G186-04HA-MDZBPR Consultingcanx22nov17as CofA expired 30jul09
An-2R1G186-08HA-MEBNyír Air Serv.Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 18mar10
An-2TP1G187-35HA-ANMCubuus Engineeringcanx22nov17as CofA expired 20apr08
TVS-2MS1G187-48RA-54939no titlesOvy02jun17almost finished but engine not yet mounted
An-2R1G223-58RA-40432rgd29nov17ex UR-40432
An-2P1G224-09HA-ANPGyöri A.C., n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired29sep06
An-2TP1G232-57HA-ANXBaranya Aero Clubcanx22nov17as CofA expired 25apr08
An-2P1G234-08HA-YHGBudapest A/c Servicecanx22nov17as CofA expired 07jun07
An-2T1G235-37HA-ABKHidroplan Nord Kftcanx22nov17as CofA expired15aug02
TVS-2MS1G231-51RA-01460Naryan-Mar Avn.Enterprisew/o19dec17when engine failed shortly after take-off NNM
An-8OD 34 20"09"Soviet Air Forcephoto1974at Lugansk- straya Mogila; later became CCCP-27215
An-10A---CCCP-11939Soviet AF/AFL c/sphoto1971in Azerbaijan
An-12AP2 34 05 05UR-CCPAeroVis AirlinesBTS01dec17with titles and logo; AOC was renewed 01nov16
An-12BK9 34 69 04UR-CAGUkr Air AllianceLEI09aug13burned out there; finally canx 15nov17
An-12A---CCCP-11941Soviet Air Forcephoto 15mar67in Azerbaijan; showing code "20" in window
An-12B---SU-AAPUAR Air Forcephotomid60sphoto at Sana'a in the book 'Hot Skies Over Yemen'
An-26Sh55 07"71" yellowUkraine Air ForceIEV01mar17arrived ARP-410 for overhaul; ex "21" red; not c/n 3210
An-26B59 01UR-UZAConstantargd08dec17to Aviatsiyne obladannya of Kiev; ex UR-CHT
An-2672 08"04" blueUkraine Air ForcePRG 20dec17c/n checked; l/n MLA 21dec17
An-2695 01RA-36108Russian Air Forcephotodec17location withheld; grey c/s also carrying "28" red
An-26B113 05UR-UZBConstantargd18dec17ferried KTW-IEV 20dec17; ex SP-FDR
An-26B120 08UR-UZCConstantargd18dec17ferried KTW-IEV 22dec17; ex SP-EKA
An-26135 01FAR-1459Cuban Air Forcephoto 07nov17at Antigua; no titles
An-26B144 03UR-MNNMeridianrgd30sep15stored at IEV, seen oct15/feb17; canx 15nov17
An-26---YA-TAKnot knownJUB 29nov17
M28AJE 003-45D-CPDAPD AIR Operationh/o27nov17ex SP-DGO(2) which was canx 06oct17
M28AJE 003-46D-CPDBPD AIR Operationresv. 28sep17ex SP-DGU(3) which was canx 06oct17
An-3006 03"01" yellowRussian MVD/VVdec11wfu Yermolino, and b/u at Yermolino in spring 2012
An-32B20 09EY-332Asia Sky Linesphoto 02oct17at Wadi Seidna, Sudan; l/n JUB 01dec17; ex EY-330
An-72-100365 720 70 688D2-FEP/T-703Angolan Air ForceLADnov16scrapped at LAD in early dec17
An-72---T-704Angolan Air ForceLADnov16scrapped at LAD in early dec17
An-72---T-705Angolan Air ForceLADnov16scrapped at LAD in early dec17
An-124-1009773054616023RF-82011 Russian Air ForceULY18dec17named 'Oleg Antonov' this date
An-148-10001 01UR-NTAUkraine Intl Airl.LWO03jul13canx 15nov17 with operator given as DP "Antonov"
An-148-10001 09UR-UKNDP "Antonov"rgd02jul15canx 15nov17
An-148-10027015042015RF-32815MchS RossiiRVI12dec17
An-148-10027015042031RA-61731Russian Air Forceh/o13dec17opb 33 otsap at Levashovo
