Rosamond Elementary School Community Council
October 9, 2014 at 5pm
Wendy OsbornAlex Quaysan-SackeyKris Kimball
Dave ColemanSue RedingtonAllyson Vietti
Mike LaBountyMelinda Van KomenColleen Wheeler
Rebecca Burton
Susan Pulsipher
Absent: Donna Semadeni
- review how many members are licensed employees of JSD
- elect chair and vice chair
- set meetings for remainder of the year
- adopt rules of order and procedure to govern the council meetings
- enter council members and meeting info on school website before 10/20
- review documents at
- approve minutes from meeting on May 8, 2014
School Land Trust Budget
- 2013-14 Final Report of the School LAND Trust Program Plan implementation
- recap of approved plan for 2014-15
- recap: goals included reading, math, computer lab, supporting PLCs
- review proposed adjustments and vote
- looking ahead to plan for 2015-16 -- student numbers are down to 714
Other Business
- review amount in fundraising budget, assign committee for expenditures
- report on fundraiser for 2014-15
- legislative update
- miscellaneous -- science, Leader in Me, busing, safe walking route
The meeting minutes from May 8, 2014 were read and accepted with one correction (Rebecca Burton’s name was incorrect).
The chair asked if any parent members are licensed employees of JSD? NO
We held an officers’ election: Wendy Osborn was selected as chair, Melinda Van Komen as vice chair, Sue Redington as scribe.
We discussed and adopted a modified version of Roberts Rules of Order as rules of order and procedure to govern council meetings.
Council members were asked to list a phone number and email address to publish on the school website.
Colleen reviewed the 2014-15 budget and explained two line items that are no longer relevant. We had allotted funds for a math aide and for aides to implement the Meet the Masters program during PLCs (a total of about $15,800). JSD is now paying for the aides during PLC time. Colleen proposed that we reallocate those funds to pay for four additional aides. These aides would be utilized to assign one aid per grade level to assist with RTIs, and some supervision during lunch and recess. The two aides currently assigned as playground aides would be re-assigned so there would be one full aide per grade level. The SCC discussed this idea at great length, with enthusiastic input from Alyson and Kris, and determined that this change would be in keeping with the goals of the original plan. It was put to a vote and approved unanimously. Colleen passed around a signature sheet and explained the process to get the plan amended.
The SCC discussed the history of fundraising at Rosamond, and noted that the Roadrunner Rally fundraiser that day had been a lot of fun. The consensus seemed to be that the SCC would not, under any circumstance, hold a fundraiser this year but instead allow the Roadrunner Rally to be the only fundraiser and become an annual tradition.
We also looked at the current amount amount of $12,700 in the SCC fundraising budget. We anticipate adding to this total from the Roadrunner Rally proceeds. Wendy, Mike and Alyson formed a sub-committee to research and present ideas on purchasing items to enhance the exterior of the building. Colleen will compile a list of items the SCC could agree to fund to support Leader In Me year to year. Rebecca will put together a menu of items the SCC could purchase to support the science kits she has been working on.
Meetings were set for remainder of year: December 11 at 4:45, February 19 at 5pm, March 26 at 5pm
Other Business
Susan Pulsipher from the Jordan District School Board discussed funding and legislation impacting JSD. She also answered some questions about the upcoming elections.
Next Meeting
Thursday, December 11 at 4:45pm
Next Meeting Agenda Items
- review SAGE testing scores
- anecdotal evidence of success with new grade-level aides, number of students in each grade
- Leader In Me
- begin work on 2015-16 School Land Trust Plan
- safe walking route
/ Meeting Agenda
Rosamond Elementary School Community Council
December 11, 2014 at 4:45pm
- review minutes from October 9, 2014
- review recently released SAGE testing scores
School Land Trust Budget
- recap of approved plan for 2014-15
- recap: goals included reading, math, computer lab, supporting PLCs
- review progress of approved update (anecdotal evidence)
- begin discussion of 2015-16 goals and priorities
Other Business
- review amount in fundraising budget
- report from assigned committees for expenditure ideas
- report on fundraiser for 2014-15
- legislative update
- miscellaneous -- science, Leader in Me, safe walking route