The Monastery Messenger
October 2005
President, Clark Brown Vice-President, Kathy Dove
432 St. Thomas Court460 Gregorian Drive
Treasurer, Ken GriswoldSecretary, Rhonda Minnick
459 St. Thomas Court35 Trappist Walk
At-Large, Chuck Cruea
472 St. Thomas Court
Halloween Parade
It is time once again for the much anticipated Halloween Costume Parade. Bring your little ghouls and goblins to the top of St. Thomas Court(in the circle) at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 30. The parade will proceed with Fire engine escort to Trappist Walk where festivities will include a closer look at the fire engine, a costume contest, treats, and games. Participants can walk, ride bikes, or be pulled in a wagon—whatever is fun for the kids and convenient for mom and dad. Don’t forget to dress in your Halloweenbest!
Block Party 2005
A good time was had by all at our Block Party on Sunday, September 12. Reporting on the afternoon’s
most popular events is HOA Vice-President Kathy Dove:
Bike Decorating Contest:
0-6 years: Alex and Tyler Quedens with their tribute to the Bengals
7+: Tanner and Conner Meyers with their tribute to their father’s election campaign.
Riding Lawn-Mower Race:
Wow – if you weren’t present to see this exciting neighborhood competition, you missed racing at its finest. If you saw Tom Beckstrom flying down Abbott on his way to the race, you got a peek at how exciting the firstever event was.
The first heat matched Jim Schneider, Doug Robinson, and Tom Beckstrom. They raced twice to
confirm the winner and the results were the same both times: Jim was first, Doug was second, and Tom was third.
The second heat was made up of challengers Mike Minnick, Rob Biondo, and Kevin Murrin. Kevin was first across the starting
line by popping a wheelie (yes, on a riding lawnmower), but Mike crossed the finish line first followed by Kevin with
Rob trailing behind.
As soon as Rob finally got across the finish line, the run-off for the gift certificate began between Jim Schneider and Mike Minnick.
The Schneider professional mower proved too much for the Minnick stripped down special – and it kept getting more stripped down
with each race. Unfortunately, Mike’s machine faltered at the starting gate. Jim slowed down to let him catch up but then rumbled down the course and across the finish line to win.Everyone’s already talking about next year, so guys, soup up those mowers and challenge Jim Schneider for the Title of “Fastest Mower in the Monastery.”
Lost and Found
Have you seen your child’s Bicycle Helmet since the block Party? There is still one unclaimed Black Bicycle Helmet. Contact Rhonda Minnick at or at 939-1487 to claim it.
Christmas Lights
On Sunday afternoon, December 4, Christmas lights will go up at the Monastery’s entrance provided there are enough willing hands.Ten or twelve hands work more quickly (and creatively) than two or four! Won’t you take part? Contact Rhonda Minnick at or at 939-1487 to volunteer.
Annual Meeting
New officers will be needed for the HOA board in January. Do you have a knack for Graphic design? You could put together future editions of the Monastery Messenger as our next secretary. Have you ever wondered what becomes of the annual assessments? Wonder no more. Invest a little time tending to the association’s financials as our next Treasurer. Make a difference in 2006 by serving your neighbors. Contact any board Member if interested in these or other positions.
Be sure to attend the 2006 annual meeting in January. Topics discussed directly affect you and your family. Don’t let your interests go unrepresented.
Speaking of making sure that we are well- represented, Election Day is Tuesday, November 8. Let your voice be heard—Vote!
Thanks, Kevin!
The liberty that we enjoy on Election Day and throughout the year is safeguarded by those whostand and serve in the United States Military. “Thank you” to our neighbor Kevin Mullins who recently returned from serving in iraq. Your neighbors are proud of your contribution and glad that you are home safe!
Happy News
Thank you to all who have prayed and expressed concern for the Robertson families during Lori’s illness. Doctors recently gave Lori some very welcome news—her cancer is in remission! Her positive attitude in the face of much uncertainty has been an inspiration to all who know her.
Unless you want a letter . . .
Don’t put garage sale signs in yards
Don’t put racks on trucks
Enough Said.