An-148-10027015042032RA-61732Russian Air Forceh/o13dec17opb 33 otsap at Levashovo
Be-200ChS64620070305RF-31140MChS Rossiih/o20dec17l/n CEK 21dec17
Il-18---UP-I8496Southern Sky LLP01dec17flew DAM-KRT according flight plan; according CAA not on the register
Il-62M40 38 1 1 1UR-86528UkrainaKBPmar17sat there wfu; canx 15nov17
Il-76T00134 28831UR-CPSZetAvia14dec17not yet on the register by 24dec17; ex UP-I7618
Il-76MD00334 43266RF-76545Russian Air ForceKLDdec17in basic Aeroflot c/s, no titles; ex RA-76545
Il-76TD00534 58741UR-CIUZetAviargd02jul12canx 15nov17; no valid CofA since 28jun14
Il-97600634 6699576453RosatomZIA20dec17'Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya po Atomnoi Energii "Rosatom"' titles
Il-76MD00634 7011876697Ukraine Air ForceMtp31jul13under overhaul with NARP at Mykolayiv in 2017
Il-76TD00734 79392ST-ASXKush Aviationd/d18jun13l/n KRT 22nov17, wfu and broken up 26nov17
Il-76TD10034 03082EW-78843United NationsMSQ 17sep17in a/w c/s, grey undersides with 'WFP' titles
Il-76TD10134 05176EW-495THTrans Avia Exportdec17details from; ex RA-76807
Il-76TD10234 12418RA-76446CEIBA CargoMSQ01jul16canx between 23nov17 and 26dec17
Il-76---20547Chinese Air ForceNAY24nov17bluish grey c/s, red code and titles; no turret
Il-76---21143Chinese Air ForceNAY08dec17bluish grey c/s, red code and titles; no turret
KJ2000---30572Chinese Air Forcedec17bluish grey c/s, red code
KJ2000---30573Chinese Air Forcenov17bluish grey c/s, red code
Il-96-30074393201006RA-96009Domodedovo Airlinesf/f13dec17since years, flew DME-ZIA; was in fact canx 09oct17
Ka-2670 010 02HA-MMCUrbán Légi Növény.canx22nov17as CofA expired 20apr06
Ka-2670 011 03HA-MMFBiplán Kft., n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 16nov11
Ka-2670 014 05HA-MRLPrimex Kkt., n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 30oct09
Ka-2670 014 06HA-MRMRemeczki és Társacanx22nov17as CofA expired 22apr09
Ka-2671 017 01HA-MRPDongó Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 23nov08
Ka-2672 025 10HA-MZHGergely Aircanx22nov17as CofA expired 03may06
Ka-2673 034 06HA-MCINyír Air Serv.Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 23mar08
Ka-2673 039 09HA-MMWDongó Kft., n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 26feb11
Ka-2674 044 18HA-MNEFly-Coop Kftcanx22nov17as CofA expired 23mar08
Ka-2674 046 19HA-MCPDongó Kft., n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 21sep11
Ka-2674 047 17HA-MCDCessna Szolg. Bt.canx22nov17as CofA expired 20may04
Ka-2675 052 03HA-MNLDongó Kft., n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 17mar06
Ka-2677 061 11HA-MPDDongó Kft.; n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 18may09
Ka-2677 061 15CCCP-24323AFL/Privolzhskw/o26jun86MTOW exceeded when crash-landed near Dyurtyuli
Ka-2678 063 15HA-MPRDongó Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 06mar08
Ka-2678 064 03HA-MPZDongó Kft. n/tcanx22nov17as CofA expired 24nov11
Ka-29---RF-34193 ?Russian Navyphoto 16dec17coded "14" yellow; opb ve 72 AvB at Donskoye
