Clerk to the Council: Belinda Irons, 14 Crawley End, Chrishall. SG8 8QL
Tel: 01763-838732 e-mail:
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Standon Parish Council to be held on Thursday 27th July 2017 at 7.30pm in Standon & Puckeridge Community Centre, Station Road, Puckeridge, to transact the business shown in the Agenda below. Public and press are invited to attend.
Signed: Belinda Irons dated 10/7/17
Procedural Items
17.149 Councillor apologies for absence
17.150 Other Councillor absences:
17.151 Declaration of Members’ Interests (pecuniary/non-pecuniary) for this meeting:
17.152 Minutes of Previous Parish Council Meeting: 22nd June 2017.
17.153 Co-option of new Councillor
17.154 Public comment or representation:
In accordance with Standing Order 1, members of the public present at the meeting are permitted to make representations and give evidence in respect of any item included in this agenda. This section shall not exceed 20 minutes. Each person may speak once only for no longer than three minutes. All comments must be directed to the Chairman
Meeting to be resumed for
17.155 Urgent matters not listed anywhere else on the agenda (for inclusion on the next agenda for full discussion):
17.156 PCSO Clark report
PCSO service level agreement:
PROPOSAL: That Standon Parish Council herewith agree to fund the PCSO service level agreement to 31st March 2018 in the sum of £14,250.
17.157 County Councillors Report
17.158 District Councillors Reports
Business Items:
17.159 Neighbourhood Plan: update
17.160 Legal updates:
Sheds on The Moors: information supplied to Solicitor.
17.161 Parish Council Buildings:
Standon & Puckeridge Community Centre:
Community Centre: proposed extension: discussion/ decision
Community Centre: height barrier update
Standon Village Hall: water leak in access road
Community Care Taker: discussion
17.162 Memorial Field: removal/ resiting of fence and gate behind the sports storage building.
17.163 A120: public consultation response
17.164 Planning Matters:
Planning applications
3/17/1637/ODPN / Kings Yard, Skeleton GreenPrior approval for a proposed change of use of the existing office building to a single residential dwelling
3/17/1636/SDDPN / Kings Yard, Skeleton Green
Prior approval for change of use of the existing warehouse building to a single residential dwelling
Planning application / Wickham Hill Farm Nursery, Wickham Hill
Erection of 5 stables, tack room, hay barn and 20m x 40m menage
Planning application / 8 Sadlier Road, Standon
Two storey side and single storey front and rear extensions following demolition of side annexe. Revision to previously consented proposal 3/16/0001/HH
Planning application / 17 Vicarage Close, Standon
Demolition of conservatory. Insertion of 2 x dormer windows at front and rear and erection of single storey rear extension
Planning application / Little Gosfield, Cambridge Road, Puckeridge
Revised scheme for 2 storey extension to rear, open porch to front and raising roof to create first floor level.
Planning application / 68 Batchelors, Puckeridge
2 storey front and part two storey, part single storey rear extension
Planning application / 4 Tollsworth Way, Puckeridge
Single/two storey side extension incorporating garage with accommodation over.
Planning decisions:
3/17/0767/HHPermission granted / 42 South Road, Puckeridge
Part 2 storey side extension, part 1st floor side extension, with 2 storey and single storey rear extension
Outline planning application: decision awaited / Western Part Of Cafe Field Old Standon Hill Puckeridge
Outline application for up to 93 dwellings and associated public open space,
with all matters reserved except for access: This application will be taken to the full Parish Council meeting on the 25th May
Permission refused / 1 Bromley Hall Cottages, Bromley Lane, Standon
1st floor rear extension
Decision awaited / Little Quakers, Ermine Street, Colliers End
Insertion of three velux windows
Decision awaited / Cotta, Hadham Road, Standon
Raising roof to provide 1st floor accommodation to existing bungalow and demolition and alterations of existing ground floor.
Decision awaited / Black Grove Woods, north of Standon Green End Farm, Standon Green End
Temporary change of use of land for 4 years from the date of the application. Erection of yurt and two sheds for use as a temporary dwelling while farming the agricultural land and managing the woodland – retrospective application.
Decision awaited / Little Gosfield, Cambridge Road, Puckeridge
Revised scheme: 2 storey rear extension, open porch to front and raise roof to create 1st floor level.
Scoping Option / Stansted Airport
Scoping Option under Town and Country Planning Act (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017: proposed increase in annual passenger numbers to 44.5 million
Decision awaited / Land To North Of Barnacres Ermine Street Colliers End
Erection of 3no. dwellings, 2 no. 2 bedroomed dwellings and 1 no. 3
bedroomed dwelling with associated parking
Decision awaited / Hill Farm Nursery, Old Hall Green
Replacement garage/workshop
3/17/1461/TEL / Corner of Barwick Lane and Kents Lane, Standon
Installation of a 17.5m slimline monopole, supporting 3 antennas, 2 dishes and the installation of 2 cabinets. The monopole also has a lamp arm and luminaire at 10m: Objection: need to find the correct site and position to enable full coverage
Listed building decision awaited / 8 High Street, Puckeridge
Insertion of 6 roof lights to rear: no objection
Decision awaited / The Conifers, Hill Farm. Old Hall Green
Two storey front/rear extensions, single storey rear and side extensions, raised roof to facilitate loft conversion, new front and rear dormer windows and first floor flank windows: objection: excessive development, more than 33.3% increase on original built footprint
Cafe Field update
17.165 Finance: Itemised Payments will be shown on a separate Appendix
Finance Summary: Balance Brought Forward: £168,432.26 Plus Income: £0.00
Less June Payments £5,448.05
Total available to Council £162,984.41
Unity Bank: update on progress, policy and procedures
Workplace Pension: in place and operational
Audit: documents sent to BDO LLP 26th June 2017
Successful working relationships: £195: Clerk request to attend:
Braughing, Chrishall, & Thundridge to pay equally.
17.166 Assets of Community Value
Colliers End Village Hall: meeting
17.167 Members Portfolio Updates: individual Councillors
Cllr Boxall
Clerk’s office
Cllr Hall
Installation of Defibrillators
Cllrs Marshall & Hall
Community Centre: update
Tennis Club licence
Cllrs Marshall & Crook
Standon Village Hall: update
Cllr Cowell
Footway Lighting: Wellpond Green light damaged & update
Cambridge Road: footway lighting and S106 funding
Cllr Foot
Allotments: clearance of rubbish: update from the Police
Footways & overgrown hedges
17.168 Clerk’s updates
Tree management: Park Lane fire damaged tree & other tree management
Licences: Bowls Club licence
LED street lighting Park Lane: 2 emails sent
Burrs Meadow: hedge cutting
White Hart, Puckeridge: overgrown vegetation & request for dog bin
17.169 Correspondence
Mr D Olliver: Standon Village Hall: water leak in main pipe
Ms Mann Parking issues: Britannia
EHDC Neighbourhood Plan SEA update
Herts PCC Change of Governance: Fire & Police
PCSO agreemend
Came & Co AED Colliers End: box added to policy
Mrs M Lewis Request for dog bin: road behind White Hart & overgrown vegetation complaint
Broadmead Leisure play equipment repairs schedule
17.170 Items for future agenda:
Meeting to be suspended for
17.171 Adjournment for Public Discussion: limited to 15 minutes
Meeting to be resumed
17.172 Dates of Next Meetings:
Parish Council:
27th July 28th September 26th October 23rd November
8th August 12th September 10th October 14th November
12th December
12th September 14th November: budget and precept