Current Legal Clinics Offered in Middle Tennessee
Contact the Pro Bono Coordinator at if you know of a clinic that
is not included in this list or if you have updated information for the list. Thank you for your help.
Middle Tennessee Legal Clinics
Clinic Name / County / Location, Day, and Time / Areas of Help / Sponsor / Attorney Involvement / Event Questions /Bedford County Intake Clinic / Bedford / Jan. 14, May 13, Aug. 12, and Nov. 11 at 9:00 am at Bedford County Courthouse (1 Public Square, Shelbyville, TN) / Legal Aid Society staff meets with people to screen for Legal Aid cases and to direct people in need to resources / Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands / Contact the Legal Aid Society, Tullahoma Office at (931) 455-7000 or 1-866-898-0171 / Contact the Legal Aid Society, Tullahoma Office at (931) 455-7000 or 1-866-898-0171
Open Door Rural Intake and Advice Clinic / Bledsoe / Clinics are held monthly; call for more information. / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / Legal Aid of East TN / Contact Charles McDaniel at (423) 209-7400 or / Call (423) 209-7400
Cumberland County Legal Clinic / Cumberland / The third Saturday of every other month beginning June 21st from noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Public Library (3 East Street in Crossville) / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / Cumberland County Bar Association / Contact Rachel Moses at (931) 528-7436 / Contact Rachel Moses at (931) 528-7436
Appellate Litigation Clinic / Davidson / Courts appoint attorneys in this clinic; this clinic does not operate during the summer months / Help with appeals in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and Tennessee state appellate courts / Vanderbilt Law School / Contact Prof. Alistair Newbern at (615) 322-4964, / Contact Prof. Alistair Newbern at (615) 322-4964,
Appellate Pro Bono Program of TN / Davidson / Program accepts referrals from other pro bono attorneys, judges, and courts. / Cases that have already been heard, and where there is a right to appeal / TN Bar Association and TN Alliance for Legal Services / Contact Liz Todaro, TBA Access to Justice Coordinator at / Contact Liz Todaro, TBA Access to Justice Coordinator at
Clínica Legal / Davidson / Third Friday of each month (except for April) at 2:00 pm at Casa Azafrán (2195 Nolensville Pike, Nashville TN) / Legal Aid Society staff meets with people to screen for Legal Aid cases and to direct people in need to resources / Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands / Contact Lucinda Smith, Director/Volunteer Lawyers Program at or (615) 780-7127 / Call (615) 244-6610 for information
Civil Practice Clinic / Davidson / This clinic accepts referrals for Special Education cases and takes court appointments only for SSI cases / General civil cases including Special Education and SSI cases / Vanderbilt Law School / Contact Prof. Alex Hurder at (615) 322-4964, / Contact Prof. Alex Hurder at (615) 322-4964,
Criminal Practice Clinic / Davidson / Courts appoint attorneys in this clinic; this clinic does not operate during the summer months / Criminal cases (pretrial, trial, appeal, and post-conviction) / Vanderbilt Law School / Contact Prof. Susan Kay at (615) 322-4964, / Contact Prof. Susan Kay at (615) 322-4964,
Cross Point Church Clinic / Davidson / Call for location, day and time. / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / TN Faith & Justice Alliance / Contact Joy Boyd at / Contact Joy Boyd at
Davidson County Second Tuesday Clinic / Davidson / Second Tuesday of each month at 4:30 pm at the Legal Aid Society (300 Deaderick St., Nashville TN 37201) / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands / Contact Lucinda Smith, Director/Volunteer Lawyers Program at or (615) 780-7127 / Call (615) 244-6610 for information
Debt Clinic / Davidson / Call (615) 244-6610 for an appointment and eligibility screening first; clinics are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:00 pm at the Legal Aid Society (300 Deaderick St., Nashville, TN) / Advice relating to debtor and creditor issues / Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands / Contact Lucinda Smith, Director/Volunteer Lawyers Program at or (615) 780-7127 / Call (615) 244-6610 for information
Family Law and Domestic Violence Clinic / Davidson / This clinic accepts private referrals, but it does not operate during the summer months / Family matters including orders of protection, divorce, child custody for clients who are victims of domestic violence / Vanderbilt Law School / Contact Prof. Yolanda Redero at (615) 322-4964, / Contact Prof. Yolanda Redero at (615) 322-4964,
Hannah Project / Davidson / Held at the Lentz Public Health Center (311 23rd Ave. North in Nashville) each month; people are referred by the courts normally but can walk in from any area of TN as well. / Education, referrals to social services, and help expunging offenses for victims of prostitution / Antoinette Walsh, Asst. District Atty. in Davidson County / Call the office of Antoinette Welch, Asst. District Attorney in Davidson County, at (615) 862-5500 / Call the Lentz Public Health Center at (615) 340-5616.