Ansat-GMS33 071RA-20008rgd22dec17ambulance helicopter
LA-8C002?3202Iranian RGC Navyphoto 13dec17in same c/s as RA-0778G (1); officially toc 13dec17
LA-8C01 12not knownnot knownh/ofeb17seen on the assembly line may16
LA-8C01 15not knownnot knownf/f17dec15h/o was planned for jan16
L-200D17 11 27HA-LDBMALÉV Aero Clubcanx22nov17as CofA expired 16jul10
L-200D17 11 30HA-LDCSky Milescanx22nov17as CofA expired 05mar11
L-410UVP84 13 28UR-TWOSouth WestRWNdec17not yet on the register 21dec17; ex UR-67102
L-410UVP-E1789 23 24HA-YFDBudapest Air Servicecanx22nov17as CofA expired 04mar05
L-410UVP-E89 23 39UP-L4103Kazair WestGUW 27nov17
L-410UVP-E90 24 033B-NBFrgd29sep17ex ZS-ATF
L-410UVP-E2031 03RA-67059(2)Siberian Light Aviationrgd01dec17ex OK-JPV
L-410UVP-E2031 06RA-67060(2)Siberian Light Aviationrgd01dec17ex OK-JPW
L-410UVP-E2031 12OK-JRAAircraft Industriesrgd10nov17canx 20dec17 as to Russia
L-410UVP-E2031 13OK-JRBAircraft Industriesrgd12dec17f/n UHE 15dec17
L-410---TR-KSSSudan SupremeJUBnov17probably ex 5Y-SSA
PS-84184 15 07CCCP-I357NKAP zavod # 18dam29nov42right engine caught fire on t/o Chapayevsk; repaired
PS-84184 16 08not knownSoviet Air Forcew/o29oct41on a flight from Moscow to Kuibyshev, reason unknown
PS-84184 24 06no regNKAP zavod # 18w/o12may42crashed into Mount Golaya aka Mount Shaitan
Mi-1U02 001"04"DOSAAF-Kuznetskmfd1959t/t 1,164 hours by 01may65
Mi-1U03 002"09"DOSAAF-Kuznetskmfd1961t/t 698 hours by 01may65
Mi-1U03 003not knownDOSAAF-Kazanmfd1959t/t 916 hours by 01sep64
Mi-1U04 011not knownDOSAAF-Kazanmfd1960t/t 665 hours by 01sep64
Mi-1U04 015"51"DOSAAF-Buzulukmfd1959t/t 883 hours by 01jul65
Mi-1U04 026not knownDOSAAF-Kazanmfd1960t/t 619 hours by 01sep64
Mi-1U05 003not knownDOSAAF-Kazanmfd1960t/t 960 hours by 01sep64
Mi-1U05 009not knownDOSAAF-Kazanmfd1960t/t 943 hours by 01apr65
Mi-1U06 029not knownDOSAAF-Kazanmfd1960t/t 654 hours by 01sep64
Mi-1U09 003not knownDOSAAF-Buzulukmfd1958t/t 309 hours by 01apr65
Mi-1U10 017not knownDOSAAF-Buzulukmfd1958t/t 669 hours by 01apr65
Mi-1U11 009"11"DOSAAF-Sverdlovskmfd1958 ?t/t 575 hours by 01mar64; probably wfu in 1978
Mi-1MU05 030CCCP-17776AFL/North Kavkaztoc14dec61rgd 27jan62
CCCP-17776AFL/North Kavkaztrf26jul72dbr 21jan80; soc 22dec80
SM-1WWA 08 00303Romanian Air Forcedbr10mar66details unknown; soc 06apr66; t/t 219 hours
SM-1WWA 08 00404Romanian Air Forcesep95/dec17stored Muzeul National al Aviatiei Romane,
SM-1Wb5 01 025"10"DOSAAF-Buzulukmfd1963t/t 695 hours by 01apr65
SM-1Wb5 01 032"09"DOSAAF-Buzulukmfd1963t/t 695 hours by 01apr65
SM-1Wb5 01 035"35"DOSAAF-Kuznetskmfd1963t/t 626 hours by 01jul65
SM-1Wb6 01 008CCCP-17917AFL/Uralsw/o10aug66during an auto-rotation landing in a forest; soc 14feb67
SM-2S2 03 01616Romanian Air Forcemfd23dec62soc probably in 1975
SM-2S2 03 01717Romanian Air Forcemfd22dec62soc probably in 1975
SM-2S2 04 02929Romanian Air Forcesep10/dec17stored Muzeul National al Aviatiei Romane
SM-2S2 04 03030Romanian Air Forcemfd29mar63soc probably in 1975
