(Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory)
TNF Partner: / Turkey / Ref.: / TRT-5221- / Date: / 01.03.2007Refers to Call: / FP7-SIS-2007- / Deadline:* / 05.04.2007
information of organization
Name of organization* / TOBIDER Toplum Icin Bilim Dernegi (Association of Science for Society) Izmir - Turkey
Contact details of main researcher* / Contact: Mustafa Uyan () and
Husnu Yardimci ()
Organization official e-mail:
Organization Website:
Telephone: +90 232 486 15 19 Mobile: +90 533 375 19 55
Address:Mansuroglu Mahallesi 289 Sokak No: 4
Korfez Is Hani Kat: 5/505
TR 35030 Bornova IZMIR -TURKEY
Key group researchers and expertise
(name, surname, academic degree) / Mustafa Uyan; B.A. in Business Administration an senior in Chemistry ; Yavuz Cebe, industrial engineer; Ali Rıza Sensoy, industrial engineer; Husnu Yardimci; Business Administration
Organization type*
(tick all that apply) / Public Private Non-profit
Research Education Industry Other ______
Organization Size
(employees) / < 10 10-49 50-99 100-199 200-249 >249
Short description of organization*
(main research activities – no more than 10 lines) / - Ability to transfer social and scientific research results produced by universities and Research Centres and government bodies’ commercial distributors and to the community.
- To make analyses and evaluation on new methodologies
- TOBIDER aims to disseminate scientific knowledge and data produced by Universities and research centres to the society so that increase acceptance and absorption after the public demands
Project type* / Small CPLarge CPNoECSAOther:
(as in the work programmed) / Area Supporting formal and informal science education in schools as well as through science centres and museums and other relevant means
Classification / Topics SiS-2007- - Links between science education and research
Title* / ( MUSECENTURO )Supporting science museums and science centres to support formal and informal science education in schools
(including budget outline) / Teachers need Scientific centres and museums to show the students to deconstruct complex systems into teaching subjects that can be related to basic scientific laws or theories. Moreover, teachers need support in terms of advice, training, and resources needed from upper scientific levels and need to develop skills in communicating to non-specialists including the younger population. Actions is aimed at reinforcing links between schools, universities research organisations, and industry; at reinforcing the connection between science and its development through research; and at highlighting the relevance of science to cultural and societal development. The Project aims construction of Scientific Museums and centres that should officially included in main primary and high school visiting programs to enhance courses they take. Museums can be Paleontological, humanities, history of Science, Physics Science centre, Chemistry Science centre, Geography and astrology centre, Some local Paleontological objects may be displayed with Scientific explanations and/or Modern DVD or DIVX electronic media can be built and presented at selected technically sufficient audio visual centres within a program to invite schools in the vicinity.
Funding Scheme: Co-ordination and support actions (co-ordinating)
Keywords : Lisbon agenda, young people, careers in science, research and technology; scientific literacy formal and informal science education, science centres ,museums
Basic scientific laws or theories. Reinforcing links between schools, universities research organisations, and industry; science at cultural and societal development. Perception of science and how scientific progress arises; science teachers and the scientific community, seminars, workshops and conferences
Key partners already involved
(organization name, type, country, function in the project) / Organisation or donations are not negotiated with potential partners yet.