Homeless Experience Legal Protection (HELP) Clinic / Davidson / Held at the Room at the Inn (705 Drexel St. in Nashville) every third Wednesday from 9:00 am – 11:30 am. Walk-ins are welcome. / Legal services to those who are homeless (employment, estate, tax, some criminal) / Baker Donelson and Room at the Inn / Contact Bradley M. Bakker at / Contact Bradley M. Bakker at or call (615) 726-7325
Immigration Clinic / Davidson / An appointment is required by calling (615)835-2512
1. Location: Hillcrest United Methodist (5112 Raywood Ln. in Nashville)
2. Times: Clinics begin at 9:00 AM, and appointments are required / Legal services, education, and advocacy for immigrants (U visas, Victim of Crime visas, Green Cards, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status petitions, Naturalization, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Violence Against Women petitions, / Justice for Our Neighbors / Attorneys should contact Adrienne Kittos at adrienne.tnjfon / Call (615) 835-2512 or email at
Immigration Clinic / Davidson / Please call (615) 386-9406 or (800) 289-9018 anytime during business hours to complete an intake before getting help. / Victims of trafficking, sexual assault, or domestic violence can get free legal help with immigration issues (status adjustment, asylum applications, consular processing, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), employment authorization, family-based petitions, NACARA, naturalization/citizenship, removal hearings, special immigrant juvenile status, T visas, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), U visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions) / TN Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence / Contact Robin Kimbrough at (615) 386-9406 or ; attorneys do not need to be fluent in other languages in order to participate / TN Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence at (615) 386-9406
Intellectual Property and the Arts Clinic / Davidson / This clinic accepts private referrals, but it does not operate during the summer months / Copyright, trademark, publicity rights, trade secrets / Vanderbilt Law School / Contact Prof. Michael Bressman at (615) 322-4964 or at / Contact Prof. Michael Bressman at (615) 322-4964 or at
John’s School (Magdalene Prostitution Solicitation School) / Davidson / People are referred by the courts. Call or email for more information. / Education, referrals to social services, and help expunging offenses for solicitors of prostitution / Magdalene House / Contact Kenneth Baker, Behavioral Treatment Providers, at or at (615) 865-2229) / Contact Kenneth Baker, Behavioral Treatment Providers, at or at (615) 865-2229)
Magdalene House Legal Clinic / Davidson / First one is scheduled on April 10 at the Magdalene House. Call (615) 298-1140 / For women victims of prostitution, trafficking, addiction, and life on the streets; attorneys guide, assist, and represent them in process of appealing for consolidation, reduction or forgiveness ofcourt fees. / Belmont Legal Aid Society and Magdalene House / Contact
Professor Jeffrey Usman at Jeffrey.usman@ / Contact
Professor Jeffrey Usman at Jeffrey.usman@
Lipscomb University Legal Clinic / Davidson / The clinic is held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at St. James Missionary Baptist Church. For times, and location call Dr. Randy Spivey. / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / Lipscomb University and the TN Faith & Justice Alliance / Contact Dr. Randy Spivey at (615) 966-2503 / Contact Dr. Randy Spivey at (615) 966-2503
McHugh Legal Clinic / Davidson / Fourth Saturday of each month (not April, November or December; at 9:00 am at Legal Aid Society (300 Deaderick St., Nashville, TN 37201) / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands / Contact Lucinda Smith, Director/Volunteer Lawyers Program at or (615) 780-7127 / Call (615) 244-6610 for information
Mending Hearts Legal Clinic / Davidson / Call for more information / Graduates from Mending Hearts can get assistance with court fee forgiveness / TN Faith & Justice Alliance / Contact Mollie Gass at / Contact Mollie Gass at
Nashville Arts and Entertainment Law Clinic / Davidson / Clinic times, days, and locations for 2015 are TBA. Historically held at Church of the Redeemer (920 Caldwell Ln., Nashville, TN) / Intellectual property and related matters including copyrights, contracts, etc. / Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville / For more information, call (615) 460-8274 or emailCasey Gill Summar at either or / Call (615) 460-8274
Nashville Conflict Resolution Center / Davidson / Contact (615)833-8400 or for details. / Provides mediation services for low income and indigent parties with children going through a divorce or other custody issue, interpretation services for low income and indigent Spanish speaking parties with children going through a divorce or other custody issues. / Nashville Conflict Resolution Center / For more information contact Tamara Losel, Executive Director, at (615)333-8400 or . / For more information contact Tamara Losel, Executive Director, at (615)333-8400 or .