Mi-2a56 1046 059N515VDStefenelli Aviationrgd30nov17Stefenelli Aviation-TR Inc. Trustee of Attersee (Austria)
Mi-252 1247 119CCCP-23847AFL/Kazakhstandbr23jun85on a flight in Alma-Ata region when an engine failed
Mi-254 5423 117RA-15762not knownrgd26mar14current on register 23nov17; ex Air Force
Mi-2M54 7709 062"062" yellowRostvertolKub25aug17with additional 'Vertolyoty Rossii' titles
Mi-254 7744 082HA-BGIKobo-Coop '96 Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 29jun08
Mi-252 8021 013HA-BFRFríz-Aircanx22nov17as CofA expired 30jun06
Mi-254 8315 083RA-15763not knownrgd26mar14current on register 23nov17; ex Air Force
Mi-254 9447 115UR-MSOMotor Sichrgd10apr13l/n Kharkiv-Korotych 19jun15; canx 15nov17
Mi-252 9942 106UR-SUSV.S. Ostapenkorgd16nov17V.S. Ostapenko of Pervomaisk; ex SP-FST
Mi-25411038 109HA-BFYImre Andráscanx22nov17as CofA expired 30jun06
Mi-2AM-15210207 047UR-AMIO.M. Ponikarevychrgd13dec17ex UR-EXM
Mi-25210719 098UR-14100Borargd21mar12rgd 19aug15 to Avia-Styl of Yuvileine; canx 15nov17
Mi-421 07CCCP-A31AFL/MOW MAG SPiVSmfd1954opb otdelnaya aviagruppa vozdushnykh syomok
CCCP-31431AFL/Northernrgd1958 ?soc 22sec69; c/n now known
Mi-401 08CCCP-L84AFL/Far Eastmfd1954new documents issued 23sep55
CCCP-31484AFL/Syktyvkarrgd1958 ?dbr 28may59 in the Komi republic; soc 26jun59
Mi-406 13CCCP-L0552AFL/Far Easttocunknownon charge as of 01oct55
CCCP-31552(1)AFL/Far East rgd1958 ?soc 17mar72 as life-time expired
Mi-405 14CCCP-L0551AFL/Far Easttocunknownon charge as of 01oct55
CCCP-31549(1)AFL/Far East rgd1958 ?soc 20jul73 as life-time expired
Mi-403 17not knownSoviet Air Force ?mfd1955
CCCP-31457AFL/Yakutiyargd1958 ?soc 12sep69 as life-time expired
Mi-409 17CCCP-L85AFL/Far Easttoc01oct55new documents issued 23sep55
CCCP-31485AFL/Far Eastrgd1958 ?soc 31dec71 as life-time expired
Mi-406 20CCCP-L38AFL/MOW MAG SPiVSmfd20sep55new documents issued 26nov55; photo 22may56
CCCP-31438AFL/Northernw/o10oct62on a aerial survey flight from Lovno; t/t 2,055 hours
Mi-403 23CCCP-L52AFL/East Siberiamfd24nov55w/o 22may56; t/t 17 hours 31 minutes; soc 05aug57
Mi-4A04 27CCCP-L91AFL/West Siberiatoc19mar56
CCCP-31491AFL/Krasnoyarskrgd1958 ?soc 22nov73 as life-time expired
Mi-4A05 28CCCP-L99AFL/Far Easttoc05jun56opb 143 ATO
CCCP-31499AFL/Far East-Khmtrfjan63soc 26sep73 as life-time expired; c/n now known
Mi-4A08 28CCCP-L66 ?AFL/East Siberiatoc12may56
CCCP-31466AFL/East Siberiargd1958 ?soc 24aug72 as life-time expired
Mi-407 29CCCP-L92AFL/West Siberiamfd24apr56toc 14jun56; w/o 14jul56; t/t 31 hours; soc 23nov56
Mi-4A03 31CCCP-L0513AFL/Far Easttoc06oct56opb Magadanskaya aviagruppa
CCCP-31513AFL/Far Easttrf25may72soc 24dec75 as life-time expired
Mi-4A09 31CCCP-L0504AFL/Krasnoyarsktoc12oct56
CCCP-31504AFL/Krasnoyarskrgd1958 ?soc 21nov74 as life-time expired
Mi-4A01 34CCCP-L0517Aeroflot ?mfdjul56
CCCP-31517AFL/West Siberiatrf28sep59soc 04jul72 as life-time expired
Mi-4T01 56CCCP-31421AFL/Uralsmfd27jun57toc 25nov58; soc 01jul75 as life-time expired
