- HSC SUPPORT FOR SENIOR AND HSC STUDENTS : Practical and Theory Workshop by James Shirlaw.A weekly class led by secondary school art teacher James Shirlaw, focusing on painting, drawing, and studio-based mediums for senior level and HSC students. Bring your practical work in for classroom and one-on-one tuition, plus assistance and guidance with theory tasks and art diary development. Subjects: painting, drawing, mixed media. Printmaking &sculpture by request.
7 sessions of 2 hours on Saturday afternoon 2pm-4pm, starting October 2015. Fee: $270
Dates for 2015-2016:
-Saturday October 31
-Saturday November 14
-Saturday November 28
-Saturday February 20
-Saturday March 12
-Saturday March 26
-Saturday April 9
- CREATIVE ART COURSE with MishkoDesovski Monday 6.30pm-9pm -$320
In this new course of seven weeks, Studentswill be introduced to Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism. Each subject will be explored during two sessions, the last session will be about art criticism and art history. “Art without Philosophy is empty, art without questioning is blind” … During the first two evenings students will learn about the revolutionary points in Cubism through the works of Picasso and Braque, and create their own unique cubist art works. The next two will be about thedream and unconsciousness as valid forms of reality, together with the influence ofrevolutionaryliterature and poetry at the time of Surrealism. Attention is paid to students’ initiative and imaginative potential. The following two sessions on Abstract Expressionism are designed to challenge students idea about abstract art by familiarizing themselves with the formal characteristic of creating an abstract work of art, they will look at masters like Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko etc… Classes will be held every Monday from 6.30pm to 9pm from Monday 19th October. Fee: $320Ring 9387 2461 for further information or to register your interest.
- Introducing Tutor Jock Alexander in two new classes:
Luminosity in Watercolour – Wednesday 1pm-4pm - $320
Revealing the technical means of rendering sublte and beautiful effects in watercolour.
Inspired by the works of JMW Turner, JJ Hilder, and Blamire Young, in this step-by-step series of demonstrations and exercises we'll be covering the basic tools, and the technical means, of creating subtle and beautiful effects in watercolour.
Essentials of Drawing - Wednesday, 6.30pm to 9.00pm- $320
Join us on this journey to technical competency and creative freedom.
Humans have always created hand-made images of our physical world. The more visually articulate we are, the clearer is our individual expression. Over millennia we have developed a universal visual language, and its essence is in representational drawing.
Finally…Reintroducing Juliet Holmes a Court “Figurative to Abstract” a short 6 weeks painting course for expression, starting soon. Please register your interest, dates and times supplied at a later date.