Target partner(s)*
(type, expertise required, role in the project and geographic location) / American Museum of natural History, near Central Park, New York, ; Field Museum of Natural History , Chicago, Shanghai Museum: British Museum, , various science related museums in Europe NASA Inspired Space Camp in Aegean Free Zone Izmir, Turkey, one of 4 in the World, multivision and /or audio visual electronic scientific education and training government bodies, open university administrators, vocational chambers,
(Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory)
TNF Partner: / Turkey / Ref.: / TRT-522- / Date: / 05.Mar.2007Refers to Call: / FP7-SIS-2007- / Deadline:* / 05.Apr. 2007
information of organization
Name of organization* / TOBIDER Toplum Icin Bilim Dernegi (Association of Science for Society) Izmir - Turkey
Contact details of main researcher* / Contact: Mustafa Uyan () and
Husnu Yardimci ()
Organization official e-mail:
Organization Website:
Telephone: +90 232 486 15 19 Mobile: +90 533 375 19 55
Address:Mansuroglu Mahallesi 289 Sokak No: 4
Korfez Is Hani Kat: 5/505
TR 35030 Bornova IZMIR -TURKEY
Key group researchers and expertise
(name, surname, academic degree) / Prof. Dr. Beno Kuryel, Chemical Engineer; Yavuz Cebe, Industrial Engineer, Prof.Dr. Edip Teker, Business Administration; Ali Riza Sensoy, Industrial Engineer MSc.; Mustafa Uyan; B.A. in Business Administration and Senior in Chemistry ; Husnu Yardimci; Business Administration
Organization type*
(tick all that apply) / Public Private Non-profit
Research Education Industry Other ______
Organization Size
(employees) / < 10 10-49 50-99 100-199 200-249 >249
Short description of organization*
(main research activities – no more than 10 lines) / - Ability to transfer social and scientific research results produced by universities and Research Centres and government bodies’ commercial distributors and to the community.
- To make analyses and evaluation on new methodologies
- TOBIDER aims to disseminate scientific knowledge and data produced by Universities and research centres to the society so that increase acceptance and absorption after the public demands
Project type* / Small CPLarge CPNoECSAOther:
(as in the work programmed) / 5.2.2. Young people and science,
Classification / SİS–2007– - Teaching Methods
Title* / ( MODERN_TEACHER )Receiving advanced teaching methods for primary and high school teachers
(including budget outline) / Teacher training higher education Institutes have been closed down 2 decades ago and a new textbook text has been imposed after the coup of 1980. University graduates have been teachers after minimal formation short courses for 8 months who are actually engineers or unemployed persons. The Turkish University Faculty allocation Exam caused the lowest performing high school graduates enrolling to teacher Education faculties as needed in vast numbers (There are 550 000 elementary and high school teachers employed by the government in Turkey now). These people are from rural areas or slum areas around the cities, and their teacher education and training is incomplete and not Science education or modern education methods are not supported by government (Except furnishing all classes with computers) nor by world successful teachers. Laboratories are always locked and textbooks are often distributed 2-3 months later than school semester beginning dates due bureaucracy. Any Developed European groups to send teaching media, perform seminars for Science or Mathematic or Biology or any other Scientific school course shall be organized with government as government accepts Science based copyright free textbooks and DVDs and DIVX media to be distributed to in Turkish language (Except history textbooks) New technology teaching media is of future interest here. We observe all young people are good players at Computer games at internet cafes. Their achievement can be used to teach them Scientific courses, as biology can be an excellent computer game like school course, Chemistry and Physics, mathematics and Science as well. Cases in Law and criminal situations should be thought at high schools. They are taught from the earliest age. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the development of analytical skills, and on techniques for stimulating intrinsic motivation for learning science. Turkish students are now forced to recite some texts rather than absorbing the context. Context-based learning in which the relevance of science is highlighted and inquiry-based techniques to stimulate the formulation of ideas and their testing through direct experimentation have been shown to be effective in stimulating interest in science but need to be developed and implemented more widely. In a more general context, better links need to be established between the science education research community, curricula developers and practitioners (teachers and educators). Account needs to be taken of the development of key resources, training requirements and the involvement of parents and other relevant actors,
FP7 Capacities Work Programme: Science in Society
Funding Scheme: Co-ordination and support actions (co-ordinating)
Keywords : Lisbon agenda, scientific literacy, teaching methods, context and inquiry-based science teaching techniques; science teachers, new science teaching methods, key science topics, mathematics analytical skills, context-based learning vs. inquiry-based techniques, science education research community, curricula developers and practitioners (teachers and educators).