Mi-4A18 64CCCP-31397AFL/Uralsmfd17apr58toc 27jun58; dbr 21mar59; soc 17apr59
Mi-4A11 65CCCP-31411AFL/Krasnoyarsktoc09sep58soc 22sep78 as life-time expired
Mi-4A17 66CCCP-31496AFL/Turkmenistantoc15apr60soc 25oct78 as life-time expired
Mi-4A03 69CCCP-31497AFL/Turkmenistantrf15apr60soc 30jul77 as life-time expired
Mi-4A02 73CCCP-31481AFL/Kazakhstantoc20apr60soc 29aug77 as life-time expired
Mi-4A18 73CCCP-31574AFL/Far Easttoc17jun59destroyed during transportation by rail 24mar64; soc 14nov64
Mi-4A19 73CCCP-31575AFL/Magadantoc20nov59
CCCP-31575AFL/Uralstrf22apr72damaged 13aug74; soc 30nov78 as life-time expired
Mi-4A03 74CCCP-31579AFL/Yakutiyatoc07may59soc 09apr74 as life-time expired
Mi-4A20 74CCCP-31587AFL/East Siberiatoc14may59soc 30dec76 as life-time expired
Mi-4A09 75CCCP-31596AFL/Kazakhstantocmay59soc 28apr79 as life-time expired
Mi-4A01 76CCCP-66825AFL/North Kavkaztoc20jun59dbr, details unknown; soc 20jul61
Mi-4A02 76CCCP-66826AFL/Uralstoc03apr59dbr, details unknown; soc 08mar60
Mi-4A06 76CCCP-66830AFL/Georgiatoc11jun59
CCCP-66830AFL/Kremenchug FStrf14dec70soc 20sep79 as life-time expired
Mi-4A08 76CCCP-66832AFL/Northerntocjun59
CCCP-66832AFL/Arkhangel.-Arvtrf01jan73soc 28mar77 as life-time expired
Mi-4A06 77CCCP-66836AFL/Magadantocaug59
CCCP-66836AFL/West Siberiatrf22feb73soc 25oct78 as life-time expired
Mi-4A02 79CCCP-66866AFL/Turkmenistantoc15aug59soc 16aug79 as life-time expired
Mi-4ASP11 85CCCP-66913AFL/Uralsmfd08aug59toc 30sep59
CCCP-66913AFL/Tyumentrf20feb67soc 01jul75 as worn out
Mi-4A19 88CCCP-66920AFL/Northerntocfeb60
CCCP-66920AFL/Arkhangelsktrf01jan73soc 28sep76 as worn out
Mi-4A11 119CCCP-19157AFL/Moscow SPiMVLtoc20jan63soc 21oct67 as time between overhauls expired
Mi-4A06 186CCCP-01831AFL/Tyumentoc28mar67rgd 04apr67; dbr 28feb73; soc 10apr73
Mi-4S---YE-AAVYemen Governmentphotoone of 4 delivered in total
Mi-6A72 08 542005Vietnam Air Forcephoto2017sat wfu at Bien Hoa with this fake serial
Mi-8T80 25RA-22640(1)Strezhevoi Avn Enterprisedbr25oct94 details unknown; soc 16apr96 and canx 15may96
Mi-8T9 75 43 45"44"Soviet Air Forcemfd1975
Mi-8PPA9 78 75 15"01" yellowRussian Air ForceKuboct17preserved in the "Patriot" park at Kubinka
Mi-89 83 48371RF-20432Aerograd KolomnaKrb12sep17in blue/silver c/s with titles
Mi-8MT9 3258RF-93623Russian Air Forcephotodec17coded "337" yellow
Mi-8MT9 4448RF-92490Russian Air Forcephotodec17coded "338" yellow
Mi-8MTV-19 5002UR-CCMUkrainian Helicoptersrgd28jan11new CofR issued 20nov13; canx 15nov17
Mi-8MTV-19 5127UR-HLAUkrainian Helicoptersrgd01aug11new CofR issued 03sep13; canx 15nov17
Mi-8MTV-19 5574RA-25433Vertikal-T ?rgd29dec15tcanx between 23nov17 and 26dec17
Mi-8MTV-19 5973RA-22183(2)Vertikal-Trgd19nov08canx between 23nov17 and 26dec17
Mi-8MTV-19 7441RA-22596(2)Argorgd24nov17
Mi-8MTV-19 7446not knownKamchatskiye Avialiniimfd2017Kamchatskiye Avialinii
Mi-8MTV-19 7449not knownGeliksmfd2017
Mi-1715948961759658622Pakistan ArmyZAH18nov17on return from overhaul; c/n checked !
