Sample Resume of a Candidate for Seasonal Employment in Hospitality Industry. (Housekeeping.)
PERSONAL INFORMATIONFirst, last name: / Maria, L / Country: / Russia / Native language: / Russian
Gender: / Female Male / Date of birth. Month: / January February March April May June July August September October November December / Day: / 19 / Year: / 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974
Home mailing address: / Russia
Home phone number:
(country code - city code - number) / 7777777777 / Mobile Phone / 777777777
E-mail: / / How often you check e-mail: / Every day Once a week Once a month
Height (ft, in): / 5, 6 / Weight (lbs): / 113
Size of t-shirt: / small medium large extra-large / Size of trousers: / small medium large extra-large
Educational Institution: / Tambov State Technical University
Field of study: / Economics and management / How many years will you complete next summer: / 1 2 3 4 5 6
Date you plan to arrive to USA: / 21.05.07 / Latest date you can return: / 30.08.07
Computer experience: / Beginner Average user Professional / Driving experience: / No Small experience Good driver
Swimming ability / Can not swim Average level Professional / Do you smoke? / No Rarely Quite often
Your interests/hobbies/skills:
(cooking, cleaning, gardening, playing piano, carpentry, sports, animals, etc – be detailed) / Fitness, skating, animals, computer, dancing, cleaning
Speak English: / Beginner Average Professional / Written English: / Beginner Average Professional / Listen English: / Beginner Average Professional
What other commonly used languages do you know: / Russian
Indicate following information about each employer or work experience you have:
Name of the company, period (mm/yyyy-mm/yyyy):
Your position and responsibilities:
Please give a detailed review of your previous working history. It is very important to know what duties you can take up. List every experience you have (no matter – paid, volunteer or work done at home). / Open company "Whirlwind", 06/2005: seller-adviser (I sold a very good range of cosmetics and helped clients to choose from it);
Open company "Ecoproduct", 07/2005-08/2005: secretary (I worked on a computer, made schedules of sales of the products and answered the telephone);
Café "Pizza Land", 06/2006-08/2006: waitress (I took orders, served clients and recommended them dishes).