Nissan Training: Training System Updates

Table of Contents

Dealer Maintenance 1

Overview 1

Navigation 1

Dealer Maintenance (Admin Details) 2

Dealer Maintenance (Addresses) 2

Dealer Maintenance (Contact Details) 3

Dealer Users 3

Staff Maintenance 6

New Reports 7

Dealer Booking Summary 7

Dealer Courses by Job 7

Nissan Training: Training System Updates Page 6

Dealer Maintenance


The Nissan training system now allows you to update certain of your Dealer details, The Dealer Maintenance screen is split into 4 Sections described below.

  1. Dealer Maintenance (Admin Details)
    This only Active For Training Administration
  2. Dealer Maintenance (Addresses)
    Here you can update your Street and Postal Addresses
  3. Dealer Maintenance (Contact Details)
    Here you can update the Dealership Telephone numbers and Email Addresses


To Navigate to Dealer Maintenance Login, Go To Dealers then Select Dealer Maintenance.

Dealer Maintenance (Admin Details)

The Dealer Maintenance (Admin Details) can only be Completed by Nissan SA so any changes here will have to be done via the training department.

Dealer Maintenance (Addresses)

Under the Dealer Maintenance (Addresses) you are able to keep your dealers Postal and Street Addresses updated

Dealer Maintenance (Contact Details)

Under Dealer Maintenance Contact Details you are able to Update the Following:

  1. Phone Code : this is a required field Please enter your dialling code)
  2. Phone Number : This is a required field please enter your Phone Number
  3. Fax Number : This is a required field please enter your Fax Number
  4. Dealer Email Address : This is a required field and all training related email will be sent to this email address
  5. Training Computer Email: This is the Email address of your training computer. Please keep this address correct as virtual Book Updates will be sent Here

To Update

To update your Dealer Details, Fill in all the necessary fields and click Process

Dealer Users

Also available in the Dealer Maintenance Screen is a List of All of the Dealer Users including their Usernames and Passwords, these include

  1. General Administrators
    This is the User type currently used for most purposes
  2. Nissan Edge
    This is the Nissan Edge Usernames and Passwords
  3. Training Manager
    In Future all Training Correspondence will be sent to this User.
  4. Dealer Principle
  5. Service Manager
  6. Parts Manager
  7. New Sales Manager
  8. Used Sales Manager

NB!! The Users that you set up from this screen will be reflected in the dealer list, Please be sure that all details are correct. If there is more than on of a type of user the First one will appear in the dealer List.

To Create a New User

To create a new user you will need to contact Training Admin on (011) 695 4301 and request it. Have all the Users details Ready.

To Edit a User

To Edit a User Click the Edit Button Next to the User you wish to Edit and the Following Screen will be shown

The Following Are required, please ensure that the information is correct as the Names, Email addresses, And Phone Numbers will appear on the Dealer List.

Once all of the Information is captured, click process to update the User.

To View Staff Users

You can view all of your staff usernames and passwords; just click the View Staff Users Button. These usernames and password can be used to log on to the system enabling the staff members to view information relevant to their job title.

Staff Maintenance

The Staff Maintenance has been changed; the most significant of these is the ability to check an ID Number to check if it already exists in the Database

When creating a new staff member enter the Staff members ID Number into the ID Number field, Click Check ID Number and The System will tell you if the person exists. If the Person Exists Please contact Training Admin on (011) 695 4305 and Request that the staff member be moved into your Dealer Ship.

New Reports

Dealer Booking Summary

This Report will show you all of the future bookings that are in your Dealer, you can view this report either by Course Code(default) or By Date, to Change the view Just Choose the selection you want at the top of the Page.

To access this report, go to Reports -> Dealer Booking Summary

Dealer Courses by Job

This report shows you the status of all the courses related to a Job title and all of the staff members with that Job title.

To Access this report got to Reports -> Dealer Courses By Job

To View the Report Select the Job title from the Drop down list, Select if you want to see the report by course code or by staff member and click get report.

Nissan Training: Training System Updates Page 6