Mi-171C171C00076431901URA-22450(2) not knownrgd21jul16canx between 23nov17 and 26dec17
Mi-171P171P00784073403UUR-CRE Kroonk Airlinesrgd20dec17full c/n now is 171P 00 784 07 3403U; ex HK-4797
Mi-8AMT 8AMT00643177516URA-22663(2) UUAZrgd15dec17
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177518URA-22783(2) not knownrgd19dec17
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177519URA-22789(3) not knownrgd19dec17
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177520URA-22801(2) UTairrgd19dec17in yellow/black/orange c/s; f/n OVB 23dec17
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177558URA-22802(2) UTairrgd19dec17
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177561URA-22806(2) UTairrgd19dec17f/n OMS 23dec17
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177562URA-22804(2) UTairrgd19dec17
Mi-171E171E.....7582Uno code primerUue01dec17prototype of the new Mi-171E
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177615URA-22663rgd15dec17ex "715" white
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643167634U?"150" Rosgvardiyamfd2017f/n OMS 04nov17, no titles
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643167635U?"151" Rosgvardiyamfd2017f/n OMS 04nov17, no titles
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643167636U?"152" Rosgvardiyamfd2017f/n OMS 04nov17, no titles
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643167640U"64" yellow Russian Air Forcephotonov17
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643167656URA-22700(2) Skolrgd23nov17ambulance helicopter
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177659URA-22703(2) Yeltsovkargd08dec17ambulance helicopter
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177660URA-22720(2) KrasAviamfd08dec17ambulance helicopter
Mi-8AMT8AMT00643177665URA-22747(2) Skolrgd21nov17ambulance helicopter
Mi-171..... 7652U--primerUue01dec17with 'glass' nose and flat loading ramp; for Vietnam
Mi-171A2..... 0103U/…0105U--primerUue01dec17all three on the assembly line; with 'dolphin' nose
Mi-17V-5288M03G692United Nationsdbr28oct08on a flight from Daloa to Danané
Mi-8MT---RF-95344Russian Air ForceDYU19dec17h/o to the Tajik Air Force, probably for spares
Mi-8MT---RF-95541Russian Air ForceOVB13oct17coded "333" yellow
Mi-171Sh---649United NationsDAC26oct17in full all-white UN c/s coded 'UNO-121'
Mi-8S---JU-2025Tengeriin Ulaachphotojun15faded code '52' still visible; the hulk sat at Tavan Tolgoi
Mi-8T---TN-357Congo Air Forcephotoin dark green/dark brown camo c/s with light grey belly
Mi-8T---1308Egyptian Air Forcephoto 16oct73later Israel AF; see on-line database for full story
Mi-8T---Z2453Indian Air Force17dec17last flight of Indian AF Mi-8T at Bangalore-Yelahanka
Mi-8T20409JU-5566A-Jet Aviationdam18apr13c/n now known, ex JU5444
Mi-8MT---"34" redTajik Air ForceDYU19dec17with Red Stars and a Tajik Air Force badge
Mi-8MT---"35" redTajik Air ForceDYU19dec17with Red Stars and a Tajik Air Force badge
Mi-8MTV-1804M01UR-PAAUkrainaKBP18jul14canx 15nov17
Mi-8---"28" blueUkraine National GuardNiz06oct17'Rescue Service' titles and a National Guard crest
Mi-24V220 711711Hungarian Air ForceLED22nov17these four flew from Szolnok to Kecskemet end 2017
Mi-24V220 720720Hungarian Air ForceLED22nov17and boarded An-124 RA-82047 22nov17 to LED
Mi-24P340 335335Hungarian Air ForceLED22nov17and will be overhauled by 419 ARZ at Gorelovo
