Community Vision Plan Survey2008

Community Vision Plan Survey

Please email comments to:

or mail/fax to:

Heather Zieziula, Senior Planner

Heyer, Gruel & Assoc.

63 Church St., 2nd Flr.

New Brunswick, NJ08901

Phone: 732-828-2200

Fax: 732-828-9480

  • Do you think there are pressing planning/development issues in your neighborhood or within the Township?
  • Residential: Is there a need for more Housing in Marlboro? Is there a wide enough range of housing options available within the Township?
  • Commercial/Business Corridors & Uses: Is there a wide variety of existing businesses, restaurants that appeal to you in Marlboro? Is there a certain type of business or commercial venture missing? Do you feel there is a well-suited area (proximity to highway access, existing businesses/amenities…etc.) that these businesses should be located?
  • Industrial: Are there specific places within the Township that are best suited for industrial sites? Are there any problems or issues present at existing sites?
  • Road Circulation/Transit: Do you use public transit? Do you use it every day for work, running errands…etc? If not, do you use other methods of transportation? Are current road systems & connections adequate to handle traffic flows?
  • Parking: Are there sufficient amounts & types of parking available throughout the Township? Have parking issues become a problem?
  • Parks/Recreation: Are current facilities adequate? Is there a need for additional sites? Are bike lanes/trails something you feel is important to have in the community and are existing lanes/trails safe and accessible?
  • Open Space: Is there a sufficient amount of open space available within the Township? Is existing areas being threatened?
  • Public Facilities (Places of Worship, Libraries, Non-Profits…etc.): Is there a wide variety of these facilities, to meet your needs? Are these places adequate and/or in need of expansion?
  • Environmental: Are there any environmentally sensitive areas in the Township that you are aware of? If so, are they being threatened? Do you feel “renewable energy sources” (solar panels, energy efficient lighting…etc.) should be encouraged in Marlboro?
  • TownCenter: Do you feel the Township needs a defined TownCenter (a walkable community/Main Street area with mixed uses of residential and unique commercial businesses, with access to bike trails, transportation)? Should a TownCenter be developed in the existing area of School Rd. & Rte. 79 or somewhere else within the Township?
  • Education: Is there a need for an expansion/renovation of existing facilities? Are bussing routes adequate to serve the need of the existing schools or are there congested areas?
  • Historic Resources: Does Marlboro contain historic resources? Are they being protected or threatened? Are there additional sites that should be preserved? Do you feel there are sufficient public education/programs provided for these sites?
  • Utilities: Are current utilities (sewer service, public water, storm water) adequate for the Township?
  • Flooding: Are there any flooding issues occurring in the Township? Has any damage occurred?
  • Emergency Services (Fire, Police, Ambulance…etc.): Are the existing services meeting the needs of the Township? Is there a need for expansion or additional manpower?
  • Quality of Life: Does Marlboro offer a good, overall quality of life? Have there been any significant changes to affect the quality of life?
  • Misc.: Please provide any additional comments, concerns, or suggestions.