2016-2017 Introduction to Scientific Research

Mr. Maske

Email address:

Phone number: 334-297-3614


Course Description:

Introduction to Scientific Research will be multi-faceted in that we will learn everything from public speaking to the scientific method. This class will be geared towards assisting the students in the Science Fair project. We want the students to enjoy the process that is the Science Fair instead of dreading it. The knowledge that they will gain in this class will aid in making the Science Fair process more enjoyable and successful.

Course Overview:

As stated above, this course is focused on the students’ success in the Science Fair. With that being said, we will break down each part of the project itself as follows:

Stating research question


Background Research


Create Hypothesis

Experimental Procedure

Properly Recording Results



Research Paper

Presentation Board

Public Speaking

Course Objectives:

Develop an understanding of each step in the scientific method.

Sharpen time management skills.

Gain confidence in finding credible sources.

Increase ability to present findings.



Loose Leaf Paper (College Rule)

Composition Notebook

Three-ring Binder


Students will be graded on quizzes, tests, classroom participation, attendance, and in-class activities.

Class Rules and Expectations:

All rules in the Glenwood Student Handbook will be enforced in this class.The rules and expectations of my classroom are intended to keep the classroom environment safe, orderly, and productive. Please respect the rules at all times so that we can maximize learning time together.

Classroom Expectations

  1. Respect yourself, the teacher, and others
  • Show respect for the teacher, yourself, and others at all times
  • Respect others’ property - avoid touching or writing on anything that doesn’t belong to you
  • Respect yourself by using appropriate language at all times
  1. Put forth your best effort at all times
  • Always do your own best work
  1. Follow directions when given
  • When directions are given, do your best to follow them to the best of your ability the first time. If you are confused or have questions, ask.
  1. Be prepared for class each day
  • Come prepared with all materials necessary daily:
  • An organized class binder with all necessary materials, handouts, and composition notebook
  • Pens, pencils, and paper
  1. Pay attention, participate and ask questions
  • Engage in what is going on in the classroom
  1. Preserve a positive learning environment
  • Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning in the classroom will not be tolerated
  • Minimize classroom interruptions by arriving to class on time and not leaving the classroom until class is dismissed

Classroom Rules

  1. Turn off cell phones and all electronic devices while in the classroom
  • All cell phones should be turned off and out of sight during the class period.
  1. Arrive to class on time and ready to learn
  • Students should be inside the classroom before the tardy bell rings – tardiness will not be accepted
  • If a student arrives late from a previous class, he/she must have a pass from the teacher of that class
  • Sleeping in class will not be tolerated
  1. No food or drinks allowed in the classroom
  2. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy other’s work (Refer to the Academic Dishonesty policy in the student handbook)
  • Any student who violates the Academic Dishonesty Policy will:
  • Receive a “0” for that graded activity/assignment
  • Have parents notified
  • Have exemption privileges revoked in all classes
  • Be ineligible to join any honor societies for the current year
  • Be removed from any Honor Society for one year
  • Any student who violates the academic dishonesty policy a second time will receive all of the first offense consequence plus he/she will be suspended from school.
  • Any student who violates the academic policy a third time is subject to expulsion.
  1. Do your own best work and turn it in on time
  2. Use polite and appropriate language at all times
  • Disrespectful language will not be tolerated regardless of the manner in which it was intended. This includes any profanity, inappropriate comments, and racial, gender, or sexual orientation insults.
  1. Do not lie
  • Lying is any intentional misrepresentation of the facts and/or truth to any teacher or administrator.
  • Forging another person’s signature is a written form of lying.
  1. School Rules
  • All school rules, as addressed in the Student Handbook, should also be followed.

In order, are the following disciplinary actions that will occur if a student fails to adhere to the classroom rules:

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Calling parent/guardian
  3. Student/Teacher conference
  4. Parent/guardian conference
  5. Referral to counselor
  6. Detention


All cases of absences are different, but as a rule of thumb we will go by these guidelines:

Excused Absences- The student will have the same amount of time to finish the work missed in as many days that they were excused.

Unexcused Absences- Students will not be allowed to make up work or tests missed for an unexcused reason.

Extra help:

I am always willing to help in any way that I can. Please contact me to set up a date and time for any extra help.

Students and parents are required to sign and return the last page of the syllabus stating they both understand and agree to the classroom procedures and rules.

I am looking forward to the school year and seeing the progress that each student makes.

Mr. Ethan Maske

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Student Signature ______Date ______