Login: http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900
Add Syllabus: Click on Control Panel, Syllabus(under Content Areas), Click + item, select file from location, click submit
Add Announcement: Click on Control Panel, Announcements (under Course Tools), Click add announcement, type announcement, click submit
Add Course Documents: Click on Control Panel, Add ‘New Page”
Add Gradebook Item: Control Panel, Manage Students, Organize, Manage Columns, Go, Add Column
Assign Grade: Control Panel, Manage Students, choose User or Item column, Edit, Enter grade
Backup Gradebook: Control Panel, Manage Students, Organize, Manage Columns, Go, make sure all columns are not hidden, Manage students, R Click, Select All, copy, paste into Excel. / ANGEL
Login: http://northseattle.angellearning.edu
Add Syllabus: Resources/Edit
Add Announcement: Course/Course Announcements/Edit
Add Course Documents: Resources/ Course Resources/ Edit
Add Gradebook Item: Manage/ Gradebook/ Categories, Add New
Assign Grade: Manage/Gradebook/Enter-Edit Grade/choose by Assignment or User
Backup Gradebook: Manage/Gradebook/Export Grades/ choose Comma separator/Export/Save
Print Gradebook: Manage/Gradebook/Print Grades

Accessing Your Class in Angel

1.  Go to http://angel.mohave.edu

2.  Choose your class section listed under Courses

Add Syllabus

By converting your word processing document to a web page before uploading it into ANGEL your uploaded syllabus is more accessible to students – not requiring the student to have the specific word processing program installed to be able to view the syllabus

Convert and Upload an Existing Syllabus File

To convert a Microsoft Word document to a web page:

1.  Open your Word syllabus on your local computer.

2.  In Microsoft Word select Save As from the Office Button menu.

3.  Choose Other Formats and then choose Web Page (filtered) or HTML from the Save a type: drop-down list.

4.  Click the Save button.

Uploading the Syllabus

1.  Log into your ANGEL course and click the Resources tab.

2.  Click the Edit button on the Syllabus toolbar.

3.  Click the Syllabus Files button.

4.  Click the Add Content hyperlink (located in the upper left toolbar).

5.  Click the Upload Files hyperlink.

6.  Click the Browse button to browse your computer for your syllabus file.

7.  Once the appropriate filename appears in the form click OK. The path to your syllabus file appears in the File to Upload field.

8.  Click the Upload File button. Uploading your file may take a few minutes. When complete an Upload Successful message displays.

9.  Click the Done button.

10.  Click the Exit Syllabus Files button.

11.  Click the Edit button on the Syllabus toolbar.

12.  Select your syllabus file name from the Syllabus Source drop-down list. Your uploaded file name is preceded by Document:

13.  Click the Update button.

Add Announcements

The Course Announcements section displays past or present course announcements. You may select to display Past, Present or All. You can also sort by Ascending or Descending. Clicking on the Edit button displays the Announcement Editor.

Once you have chosen Edit, choose Add Announcement, this link is located under the Announcement Editor title.

Type in your Announcement and/or contact information. Save this file and don’t forget to extend the date that this announcement will appear to at least the last day of the course.

Add Instructor Contact Information

To add your contact information and office hours, choose Edit on the Instructor Contact Information nugget. Type in your information, press Shift + Enter for single spacing in this area. When finished, press Save.

Add Gradebook Items

To access the Gradebook, log into your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the Gradebook hyperlink.

1.  Choose Categories and then beginning building a basic gradebook by adding categories by choosing the Add New button.

Add the general categories of your course assessment, i.e. quizzes, assignments, participation, etc.

1.  When you complete these general categories – choose Back to Main Menu

2.  Choose the next step on the list – Assignments and begin to list all of the individual quizzes, assignments, writing projects, etc. and their appropriate point or percentage values through the Add New button.

Gradebook Interface

Now, you’re ready to use the gradebook that you have created. The Gradebook interface consists of five areas of functionality:

·  View section that allows the course editor to view and print grades.

·  Enter/Edit Grades section allows the course editor to enter grades and comments.

·  Gradebook Setup section that allows the course editor to configure gradebook preferences and import/export grades.

·  Gradebook Management section that allows the course editor to manually create and edit gradebook categories, assignments, macros, and grading scale.

·  Gradebook Tutorial section that allows the course editor to learn about the gradebook setup wizard.

View Grades

The View Grades page displays grades for the first 25 students (ordered by last name) based on the criteria specified on the View menu. Use the scroll bar (located below the last student) and scroll to the right to view all assignment grades and category averages.

Print Grades

The gradebook allows for the printing of the grades. This view produces a PDF document containing all student grade for all categories.

To use print grades:

  1. Log into your ANGLE course and click the Manage tab.
  2. Click the Gradebook hyperlink. The View or Print Gradebook PDF page appears.
  1. From the Page Size drop-down list select the size you want to use. Default is Letter but other choices include Legal, 11 x 17, A3, A4, A5, A6, B3, B4, and B5.
  2. From the Page Orientation drop-down list select how you want the gradebook to print. Default is Landscape, but Portrait is also available.
  3. Select the page margins from the Page Margins drop-down list.
  4. Select the font from the Font Family drop-down list.
  5. Select the font size from the Font Size drop-down list.
  6. Select the category order from the Category Order drop-down list.
  7. Select the team from the Team drop-down list.
  8. Select the Show Students Only checkbox if you want only student grades to appear.
  9. Select the Show Averages Only checkbox if you only want averages displayed.
  10. Click the Generate PDF button.
Enter/Edit Grade

The Enter/Edit Grade tools allow the course editor to enter or edit grades and comments by assignment or user.

Getting Help

Located on the far left of the Home page (accessed after logging in) is a button with a question mark.

This Button will access the help section and allow you to search by keywords.