Please note, if you have v9.6a or later installed, and require to generate aB1 with an ARD, earlier than the company’s existing ARD, you will need to carry out the following instructions below.

Instructions for when you are generating a B1 with an earlier made-up-to-date than the Company’s existing ARD and you wish to retain the existing anniversary of its ARD for next year

  1. On Home screen, select Searches
  1. Select Companies
  1. Search and open Company
  1. Ensure Company is in Live Mode
  1. Select Compliance (top tool bar – see screenshot below)

  1. Select Accounts(before producingB1, ensure to check dates are correct (if required to be filed with B1)

7. Select Annual Return, under heading Annual Return, ensure you have completed the dates for fields Last Return | Signed | Filed. You only have to complete the field Next, if the last B1 filed was made-up-to-date earlier than the Company’s existing ARDand you required to retain the anniversary of its existing ARD for this year. (see screenshot below) Otherwise, leave field blank. The same rule applies whereby you have filed a B1 with a B73. In the next field ensure the New Annual Return Date is entered, before generating a B1. Otherwise, leave field blank.

  1. Select Wizards | Annual Return (right of screen – see screenshot below)

  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard / Annual Return, enter today’s date.Select option Do you wish to retain the anniversary of the existing ARD for next year? (see screenshot below)

  1. Select Next
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard / Members Schedule, ensure to select Include Members Schedule (if you require to show the current shareholders for the Company - see screenshot below)

  1. Select Next
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard /Sign and File, if you are e-filing the B1now, enter today’s date in fields Signed On and Filed On

(see screenshot below)

  1. Select Next
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard / Action, under heading Action, ensure to select Validate event, then save as pending

(see screenshot below)

  1. If you are e-filing B1 now, in field Signatory ensure option is unselected for Select signatory for documents and forms (see screenshot above)

Otherwise, ensure to select option Select signatory for documents and forms if there is a requirement to obtain manual signatures before e-filing the B1 at a later stage. Select Next, and at this stage you can select a Director (whom is not appointed as Secretary) to manually sign the form (the system automatically enters the Secretary’s name on the form)

17. Select Next

  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard| Documents select B1 and option Preview all selected documents (see screenshot below)
  1. Select Next
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard /Documents, select B1

(see screenshot below)

  1. Select Next
  1. The following screen should appear (see screenshot below)
  1. On screen Finish, under heading Document/Job select link Company Annual Return (see screenshot above)
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard /Finish, select View
  1. Once the B1 is collated, the following preview screen should appear

(see screenshot below)

  1. Ensure to check all the information is correct and up to date on the B1

(Otherwise, you can close out of the screens and from within the Company, delete the B1 from the Documents/Working Documents, update the necessary amendments and generate a fresh B1 from Pending Events)

27.If the information on the B1 is correct,at this stage you can e-file the form

Instructions for when you are generating a B1 with an earlier made-up-to-date than the Company’s existing ARD and you wish to change the Company’s ARD for next year to the anniversary of its made-up-to-date on the B1 you are generating now

  1. On Home screen, select Searches
  1. Select Companies
  1. Search and open Company
  1. Ensure the Company is in Live Mode
  1. Select Compliance (top tool bar – see screenshot below)
  1. Select Accounts(before producingB1, ensure to check dates are correct (if required to be filed with B1)

34.Select Annual Return, under heading Annual Return, ensure you have completed the dates for fields Last Return | Signed | Filed. You only have to complete the field Next, if the last B1 filed was made-up-to-date earlier than the Company’s existing ARDand you required to retain the anniversary of its existing ARD for this year. (see screenshot below) Otherwise, leave field blank. The same rule applies whereby you have filed a B1 with a B73. In the next field ensure the New Annual Return Date is entered, before generating a B1. Otherwise, leave field blank.

  1. Select Wizards | Annual Return (right of screen – see screenshot below)
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard / Annual Return, in field This Return enter required ARD.Unselect option Do you wish to retain the anniversary of the existing ARD for next year? (see screenshot below)
  1. Select Next
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard / Members Schedule, ensure to select Include Members Schedule (if you require to show the current shareholders for the Company - see screenshot below)
  1. Select Next
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard /Sign and File, if you are e-filing the B1now, enter today’s date in fields Signed On and Filed On

(see screenshot below)

  1. Select Next
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard /Action, under heading Action, ensure to select Validate event, then save as pending

(see screenshot below)

  1. If you are e-filing B1 now, in field Signatory ensure option is unselected for Select signatory for documents and forms (see screenshot above)

Otherwise, ensure to select option Select signatory for documents and forms if there is a requirement to obtain manual signatures before e-filing the B1 at a later stage. Select Next, and at this stage you can select a Director (whom is not appointed as Secretary) to manually sign the form (the system automatically enters the Secretary’s name on the form)

44. Select Next

  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard | Documents, select B1
  1. Select Next
  1. The following screen should appear (see screenshot below)
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard |Finish, under heading Document/Job select link Company Annual Return (see screenshot above)
  1. On screen Annual Return Wizard /Finish, select View
  1. Once the B1 has collated, the following preview screen should appear

(see screenshot below)


  1. Ensure to check all the information is correct and up to date on the B1

(Otherwise, you can close out of the screens and from within the Company, delete the B1 from the Documents/Working Documents, update the necessary amendments and generate a fresh B1 from Pending Events)

52.If the information on the B1 is correct,at this stage you can e-file the form