The Shift Supervisorwill assist the counsellors to produce excellent quality services to clients. The Shift Supervisor will participate in the organisation’s counselling services’ shift supervision roster, The Shift Supervisor will direct the work of counsellors on shift, ensure equitable distribution of workload, provide advice on clinical quality, assist the organisation to fulfil duty of care and mandatory reporting requirements, and respond effectively to vicarious trauma experienced by frontline staff.

The Shift Supervisor is a member of the Clinical leadership team.


Team:Clinical Service

Position reporting to:Counselling Services Manager

Positions reporting to this position:Telephone, Online and Face to Face Counsellors


Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia is committed to upholding the rights of all women to live in a socially just and equitable society and the right of all people to live free of violence. The organisationprovides services nationally and internationally in the area of sexual assault, domestic and family violence.

The organisation works with all stakeholders and in accordance with its vision, mission, principles and goals.


The Shift Supervisorwill:

  • Participate in the organisation’s shift supervision roster, providingexcellent quality clinical and processguidance to counsellors,
  • Contribute to the Counselling Service’s quality assurance and quality improvement processes
  • Provide early interventions to counsellors experiencing vicarious trauma
  • Assist the Counselling Services Manager in the development and review ofcounselling servicespolicy.
  • Ensure timely and appropriate advice is provided to Supervisors in relation to counsellor performance.
  • Assist in the flow of information and communication in relation to the counselling service.
  • Manage the organisation’s intake process for all face to face counselling services including developingindividual therapeutic plans for clients who are on waitlists
  • Comply with the administrative requirements of the organisation.
  • Comply with the organisation’sperformance appraisal policy and procedure and participate in any ensuing professional development and training.
  • Ensure that work is carried out with a high standard of professionalism, efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy: that timeframes are met; and that data integrity and security are maintained at all times.
  • Ensure work practices are ethical, and comply with the Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia Code of Ethics.


  • Shift Supervisors must maintain up to date knowledge of best practice interventions relating to the treatment of trauma and vicarious trauma and provide quality guidance to a team of counsellors with varied qualifications and experience.
  • Maintain up to date knowledge of effective management of risk of harm situations according to legislation across all states and territories of Australia.


As an experienced counselling practitioner, theShift Supervisorwill make operational decisions regarding the Service’s mandatory reporting responsibilities, ethical and effective interventions for clients and effective early intervention supports for counsellors experiencing vicarious trauma. She will also assist with decisions relating to management of work load, fitness to remain on shift and the need for overtime to complete work tasks. The Shift Supervisor will oversee the implementation of clients’ therapeutic plans andthe Service’s participation in, and contribution to clinical care networking for clients.


Within Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia, the Shift Supervisorliaises with the Counselling Services Manager, Supervisors, Service Manager and the Counsellors. When liaising with staff of other agencies, the Shift Supervisor will represent Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia in a collaborative and professional manner.


The Shift Supervisor will demonstrate the following positive workplace attitudes:

  • a constructive and pro active approach to work practices and tasks,
  • not participate in conversations which undermine the organisation or individuals within the organisation,
  • embracement of workplace diversity and difference,
  • willingness to learn,
  • commitment to upholding the rights of others,
  • recognition of shared responsibilities,
  • using reflective practices, and taking personal responsibility for contributing to workplace problem solving,
  • understand that each worker is a part of the whole and that all positions and roles contribute equal value to the organisation’s overall aim of providing high quality service provision.



  • Commitment to and understanding of the provision of best practice evidence based counselling services.
  • Commitment to and understanding of the provision of services from a feminist perspective.
  • Detailed understanding of the causes and consequences of sexual, domestic and family violence.

Capacity to provide clinical direction to staff

Robust understanding of risk of harm assessment and intervention processes

Understanding of mandatory reporting legislation across all states of Australia

Knowledge of human resource management

Experience in therapeutic planning,

Possession of well developed conceptual and problem solving skills,

Proven ability to meet deadlines.

  • Tertiary qualifications in psychology, social work or counselling.
  • Minimum five years counselling experience.
  • Sound communication, documentation and computer skills.


  • Demonstrated ability in working cross-culturally.
  • Experience in community or Women’s Health sector.
  • Demonstrated abilityto meet complex client needs.
  • Understanding of effective processes for managing vicarious trauma.

Sighted and agreed to by Shift Supervisor




Current as at: / April 2014
Review due: / April 2016
Consultation by: / Shift Supervisor, Clinical Director
Approval by: / Executive Officer

4.3.6 Position Description – Level 3 Shift SupervisorPage 1 of 3

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