Household Tasks

Most people do not realise what it takes to run a house so below is a basic example of the list of stuff that most people need to do to run a house.

Often one person takes on all of this load without any problem but after some time, it eventually becomes an issue.


1  Look at the list and add any jobs and delete any non relevant jobs. Then adjust items from one area to another that suits where you are at now. IE if you clean your oven more often than once a month, then move this to the correct place.

2  Highlight on the list what you currently do.

3  Highlight what things you think your partner should do but not you

4  Consider what you would consider passing to your partner so it feels more equal

5  Highlight items where standards are higher for one person than the other so this may cause disagreements

6  Highlight items that you would consider paying others to do (wdw cleaner, gardener etc)

General tidying of kitchen after breakfast /lunches etc
General tidying of bits around the house (cups, shoes, books, cushions, bits)
Thinking up evening meal choice
Cooking evening Meal
Clearing up after meal
Putting washing in machine
Getting washing dried
Folding clean clothes and putting away
Emptying kitchen bin
Emptying recycle bin
Wiping Toilet clean
Weekly shop list and top up
Dusting / Polishing downstairs
Hoovering downstairs
Emptying smaller bins around the house
Top up of shopping
Cleaning bathroom floor
Cleaning shower / bath
Cleaning kitchen floor
Ironing own clothes
Ironing for other person
Household paperwork and filing / FORTNIGHTLY
Changing Bedding?
Cutting grass
Shopping list & then doing larger shop ?
Hoovering upstairs
Making list for Monthly Shop then monthly shop
Changing Bedding
Dusting polishing upstairs
Gardenning to make garden nice (flowers etc)
Heavier Gardenning tending
Cleaning car outside
Cleaning car inside
Cleaning Windows outside
Cleaning wdws inside
Monthly/weekly Financial budget planning
Paying bills and other issues related like car tax purchase etc
Thinking about and preparing for extended families birthday cards / presents
Buying family xmas presents
Dishwasher maintenance
Large cleaning of oven
Cleaning wdw frames
Hoovering under sofas