Key partners already involved
(organization name, type, country, function in the project) / Local primary and high school government controlled official education program helping aids producers, publishers and teachers, text book or DVD writers in Turkey; To obtain a non copyright textbook or teaching media and translate these mainly textbooks and modern electronic media DVD or DIVX to bring the Turkish students at same science level with European same age students Science education textbooks can be European Union policy same text translations
Target partner(s)*
(type, expertise required, role in the project and geographic location) / Local primary and high school government controlled official education program helping aids producers, publishers and teachers, text book or DVD writers in Britain; Non copyright textbook or teaching media suppliers as European education text ( Any patent or copyright older than 20 years can be printed freely without patent or copyright fees, i.e. Education and scientific developments till 1987 are freely available to all teaching aids media) and send 1 DVD or DIVX or CDs to our society for European Union text for Turkish students. Government or local groups planning seminars, workshops, evaluation programs,
(Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory)
TNF Partner: / Turkey / Ref.: / TRT-5121- / Date: / 05.Mar..2007Refers to Call: / FP7-SIS-2007- / Deadline:* / 20 Apr. 2007
information of organization
Name of organization* / TOBIDER Toplum Icin Bilim Dernegi (Association of Science for Society) Izmir - Turkey
Contact details of main researcher* / Contact: Mustafa Uyan () and
Husnu Yardimci ()
Organization official e-mail:
Organization Website:
Telephone: +90 232 486 15 19 Mobile: +90 533 375 19 55
Address:Mansuroglu Mahallesi 289 Sokak No: 4
Korfez Is Hani Kat: 5/505
TR 35030 Bornova IZMIR -TURKEY
Key group researchers and expertise
(name, surname, academic degree) / Dr. Tugrul Sahbaz, Public Health Physician, Mustafa Uyan; B.A. in Business Administration and Senior in Chemistry ; Isik Sahbaz, Food Engineer; Husnu Yardimci; Business Administration
Organization type*
(tick all that apply) / Public Private Non-profit
Research Education Industry Other ______
Organization Size
(employees) / < 10X 10-49 50-99 100-199 200-249 >249
Short description of organization*
(main research activities – no more than 10 lines) / - Ability to transfer social and scientific research results produced by universities and Research Centres and government bodies’ commercial distributors and to the community.
- To make analyses and evaluation on new methodologies
- TOBIDER aims to disseminate scientific knowledge and data produced by Universities and research centres to the society so that increase acceptance and absorption after the public demands
Project type* / Small CPLarge CPNoECSAOther:
(as in the work programmed) / Area Developing governance on science questions
Classification / SIS-2007- CSO capacity building in research
Title* / ( FOODPESTICIMRL ) Food safety, public health and well-being, commercial pesticides and veterinary drugs Maximum Residue Limits.
(including budget outline) / Pesticide Maximum Residue Limits must be met and passed their law on bioterrorism and emphasizing on traceability from the fork to field and H.A.C.C.P. (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ) and keeping daily production log and attributing LOT no to each batch processed and to be indicated on the consumer or catering package in order to identify the problematic LOTs to withdraw from the shelves to be reprocessed or used as animal feed etc.
Keywords : Sustainable development, food safety, public health and well-being, Pesticides, M.R.L. Maximum Residue Limits, cancer, carcinogenic, mutagenic, food poisoning, allergy, allergic asthma, Agricultural chemicals, heavy metals, Lead (Pb), Cadmium(Cd), Arsenic(As), Toxins, aflatoxin, ocratoxin, poisoning through respiratidn, poisoning by dermal contact, liver damage, poisoning by human food consumed, active ingredients, active chemicals;
Key partners already involved
(organization name, type, country, function in the project) / Ministry of Agriculture, Provincial Directorate, Plant protection department, Izmir, Turkey, to obtain EU and USA permitted pesticide Maximum Residue Limits for each human food and animal feed and publish these limits at least annually at their website, and revise each month for intradepartmental use.