Nashville Dial-A-Lawyer / Davidson / Call (615) 242-9272 between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month / General advice on any legal matter / Nashville Bar Association / Contact Wendy Cozby at (615) 242-9272 or wendy.cozby@ / Wendy Cozby, Nashville Bar Association, (615) 242-9272,
Operation Stand Down / Davidson / Call (615) 248-1981 to schedule an appointment; clinics are on the third Wednesday of each month at 1125 12th Avenue South, Nashville TN 37203 / Help for veterans (employment readiness training, job placement assistance, transitional housing, mail service, clothing, benefit and service coordination) / Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee & the Cumberlands / Contact Lucinda Smith, Director/Volunteer Lawyers Program at or (615) 780-7127 / Call (615) 244-6610 for information
People’s Law School / Davidson / Thursdays (Jan. to April) from 6:00 pm to 7:00 p.m. at Wright
Middle School, 180 McCall St. and at Cohn
Learning Center, 4805 Park Ave. in Nashville / Topics vary; people may register for classes on common civil legal issues / Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands and Nashville Community Education Commission / Contact Jeff Bradford or Caitlin Varley at (615) 515- 4888 or at
/ (615) 298-8050 or go to
Salvation Army Clinic / Davidson / Every other Wednesday beginning January 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Salvation Command Central Office (631 Dickerson Pike in Nashville). / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / Law Office of Kevin A. Moore and the TN Faith & Justice Alliance / Contact Kevin A. Moore at (615) 500-0716 or at / Call (615) 500-0716 or email
Saturday Clinic (Compassionate Counsel) / Davidson / Second Saturday of each month from 9 am until noon at Nashville Rescue Mission (639 Lafayette Street, Nashville, TN 37203). Appointments are required and can be set on the day of the clinic. / General advice on civil matters (housing, benefits, taxes, estate, family, property, landlord/tenant, contract, etc.) / Compassionate Counsel / Contact Nick Tidwell at (615) 370-3010 / Go to www.compassionate for more information and to schedule an appointment
Shade Tree Clinic / Davidson / Shade Tree Health Clinic (1223 Dickerson Pike, Nashville, TN 37207) refers clients to the Legal Aid Society / Civil matters including housing, disability, income support, education and domestic and family law issues / Vanderbilt University, Shade Tree Health Clinic, and the Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands / Contact Wyatt Sassman at or go online to / Contact Wyatt Sassman at or go online to
Sophia’s Heart Legal Clinic / Davidson / Historically held at 1034 Eastland Ave. in Nashville. Call for more information. / Free legal advice to assist families in resolving various civil and criminal issues / Belmont Univ. Legal Aid Society
Dickson County Intake Clinic / Dickson / Historically held at Helping hands (103 Hwy. 13 South, Waverly, TN); call for details / Legal Aid Society staff meets with people to screen for Legal Aid cases and to direct people in need to resources / Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands and TN Alliance for Legal Services / Montgomery county residents call (931) 552-6656 or 1-800-238-1443; residents of other counties call 1-800-342-3317 / Montgomery county residents call (931) 552-6656 or 1-800-238-1443; residents of other counties call 1-800-342-3317