SCATS Policy Committee Meeting for September 26, 2016Page1


September26, 2016

In attendance were:


Dave Torrence, alt., SC Engineer (Chair)

Mark Cozy, alt., City of Canal Fulton

Bob Fonte, alt., Stark Park District

Richard Regula, County Commissioner

Brant Luther, alt., County Commissioner

Steve Rebillot,alt., ODOT D-4

Vince Marion, alt., City of Louisville

Keith Bennett, SC Engineer

Curt Bungard, alt., City of Alliance

Dan Moeglin, TAC Chairman

David Krock, alt., City of Massillon/OHM


Jeff Dutton

Jeff Dotson

Jill Gerber

Malia Morrison

Emma Posillico

Beth Pearson

Dan Slicker


Latrice Virola, SARTA

Carrie Domer, SARTA

Marianne Senvisky, EDG

Tom Likavec, LJB

Art Rometo, Michael Baker Int.

Chad Root, ODOT

Dave Kaminski, Canton Chamber of Commerce

  1. Opening Remarks, Consideration of Minutes of August 22, 2016 Meeting

Torrence opened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Moeglin moved, Marion seconded, and the motion carried to approve the minutes for the August 22, 2016 meeting.

  1. SCATS 2018 – TIP Development

Dutton referenced the highlighted projects on the FY 2018-21 TIP project sheet that are being recommended to be added to the TIP. They are not promising the year they are in, but they are just wanting to get them on the TIP at this point, and then have a TAC meeting to discuss those details. There are also some projects that are not highlighted in FY 17-18 that are asking for additional money, which will also need to be discussed. Moeglin moved, Cozy seconded, and the motion carried to approve the additional highlighted projects to the TIP. Torrence stated at the last TAC meeting they had three projects that sponsors were requesting additional funding, and he asked the sponsors to submit something formal to Dutton for evaluation before the next TAC meeting. Rebillot asked if they were free to program these projects, or should they wait until the October meeting. Dutton stated they are encouraged to start programming them. It is easier if they have PIDS and are in Ellis, so any projects highlighted can go forward.

  1. TIP Amendments – ODOT Office of Transit STIP FY 2016-19 Amendment 5

(Resolution 2017-03)

  • PID 103354 SARTA Purchase of Hydrogen Buses – Modification
  • PID 104031 SARTA Evaluation Data & Research – New

Dutton reviewed the TIP amendments as requested by SARTA. Bennett moved and Fonte secondedto approve Resolution 2017-03. Regula asked for clarification on the three hydrogen buses. Virola representingSARTA stated that this amendment authorizes funding forpurchase of three hydrogen buses that will replace three of the existing buses. A vote was taken on the motion and carried.

  1. Crash Report and Safety Work Plan – Scoring Methodology

Dutton stated they did not want to adopt anything today, but they want to select 3-4 traffic people to make up a subcommittee that willreview the scoring methodology and come up with some recommendations. Staff has been working on updating the Crash Report, and Dan Slicker has some recommendationsthat would make the scoring criteria more relevant. The plans are to take these recommendations to thePolicy Committee for approval.

5. 2017 Work Program – Updated Planning Budget (Resolution 2017-04)

Dutton presented the update for the fiscal part of the Work Program as a result of the FAST Act which came into existence a couple months ago, and there are additional planning funds for capital projects also in our Work Program. The fiscal chart has been modified for our planning efforts in FY 2017 by adding the additional funds from the FAST Act (yellow sheet). Cozy moved and Marion seconded to approve Resolution 2017-04. Luther asked for clarification on whatexactly was changed on the sheet, and were itemsadded or subtracted. Dutton stateditems were added,and that he would get those details for him. There was a lump sum that was distributed over almost every category. Luther asked what the total sum was and how it was applied. Dutton stated he would get those details, but the total Work Program is about $1.4 million. A vote was taken on the motion and carried.

6.Other Business

  • OPWC Infrastructure Program Update

Dotson stated they received 27 applications from 10 applicants for a total of $17,691,074 requested. The applications will be scored within the next couple of weeks and the applicants will get a chance to review their scores for their projects in the next month. The District 19 Committee will select the projects for Program Year 2017 before Thanksgiving. About $8 million will be given out.

  • OARC – SARTA/TIP Projects

The statewide CMAQ Committee has decided to advance the projects currently on the TIP in FY 17 to take care of some statewide funding issues, and SARTA was able to move their projects in FY 18 and FY 19 to FY 17. Dutton stated that he had discussed that with Conrad prior to this decision. Each of those PIDS were five buses, so it will be 10 paratransit buses.

Regarding the Work Program, staff will email the Work Programdocument to the Policy Committee members, which includes the revised budget and shows how the money has been allocated to the Work Programs.

  • Chamber of Commerce

Nau stated in the past ODOT has requested the Policy Committee work with the Chambersto come up with a list of priority projects. He and another staff member met with Dave Kaminski from the Canton Chamber of Commerce to discuss this list from last year, and everyone is in agreement to resubmit that list. This was discussed and approved at the TAC meeting. Rebillot was asked if ODOT pulled off the Hall of Fame project from the list. Rebillot clarified that it was the Market to Middlebranch project that was pulled because they believe it is fully funded in development. Marion moved and Bennett seconded that the list of design priorities as presented be adopted with the amendment of removing the US 62 project (Market Ave to Middlebranch). Torrence asked Rebillot if they were sure about removing the US 62 project before everything is done. He believed it may be premature andsuggested leaving it on. Marion moved and Bennett seconded to amend his motion to approve the list as presented. A vote was taken and carried.

  • US 30Extension Update

Regula stated that Kirk Schuring indicated that as soon as the ODOT Director signs, affirming the RTIP agreement, the RTIP Committee will get together, which will be the County Engineer and a Commissioner from each participating county. Then the hard work begins.

  • Access Management update

Bennett stated the Board of Commissioners did adopt Stark County Access Management Regulations, effective October 1, 2016. Any access to a county or township road in the non-incorporated areas of the county will now fall under access management. The document is available for viewing on the Stark County Engineer’s and Commissioners’ website.

  • The next TAC Meeting is scheduled for October 5th at 10:30 a.m.

The meeting was adjourned at1:55p.m.

Next Scheduled Policy Committee Meeting – Monday, October24, 2016