QuickBooks Pro / Premier / Enterprise 2013

Items included in the most recent QuickBooks 2013 (R7) Release are as follows:

R7 – June 2013 Update:

Note: Some of these changes are for Enterprise only.

·  Advanced Inventory

§  QuickBooks will now display a "No Site" section on the Inventory Stock Status by Site report for those transactions without a site selected.

§  Resolved issues that caused barcode scanners to not work if unplugged and then plugged back in while QuickBooks is open.

§  Costs on purchase transactions will no longer display incorrectly when Unit of Measure is enabled.

·  Batch Enter Transactions

§  'Batch Enter Transactions' menu item is now accessible under the Company menu for non-accountant versions of QuickBooks Enterprise v13.0.

·  Calendar

§  ToDo notes will no longer get truncated if the description is more than 100 characters.

§  Fixed an issue that caused duplicate employee names to appear when picking one on the Add To Do window.

·  Centers

§  Increased the number of rows visible on the Bins tab in the Inventory Center.

§  The Item Image window has been re-sized to support lower resolutions.

§  All customer information (phone, email, etc.) will be added to any new jobs created for it.

·  Payroll

§  Pressing the "s" key on the Employee Defaults window will act as a hot key to select a Class.

§  Monthly payroll item limits are now supported.

·  Performance

§  QuickBooks Enterprise max data base cache size has been increased to 512 mb for improved performance.

·  Reports

§  Purchase Orders and Sales Orders without a site now display a quantity on the Stock Status by Site report.

§  Non site specific summary reports will now show site data when the report basis is set to Accrual.

·  User Interface

§  Labels are now in all CAPS across transactional forms to improve readability.

§  QuickBooks will no longer display an unrecoverable error while customizing the colored icon bar.

§  Save buttons can now be seen on the Write Checks window when viewing Paychecks and Payroll Liability checks in 1024x768 resolution.

§  "Company File Color Scheme” option is introduced in the “Desktop View” preference to allow users to change the color of the title bar and the border of QuickBooks windows for a particular company file, which will help users to differentiate between multiple company files. This preference will be replacing the “Company Color Flag” preference introduced in R4 release. We are offering 14 different “Company File Color Scheme” options to apply on various company files. This is a user level preference, which essentially means that various users connected to the same company file can select different colors.


R6 – March 2013 Update:

Note: Some of these changes are for Enterprise only.

·  User Interface

§  "Company File Color Scheme” option is introduced in the “Desktop View” preference to allow users to change the color of the title bar and the border of QuickBooks windows for a particular company file, which will help users to differentiate between multiple company files. This preference will be replacing the “Company Color Flag” preference introduced in R4 release. We are offering 14 different “Company File Color Scheme” options to apply on various company files. This is a user level preference, which essentially means that various users connected to the same company file can select different colors.

§  Labels are now in all CAPS across transactional forms to improve readability.

§  QuickBooks will no longer display an unrecoverable error while customizing the colored icon bar.

§  Save buttons can now be seen on the Write Checks window when viewing Paychecks and Payroll Liability checks in 1024x768 Res.

·  Centers

§  All customer information (phone, email, etc.) will be added to any new jobs created for it.

§  Increased the number of rows visible on the Bins tab in the Inventory Center.

The Item Image window has been re-sized to support lower resolutions.

·  Batch Enter Transactions

§  'Batch Enter Transactions' menu item is now accessible under the Company menu for non-accountant versions of QuickBooks Enterprise v13.0.

·  Advanced Inventory

§  Costs on purchase transactions will no longer display incorrectly when Unit of Measure is enabled.

§  Improved multi-user performance for large company files that have the Lot numbers preference enabled.

§  QuickBooks will now display a "No Site" section on the Inventory Stock Status by Site report, for those transactions without a site selected.

§  Resolved issues that caused barcode scanners to not work if unplugged and then plugged back in while QuickBooks is open.

·  Calendar

§  Fixed an issue that caused duplicate employee names to appear when picking one on the Add ToDo window.

§  ToDo notes will no longer get truncated if the description is more than 100 characters.

·  Reports

§  Non site specific summary reports will now show site data when the report basis is set to Accrual.

§  Purchase Orders and Sales Orders without a site now display a quantity on the Stock Status by Site report

·  Payroll

§  Monthly payroll item limits are now supported.

§  Pressing the "s" key on the Employee Defaults window will act as a hot key to select a Class.

·  Performance

§  QuickBooks Enterprise max data base cache size has been increased to 512 mb for improved performance.

§  Miscellaneous improvements/enhancements to performance

R5 – February 2013 Update:

·  Calendar

§  ToDo descriptions will now show correctly in Reminders list.

·  Company file

§  Fixed problem with company file hanging on open.

·  Centers

§  Customers and Memorized Transactions can now be deleted in multiuser mode.

·  File Operations

§  Rebuild utility will now be able to resolve the error "LVL_SEVERE_ERROR--GetMasterKey Failed: The decryption has failed."

§  Company files upgrade to QuickBooks 2013 faster.

·  Lists

§  QuickBooks will no longer display the error "Unable to add item to list" when updating your company file.

·  Performance

§  Company files with large numbers of list items open much faster.

§  The Search refresh that happens in the backgrounds won't delay other operations in QuickBooks anymore.

§  The automatic data recovery system that automatically copies the company file in the background for backup purposes will no longer be re-enabled when the updating QuickBooks.

§  Using and opening the Customer Center is now much faster.

·  User Interface

§  Fixed an issue that would cause QuickBooks to close unexpectedly after dismissing either an error or warning dialog window.

R4 – December, 2012 Update:

·  Inventory:

§  When a company file is upgraded to a newer release, all item types will retain a check mark when "All Items" is checked for QuickBooks generated barcodes.

§  Inventory items and non-inventory items can now be mixed on a Purchase Orders if site/location is being used.

§  In the Inventory Center, the Quantity on Hand by Serial Number view now displays negative quantities correctly.

·  Batch Transaction Entry:

§  We added the ability to Clear Splits from the context menu when batch entering transactions.

·  Install

§  The QuickBooks installer now includes the MSXML 6.0 SP1 64- bit component so it can be installed when needed.

·  Preferences

§  When updating to a new version of QuickBooks, QuickBooks now retains search preferences. If 'Update automatically’ was unchecked, it will now stay that way after the update.

·  Reports

§  Purchase Orders and Sales Orders without a site now display a quantity on the Stock Status by Site report.

§  When clicking the down arrow by the print button at the top of reports there is now a Save as PDF option.

·  User Interface

§  Added - Batch Transactions icon to the ribbon on the Write Cheques and Enter Credit Card Charge/Credit forms.

·  Windows 8

§  QuickBooks 2013 is now compatible with Windows 8.

·  Payroll

§  QuickBooks now displays the correct Billed or Not Billed icon on the Enter Single Activity window when clicking Previous or Next in order to view past entries.

§  Employee notes are no longer visible to users with "no access" permission to Payroll.

R3 – October, 2012 Update

·  Reports

§  Corrected detail reports which were incorrectly showing the source memo instead of the target memo. Detail reports now display the correct target memo for the transaction.

·  User Interface

§  Minor changes made to the User Interface (UI).

·  Cheques

§  Corrected error where, New Liability payment was not using the next cheque number for the account. New Liability payment will now correctly assign the next cheque number in the series.

§  When writing a cheque, if the ‘To be printed’ checkbox was unchecked, QuickBooks displayed ‘To Print’ in the number field. This has been corrected and will no longer display ‘To Print’.