Target partner(s)*
(type, expertise required, role in the project and geographic location) / Target partner organisation type(s) sought: University Medical faculties, Public Health Institutes, Government bodies, Federal laboratory directorates, Import laboratory directorates CSO,
Expertise sought at potentially target partner: Being authorized or previous experience on Maximum Residue Limits on food, familiarity to chemistry, food safety, familiarity or having taken seminar on food poisoning, hospital statisticians, pesticide licensing government bodies
Application domains : Government laboratory directorates, Export and Import Customs laboratory Directorates, Public food safety Institute or laboratories, Ministries of Agriculture plant protection directorates, federal or Local government personnel for food analysis. University, Medical faculty public health, hospital statistics
University Lower Danube of Galati, Romania
European Excellence Center for the Environment (ECEE)
Higher Education and Research Institution
> 1200 personnel (for the University)
tel/fax +40 236 319 329
Contact: Lucian P. Georgescu
Filed of Interest
- Energy
- Environment (including Climate Change)
- Coordination of Research Activities
- Health
- Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology
- Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
- Socio-economic sciences and Humanities, Sustainable Development
- environment, sustainable development
- Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways
- Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (environment, sustainable development)
Profile #1313
Profile #1313 - Medical University Vienna - Austria
Date: 2007/03/19
Deadline: 2013/12/31
Medical University Vienna
Contact person
Widhalm, Univ. Prof. Dr. Kurt
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
+43 1 40400 2337
+43 1 40400 2338
Research Organisation & Universities
Is a Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME)? NO
Number of Employees500
Description of research activity:
Lipoprotein Research:
Genotyp/Phenotype association in fam. Hyperchol, ApoB-Def. etc.
Arterial changes in Lipoprotein disorders in children.
comorbidities in obese children/adolescents;
effect of therapies (incl. bariatrics);
dietary effects on lipoproteins, prevention of atherosclerosis and obesity in children.
Former participation in an FP European project? YES
Project title / Acronym:EU-HELENA
Activities performed:: Study of the association between nutrients and development of obesity
Expertise/commitment offered
Keywords specifying the expertise:
childhood obesity center/ center for lipoprotein disorders in children/adolescents and families
Description of the expertise:
Obesity clinic for children and adolescents (diagnosis and therapy)
Center for lipoprotein disorders: molecular diagnosis, dietary, drug treatment; LDL-apheresis
Commitment offered Research,Training
Term commitment:
Long ( > 3 years)
Expected results for your organisation:
increased competence in obesity and lipoprotein research
Profile #1321
Profile #1321 - Medical University Vienna - Austria
Date: 2007/03/21
Deadline: 2039/12/12
Contact Organisation
Medical University Vienna
DepartmentInstitute of Cancer Research
Contact person
Gsur, Dr. Andrea
Borschkegasse 8a
+ 43 1 427765125
Research Organisation & Universities
Is a Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME)? NO
Number of Employees0
Description of research activity:
Molecular epidemiology
We have focused our research on „Molecular epidemiology of colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer
In Austria is a remarkable incline from east to west, with the highest incidence rates of colon cancer in the province Burgenland. In the ongoing project “Molecular epidemiology study of colorectal cancer” more than 3.500 cases and controls were recruited since May 2002 within a large colorectal screening study in Burgenland (“Burgenland gegen Dickdarmkrebs”).
CRC is a multifactorial disease, many factors contribute to its development, including dietary, lifestyle habits and genetic predisposition. Genetics has a key role in predisposition to CRC and its initiation and progression. The role of high penetrance mutations in several genes such as adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and mismatch repair (MMR) in colorectal cancer pathogenesis is well understood and their detection is used in clinical diagnosis. In contrast, the understanding of low penetrance polymorphisms in DNA repair genes is far less advanced. A number of genetic polymorhisms of genes involved in the CRC will be genotyped from the DNA-bank of the 3 500 cases and controls. Candidates genes for CRC association studies are coding for enzymes involved in the metabolic pathway, in methylation, in DNA repair, and in senescence and immortality.
The final aim of the project “Molecular epidemiology of colorectal cancer” is the development of a polygenic model for CRC, incoporating a set of genetic polymorphism, which allows the identification of individuals with high risk, resulting in better preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Early diagnosis of CRC, a disease of old age, is important because the prognosis for patients with CRC is heavily dependent on stage at diagnosis: 5-years survival is over 90% for dukes stage A, but only 5% for duke stage D.