Mi-24P340 336336Hungarian Air ForceLED22nov17
Mi-24V---"17" redTajik Air ForceDYU19dec17with Red Stars and a Tajik Air Force badge
M-20-031AH 002-16SP-KASEgeria Sp.z.o.orgd22jun07l/n WRO 01dec12; canx 12oct17 as to Turkey
SW-4 Solo60 01 04SP-PSZAgustaWestlandSwd19oct13l/n Swidnik 12may16; canx 22nov17 as sold
RRJ-95B95 137RA-89099Aeroflotrgd07dec17h/o 19dec17 and ferried from ZIA to SVO the same day
RRJ-95LR95 139RA-89101Aeroflotrgd28nov17h/o 07dec17 and ferried from ZIA to SVO the same day
RRJ-95B95 142RA-89103Aeroflotrgd21dec17ferried from ULY to ZIA 12oct17
RRJ-95B95 144RA-89104Aeroflotrgd21dec17ferried from ULY to ZIA 01nov17
RRJ-95B95 15189109primerf/f28nov17
RRJ-95LR-10095 15289096primerf/fdec17ferried via OVB to ULY 12dec17
RRJ-9595 15389095primerf/f14dec17
RRJ-95LR-10095 15497011(6)f/f22dec1733rd RRJ to make its maiden flight in 2017
Tu-154M91A882RA-85707YakutiyaMRV 17aug14and b/u nov14; canx between 23nov17 and 26dec17
Tu-204-3001450742864045RA-64045 Roskosmosrgd20oct16canx between 23nov17 and 26dec17 !
Tu-204-100145074 . . 64056RA-64056 RusAird/d21dec17ULY-LED; Tu-204-100V; l/n LED 22dec17, no titles
Tu-214PU03064530primer ?f/f02dec17Tu-214PU-SBUS (airborne command post)
PZL-101A10 7 199HA-SBAMagyar Repülö Szövcanx22nov17as CofA expired 12jul08
PZL-101A10 7 234HA-SBHMagyar Repülö Szövcanx22nov17as CofA expired 07jun12
PZL-101A11 9 292HA-PYCKobo-Koop '96 Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 16apr11
Yak-18T7 20 15 13HA-YALKobo-Coop '96 Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 15nov07
Yak-18T8 20 09 16HA-HUGKobo-Coop '96 Kft.canx22nov17as CofA expired 17apr09
Yak-18PM72 02 09"19" yellowDOSAAFKck1974opb TsAK im. Chkalova; in standard c/s
Yak-18T22202044635UR-DIKO.O. Astankovrgd10dec13canx 15nov17
Yak-40K9 81 11 57RA-87953Intl Club of Adv.LPK 15may17canx between 23nov17 and 26dec17
Yak-42D452042 10 14 543RA-42379 IzhaviaDME24jul17l/n DME 20aug17
ARJ21-700110B-001TCOMACf/f22nov17in primer
H6K---10092Chinese Air Forcephotonov178th Division/22nd Regt
H6K---20116Chinese Air Forcephotodec17o10th Div/28th Regiment
H6K---41072, 78, 79Chinese Air Forcephotonov17all three 36th Div/108th Reg
PT-6---2703 & 2712Bangladesh Air ForceDAC12dec17both in yellow c/s with red trim; a reserialed aircraft ?
PT-6---27042711Bangladesh Air ForceDAC07dec17both in yellow c/s with red trim; a reserialed aircraft ?
Y5---53512Chinese Air Forcenov17Transport Regiment Western TC
Y8T41 18 0130275Chinese Air Forcephotoaug17C3I aircraft, version not confirmed; 26th Div/76th Reg
Y8C---6012Chinese Air Forcephotonov1715th ABC
KJ500---30073Chinese Air Forcephotonov1726th Div/77th Reg
KJ200---30572Chinese Air Forcephotodec1726th Div/78th Reg; Y8 'Balanced Beam' Elint version
KJ200---30573Chinese Air Forcephotonov1726th Div/78th Reg; Y8 'Balanced Beam' Elint version
Y9---10250Chinese Air Forcephotodec174th Div/10th Reg
The Interior Troops (VV) of the Russian Ministry of the Interior (MVD) became the Russian National Guard (Rosgvardiya) on 15 April 2016. This new force is no longer part of the MVD, but is directly subordinated to the administration of the president. One helicopter has already been spotted with Rosgvardiya titles, the other aircraft are still without titles, but are supposed to receive titles as well in the future. All known (some 140) aircraft and helicopters are mentioned as such now in the on-line database.
An-12BK8 34 57 07RF-12042
An-12BK9 34 66 10RF-12043
An-2615 01RF-56307
An-2632 06RF-56301
An-2647 01RF-56302
An-2666 01RF-36174
An-2676 01RF-56303
An-2682 08RF-56308
An-2683 07RF-56304
An-2687 05RF-56305
An-26115 04RF-56310
Il-76M00134 31945RF-76328
Il-76M00134 32966RF-76329
Il-76MD00934 92766RF-86925(2)
Il-76MD00934 95874RF-76802
Il-76MD00934 95927RF-76803
Il-76MD00934 95931RF-76804
Il-76MD10934 04143RF-76826
Il-76MD10934 04151RF-76827
Il-76MD10934 05164RF-76828
Il-76MD10934 05172RF-76829
Mi-8T79 71RF-34286
Mi-8T82 15RF-34290
Mi-8T82 16RF-34287
Mi-8PS82 18RF-34225
Mi-8T84 37RF-34297
Mi-8T85 25RF-34219
Mi-8T85 27RF-34236
Mi-8PS-786 63RF-94995(1)
Mi-8PS-786 76RF-94992(1)
Mi-8PS-787 01RA-27080
Mi-8T9 87 30890RF-28970
Mi-8T9 89 43893?RF-34284
Mi-8T9 89 43928RF-28969
Mi-8MTV-29 4927RF-34228
Mi-8MTV-29 4947RF-34229
Mi-8MTV-29 4948RF-34230
Mi-8MTV-29 5275RF-34238
Mi-8MTV-29 5284RF-34242
Mi-8MTV-29 5323RF-34255
Mi-8MTV-29 5324RF-34256
Mi-8MTV-29 5325RF-34274
Mi-8MTV-29 5327RF-34220
Mi-8MTV-29 5330RF-34300
Mi-8MTV-29 5338RF-34251
Mi-8MTV-29 5342RF-34243
Mi-8MTV-29 5364RF-34244
Mi-8MTV-29 5365RF-34258
Mi-8MTV-29 5366RF-34308
Mi-8MTV-29 5367RF-34299
Mi-8MTV-29 5381RF-34309
Mi-8MTV-29 5386RF-34289
Mi-8MTV-29 5391RF-34275
Mi-8MTV-29 5392RF-34246
Mi-8MTV-29 5395RF-34247
Mi-8MTV-29 5397RF-34248
Mi-8MTV-29 5468RF-34222
Mi-8MTV-29 5469RF-34276
Mi-8MTV-29 5470RF-34233
Mi-8MTV-29 5472RF-34223
Mi-8MTV-29 5475RF-34224
Mi-8MTV-29 5476RF-34234
Mi-8MTV-29 6159RF-34253
Mi-8MTV-29 6160RF-34254
Mi-8MTV-29 6164RF-34231
Mi-8MTV-29 6166RF-34263
Mi-8MTV-29 6190RF-34278
Mi-8MTV-29 6590RF-34270
Mi-8MTV-29 6591RF-34271
Mi-8MTV-29 6596RF-34272
Mi-8MTV-29 6646RF-34311(1)
Mi-8MTV-29 6647RF-34312
Mi-8AMT 8AMST00643073506URF-34311(2)
Mi-8AMT-1 8AMT016430944 . .U ?RF-34321
Mi-8AMT 8AMST00643147505URF-91897
Mi-8AMT 8AMST00643157579URF-91899
Mi-24P066 344RF-34327
Mi-24P066 345RF-34328
Mi-24P066 346RF-34329
Mi-24P066 347RF-34330
Mi-26T066 215RF-17560
RRJ-95B95 011RF-89151
Yak-40K9 64 12 51RF-88301